August 1st 11:07 A.m. Kalahari Resort Royal Hospitality Suite

"Is he really?!"

"Yeah, but what should I do, I mean, I love him but I can't just let him leave, can I?"

"Hunny, this man has given you everything. If it's not obvious that he loves you, well, I think you have some issues. It's obvious he cares for you and only you. It has been, what, 5 years since you've seen each other and he still can't get over that fact that he has you once again."

"I know, but it's all just happening so fast. I mean, he wants me to move in with him, it's crazy."

"No, it's romantic. You know just as well as me that basketball is his life. He's giving that up for you. It's hands down the most romantic thing I have ever heard of that didn't come out of a movie! If I can say that, well, you know that this is big."

Taylor laughed and smiled big. "I know, it's still just happening so fast. I mean, what if things don't work out? What if he's better off playing basketball than being with me?"

I looked Taylor in the eyes and sighed with a small smile. "Trust me, I know better than anyone that he will make this work. It's still crazy seeing him like this, I mean, he's never been the type of guy to fall this hard for a girl, but he loves you."

Taylor smiled again and sat down on one of the couches in the large suite. I followed her and took a seat next to her. "He does love me."

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, he loves you so don't worry about it. I know that everything is going to be just fine."

She smiled big. "You think so?"

I shook my head. "I know so."

She smiled even bigger, if that was possible, and threw her arms around me in a giant hug. "Thank you so much Troy. I really needed to talk to someone and you were hands down my best pick."

I chuckled and pulled out of the hug. "I'm still a little confused on why you picked me over Gabriella, but I guess that's o.k."

She giggled and stood up heading towards the room doors. I followed and grabbed the towels that were set on the dining room table.

"Who better than Troy Bolton to praise his best friend?"

I smiled and followed her out of the room, making sure at least one of us had a room key. "Good point."

11:07 A.m. Kalahari Indoor Waterpark

"Mommy! Watch this!" Belle sat at the top of an elephant shaped slide waving vigorously, her Winnie the Pooh floaties flapping on each arm. I smiled at her and watched as she studied the whole 2 feet down. After a good second or so, she pushed off and slid down into the water.

"Good Job Bellesters!" Chad cheered as she stood up and waved at him.

I turned to face him and smiled. He seemed in a rather good mood today, not that it was odd to see him in a good mood. This good mood was one that meant he was happy and excited, and nervous about something. I couldn't help but pry.

"What's up Chad?"

He turned, confusion written all over his face. "Huh?"

I smiled and turned to face him. "Something's up, you should just tell me what it is."

I turned my head to make sure Belle was still in my sight before turning back to Chad, still awaiting an answer.

"Uh I have no idea what you're talking about." His huge smile gave him away.

"It's about Taylor isn't it." It wasn't a question.

His smile grew, if that was possible, before turning back to look at Belle. "Maybe."

This time I smiled. "Just tell me."

He shook his head, the smile still there. "I can't."

My mouth dropped open. "What! Why?"

He laughed and turned back to me. "Gabs, you're awesome."

I crossed my arms playfully. "Don't try and change the subject." I popped out my lower lip. "Please tell me?" I tried to sound as pathetic as possible.

It didn't work.

He laughed again. "I can't."

"You can't what?"

We both turned to see Taylor heading right towards us.

I scoffed. "I don't know. Chad here won't tell me." I playfully slapped his arm. He laughed.

"You'll all know in time."

I rolled my eyes in defeat. Taylor laughed. I looked back at where Taylor had just come and frowned. "Where's Troy?"

Taylor looked where I had and also frowned. "I don't know. He was right behind me, I swear."

I shrugged and looked back to see where Belle was. There's a giant water playground, perfect for kids to be able to run around and use up all their energy before nap time and bed time. These people are geniuses. Belle was happily at the top, reaching as high as she could to grab one of the water guns and soak the enemy down below.

There seemed to be actual teams; a group of girls, maybe 9 or 10, against a group of boys, 13-15. One of the girls stood behind Belle and lifted her up. Belle cheered and grabbed the water gun, attempting to soak the boys. She laughed when one of her attempts landed her a facial attack on an innocent boy. The boy looked up in shock, smiled at Belle before falling to his "Death". I giggled.

"Pease tell me that boy is not flirting with my daughter," A husky voice whispered into my ear accompanied by two strong arms wrapping around my waist.

I smiled, knowing exactly who it was even without the mentioning of his daughter, and rested my head against his now that his chin was resting on my shoulder. There's something about his smell that gives him away. He could be 10 feet away and I could smell him. It's not a bad smell, and it's not cologne or anything like that. It's simply and truly Troy. All species must have a way of finding their soul mate. Emperor Penguins find each other with a special song, and I find found my Troy with my sense of smell.

I giggled. "I think he is. Maybe you should go and have a talk with a possible future son-in-law."

I wish I could have seen his face, but I could only guess he was frowning. "She's only 4! And even with that, he's probably, what? 14 years old? 15 years old? That's a whole 10 years! He'll be 28 when she's 18! Unacceptable!"

Taylor and I laughed. I turned to look him right in the eyes. I was right, he was disgusted, and a little bothered. "I was kidding babe."

"I should hope so. She's not even allowed to even think about boys till she's at least 20! If even! 30 if I can! Well, maybe she could think about boys when she's maybe 17, but…"

I cut him off by leaning over and kissing him, taking in the calming smell. He immediately shut up and kissed me back. I snaked my arms around his neck, loving the feeling if his lips against mine. Shutting him up had been my mission, but now I just wanted to keep kissing him. Things have been getting a little tense between us with the move coming up and basketball season just around the corner. I've missed kissing him to simply make out with him. Something I took advantage of when we were in high school. Who knew that one day our kisses would just be quick pecks to last for a week? Or more?

"A hem!" I went to pull away, but Troy beat me to it. He quickly pulled away, flipped Chad the bird then went right back to kissing me. We had to stop again when I had to laugh.

"Thanks a lot man!" Troy whined. "We haven't kissed like that in ages!"

I giggled again, though this time it was because Belle had wandered over to us and was staring at Troy and I like we were the most disgusting thing she had ever seen.

"Big Blue? What doing to Mommy?" She asked cautiously. Not curiously, cautiously.

I frowned and looked up at Troy. He may not have been saying anything but her calling him Big Blue again has caused him a little stress. I wish I knew what was going on in that little head of hers, but she's been acting as though Troy isn't her father at all. Lately, when she's been having those nightmares again, she doesn't even want to look at Troy. One night she woke up just screaming in terror. Troy was the first one out of the bed, running to her room, me close behind. The second he had the door to her room open she screamed bloody murder for him to get away. He froze in the doorway leaving me to grab her and calm her down. She refused to calm down unless Troy was out of her sight. That was two weeks ago.

"I'm just checking to make sure mommies lips are ok." Troy leaned down and gave me one last quick kiss, one I could tell we were far from over with. "See, she's perfect."

Belle eyed him with disapproval for a while. Troy looked at me, his smile slowly fading before looking back down at Belle. Belle's face had an expression of anger, fear, and confusion. I could tell that Troy saw it too.

"Troy no check mommies lips."She crossed her arms and stared at Troy, anger in her little blue eyes.

Troy just stood there. He blinked a couple times, opened his mouth to say something then changed his mind. This was the 5th time in a row that she called him that.

I have had enough. Troy looked as if his heart had just been ripped out of his chest and she just stood there like she didn't care. Sure she's four, but she needs to understand that Troy is her father and that it is NOT ok to call him Troy.

"Belle, enough!" I scolded. I bent down in front of her and grabbed her arms, forcing her to look in my eyes, though she already was. I was careful to not hurt her, but I wanted to get my point across.

"Daddy! Call him daddy! He is your daddy, so call him that!"

Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at me. I wish I knew what was going on in that little head of hers. What was so horrible that she stopped calling him Daddy?

She tried to pull away from me, but I only held on tighter.

"Brie, stop." I could feel Troy's hand on my shoulder.

I turned to look up at him. He was still heartbroken, but there was some worry in his eyes. "No, she needs to understand!"

I turned back to Belle. "Daddy. He is daddy!"

Belle busted into tears. She ripped her arms out of my grip and ran. I jumped up to try and catch her.

"No, we'll get her." Both Taylor and Chad turned and ran off after her. I can't believe my friends have to run after my own daughter because I yelled at her like that. Never has she ever ran from me either. My breathing started to slow as I watched Belle disappear around a slippery corner, Chad and Taylor close on her heels. I didn't want to be that harsh, but I wanted to still be harsh. Standing up, I turned to face Troy. He was worried, probably for the both of us. I've never yelled at Belle like that before. I hate it. I never want to have to do that again.

Troy took a step towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

She has no idea how lucky she is that her father is a part of her life. She needs to cherish every moment she has with him, not hate him for god only knows why. Something is going on with her and I need to know what.

"Shh, baby it's o.k. Shhh."

I could feel Troy's hands rubbing my back. It was only then that I realized I was crying. The realization of me yelling at Belle, seeing Troy's face when she called him Troy. The night she screamed for him to get away. It's all just too much to handle. We're going to move out to L.A. in a few days. We're a family, a family that just got started and is starting to fall apart. It doesn't make any sense.

I took Belle away from him. I took myself away from him and this is what he gets in return? A daughter who refuses to call him daddy? This is my fault. This is all my fault. I should have never ran away from him. I should have stayed in the one place I always felt the safest. With Troy. I removed myself from my safe place and now things are a catastrophe.

"No, it's not your fault."

Was I talking out loud?

"Do not blame yourself. Please don't blame yourself. It's hard enough with Belle. Don't make me have to worry about you even more than I already do."

I held on to him tighter. "I love you. Know that. I love you so much."

He squeezed me tighter to his body, placing a kiss in my hair. "I know. I know. I love you too, Brie. More than you know."

We just stood there; Troy holding me as I continued to cry. It's sort of messed up. He's the one getting his heart ripped out and I'm the one crying. I should be the one holding him while he cries. All the more reason why I love this man.

"She hates me and I don't know why." I just happened to catch the crack in his voice as he said the words. 'She hates me'. She doesn't hate him, she can't hate him. I won't allow it. "What am I gonna do Brie? What can I do?"

What can he do? She wants nothing to do with him, that much is clear, but why? Why would a girl who feel in love with this man after seeing him for 2 minutes hate him so much right now? She LOVED Troy! She loved him so much I found myself even growing jealous. She used to be all mine until Troy showed up in our lives again. I wanted her back, but now that I do, I want him to have her again. He used to be so happy, so full of life, and now Belle has taken that away.

"Just love her. That's all you can do. Love her and she'll come back to you. I know she will." I put all of my hope and energy into those words. He has to see hope or I don't know what could happen. He's fallen deeply for this girl and needs her in his life just as much as he needs air to breath.

"I hope you're right, Brie. God I hope you're right."

August 1st 8:21 P.M. Fields Premier Stake House

Don't look at her. Just don't look at her. Whatever you do don't look at her or you will see those eyes. She will murder you with those eyes. You are a fucking idiot who has a bad way with words. Tonight is your friends night and whatever you do you cannot ruin his night. Fuck I'm an idiot!

I swear sweat was dripping down my neck as Brie, Belle and I made our way through the entrance doors to the restaurant. Fields Premier Stake House. Wisconsin Dell's high end restaurant Celebrities, like Chad and I, could mark on a 'Restaurant To Die For' list, if there was such a thing.

Brie and I had gotten in another argument just before leaving her place and I said some things that I probably shouldn't have. I have been having problems with that lately. I just have to get the last word and I just have to be the one whose always right. I knew for a fact that Brie was right when she said we had to be here at 7:30, but I could have sworn Chad had said 8:30 so I refused to get in the shower until 7:45. When I got out, Chad had called me 12 times wondering where the hell we were. I haven't even said I'm sorry yet, mostly for pride reasons, and my male ego. I could have sworn Chad had said 8:30, but I was wrong. Brie was right, as usual.

Without even looking at her I could tell she was pissed. If there's one thing Brie is good at, it's being on time. She HATES being late to things and the fact that we're an hour late for Chad and Taylor's dinner- the dinner he specifically told me he'd kill me if I wasn't here for- has thrown her to her limits with me. I had defused a lot of our anger earlier today, but Belle has been causing a lot of stress too, for Brie at least.

Belle isn't even looking at me, which lately isn't new. Belle, Sharpay and Nicky were all invited to come. It's kind of a good thing since this is the last night Brie, Belle and I will be spending in Wisconsin. Tomorrow night we will be in my pent house back in L.A. To say I'm excited is an over statement. I'm afraid leaving Wisconsin is going to ruin things even more with Belle, but Brie keeps telling me it won't.

Just love her. Love her and she'll come back to you.

God I hope Brie's right. I never knew having your daughter hate you could hurt so much. It's the worst feeling in the world when your daughter looks you in the eyes and says 'I hate you'. 'I hate you'. Who ever came up with that statement should be ashamed of themselves. I've never hated a statement so much in my entire life. I never want to hear Belle say that ever again.

I threw on a fake smile as we approached the hostess desk. The password. What was the password?? A HA! "Sasquatch will live forever." The lady at the desk looked at me slightly confused. "Unless of course Spiderman, Superman and, umm, Batman band together and Take. Him. OUT!" Leave it to Chad to have the most outrageous password. Anyone could say they were with Chad Danforth's party, but they don't know the ridiculous password.

Finally, the lady smiled big and grabbed two adult menus and a kids menu. "Right this way."

"Thank you." I flashed a charming smile at Brie, only to receive a scowl in return. Quickly, I turned away and shook my head. I must spend the rest of this night coming up with the perfect apology, I just don't know what it is yet. I can say, though, that sex is out of the question. Damn!

The waitress led us up a small walkway towards their group rooms. Not many people were in the restaurant at this time, but every single man in the room had their heads turned towards me with 'holy shit' written all over their expressions. I'm not a self centered person, but you can never get sick of seeing expressions like this, especially when it takes up an entire restaurant. You have to find funny in something in this business!

"It's about fucking time! Where the hell have you been!" Chad shouted as we stepped into the room. The waitress seemed embarrassed to be in the room.

I tried to comfort her. Leaning over, I whispered into her ear. "I'm sorry. He's just a little stressed out."

She nodded politely before helping Brie and Belle into their respective seats. I didn't want Chad or Taylor to know that Brie and I were fighting, sort of, so I cautiously sat down next to her, opposite of Belle of course. Brie didn't say a word. I'm surprised Belle didn't flip out. She hates it when I'm this close to her.

"I'm so sorry Chad, lunk head basketball boy doesn't know how to listen." Brie, still not looking at me, apologized for being late. "I keep telling him to buy a watch." I inwardly smacked myself. I should have apologized first! Shit!

"Boy's, their late for everything." Taylor chimed in. I looked over at Chad for some help, but it looked like he wasn't even going to touch that statement with a ten foot pole. I'm already on thin ice so I wasn't saying anything, yet. At least she didn't call me Bolton this time.

"When will they ever learn?!" Finally Brie glared at me. I think I combusted in my chair, turning into ash at her hot stare. I'll have to remind myself to look for my balls when I get back to her apartment for they have definitely disappeared. This is going to be a long ass night!

----- ------ ------

Appetizers, dinner, desert and everything went fairly well all night. Brie finally started talking to me again during dinner and Belle spoke to me during desert. She even called me daddy. The smile on my face hasn't left since. I hadn't heard her say those words in ages, at least that's what it's felt like.

It's nice to see everybody together like this. Chad, Taylor, Brie, Belle, Nicky, Sharpay and I. We're like a family just not related. Even Sharpay and Nicky fit in perfect. Sharpay helped me through loosing Brie and Nicky helped Brie with Belle while I was out of the picture. They will forever be apart of our lives.

I chuckled as I watched Belle grab her water cup for the millionth time to race Sharpay to see who could finish their glass of water first before the waiter came back and filled it up. I think I've clocked it to every 5 minutes they come back and refill all our water glasses.

"I think you're going to lose this time Shar." I chuckeld.

"Yeah Pay Pay, you lose!" Belle cheered. Just then the waiter came back holding his sacred water pale thing, whatever the hell their called. Sharpay sighed ,over exaggerated, as he filled her glass first making Belle the winner. I smiled and nodded at him to give thanks. He lit up like the fourth of July.

"Oh darn! I lost again!" Sharpay whined.

"YEAH!!!" Belle cheered, Brie and looked at each other and laughed. She hasn't been this playful in a while. It's nice to see.

"Would anyone like to order any deserts?" The waitress returned with the never disappearing smile.

Everyone looked around at each other and nodded. Chad did something weird with his hands. The waitress nodded and walked off.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

Chad shot a look at me and shook his head. "What was what about?" His eyes were shooting daggers at me. What the hell is going on with him tonight. He's been acting weird all night. Not being able to sit still, zoning out every five minutes. It's so not like him.

"Whatever man." I smiled at Brie and shook my head. She smiled back and shrugged. At least she's not glaring at me anymore.

"Daddy silly." Belle said.

"I smiled big and chuckled. "Yes. Daddy is silly." Belle smiled at me before returning to her coloring masterpiece. It's funny watching her really concentrate on staying in the lines and making sure each color is perfect, though she only has four colors – blue, green, yellow, red-. She definitely gets her concentration from her mother. As a kid I never concentrated on staying in the lines or what color I was using. I just grabbed all the colors and attacked the picture. Brie has always been cautious and careful, making sure everything is perfect, just like Belle. My girls, the same.

"Here we are." The waitress returned with a tray filled with deserts. They all looked delicious, I even heard Brie sigh with relief at the wonderful sight of sweets. I could tell when she laid her eyes on the strawberry cheesecake because she practically jumped out of her seat to grab it right off the tray. I laughed.

"Calm down, you'll get your cheesecake." Gabriella laughed and shook her head. I didn't know she could ever get that excited over cheesecake.

I looked over at Chad. "Dude, how did you know what to order everyone?"

Chad shrugged. "I already know what you, Brie and Belle would want, and I asked these guys what they wanted earlier, you know, because they were on time!" I chuckled and sunk a little lower in my chair. Hopefully no one noticed.

The waitress passed around our deserts before leaving the room. Just as she was closing the door, Taylor gasped. We all turned our heads to see what the deal was. Slowly, she pulled a diamond ring out of her desert. Her hand was shaking.

"Ch-Chad. What is this?" Brie, Sharpay and Nicky all gasped with excitement. I smiled and shook my head. I had a feeling this was going to happen, but why didn't he tell me ahead of time?

"It's a ring." He said casually, with a hint of shakiness.

"I see that, but why is there a ring in my desert?" She carefully whipped some of the whip cream off to study it more closely. It had to be 3 karats at least.

Taking Taylor's hand, he slip over to face her and took a deep breath. "Taylor, we've known each other since high school. I'll never forget the first day I ever saw you. Freshman year in homeroom. You sat behind me. You were wearing your hair up with that purple dress with the poka dots you always wore. You were and still are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. That first day you scolded me to get out of your way since I was sitting on the top of your desk talking to some friends. I didn't move at first but after you knocked my ball out of my hands, I came back to reality. I knew somehow I was going to get you to like me and that you could be mine. Now, I'm sitting here in a room with our friends asking you if you like me as much as I like you." Chad stopped, pushed the chair out of the way and knelt down in front of her. She started to cry. Brie and the girls all started to aww and sniffle.

"Taylor Ann Mckessie. Will you please marry me?" Taylor smiled big before leaning over and kissing him. I would say that would be a yes. She pulled away and actually answered.


The girls busted into woo's and yeah's. I chimed in a congratulations. Belle was so cute. She started to hoot and haler with the rest of them. She's so adorable.

I couldn't help but realize, though, that Brie and I aren't married. I mean, obviously we're not. We should be shouldn't we? We live together, have a daughter and a family. Shouldn't we get married?

We should wait. We should see how L.A. goes before I even think about asking her to marry me. Would she say yes? She would right? I mean she loves me right? I love her, I know that much. I love her and Belle more than anything else in the whole wide world. She knows that right? I believe I've told her it before.

Either way, marriage will definitely have to wait.

SOOOOOOOO what you think??? I was going to make it longer since it's been like 50 billion months since I last updated!! The next chapter will be their move and some other stuff. PLEASE REVIEW. I would love to see how many followers I still have for this story!! And for those of you who ARE still following……..THANK YOU!!! : - ) you have NO idea how much it means to me that you still read this story. So PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!!!

Thanks much!! SuzzieD :- )