Part Seven: Cooking Warfare

With Chef Hatchet once again out of commission thanks to the ambush, it had not taken long to decide on a plan of action. The minor suggestion on the teams working together to overtake the Commandeers was quickly overruled by the two self elected leaders.

And neither Heather nor Courtney was willing to relinquish victory in this "challenge" the overachiever especially. Despite the Bass being two players down from the Gophers, Courtney was confident in her victory, Tyler's recent disappearance a bonus in her mind.

Eva on the other hand hadn't taken it so well and had felled a tree in her anger delighting the CIT. A makeshift battering ram while crude was undoubtedly effective to gaining the upper hand over their rivals.

"ONE! TWO! THREE! HEAVE!" Courtney yelled out before throwing her weight forward along with the other remaining members of the Killer Bass, their efforts rewarded by the loud boom that seemed to echo through the building.


Perched on the mess hall roof, the lone commandeer tried to counter the assault with blasts of water, but the combined might of the united Bass Soldiers held strong and the tree they held repelled most of the water.

Harold gulped, but glared down defiantly at the group. "A valiant try, but The Commandeers of Wawanakwa will not go down this easily!" The auburn haired male roared out just before a pair of bright pink sandals hit him dead on knocking him out of sight.

"And Sadie totally wants her shoe back!"

"And that like so goes for Katie too!"

The BFFFL's yelled out angrily, both girls now standing on one leg and using the battering ram for balance. The guys chuckled in amusement. Eva momentarily let a smile touch her face. And Courtney frowned.

"What are you two doing resting?! We need ALL hands to take these mutineers DOWN! And further more…HEY!!!" Courtney yelped as the pink shoes barely missed clipping her head. Growling angrily she turned her attention to the roof.

"That was weak! If you think we'll be defeated by Ladies footwear, you clowns have another thing coming!" Duncan mocked. To punctuate his words, Izzy flew out of the roof's hole, preformed an aerial flip and landed next to the punk.

"Give us your best shot SOLDIERS!!!" Izzy declared gleefully before aiming a tranquilizer gun at them. Katie and Sadie screamed and Geoff momentarily froze. "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL PIZZA PARTIES MOVE THE LOG RAM THING!!!!"

The party animal yelped lunging forward. The sudden weight shift of the battering ram caused the rest of the soldiers to almost lose their grip. Katie and Sadie quickly replaced their sandals and took their places in the lineup just as the darts started to fly.



Inside the captured Mess Hall Tyler, Harold and Cody were knocked from the door. Quickly they threw themselves back and held on while trying to use their combined force to lessen the battering ram's impact.

Courtney's orders outside accompanied by the pounding of the battering ram were gradually starting to get to them and not even the delighted laughter of Izzy or the taunts of Duncan could improve their mood.

"Guys! If you don't do something fast they're going to break in!" Cody yelled over the pirate music a nervous note in his voice. The techno geek let out another cry as he was harshly jarred from the door and sent flying backwards into something firm yet surprisingly soft.

Cody blinked in surprise. "Well that was unexpected." He grinned. Since the takeover of the mess hall, the group had been hard at work though the depths of which were not clear until he was back inside and even then he was far too busy.

However with this brief moment of rest he was able to take it all in. Hunks of wood sawed off by Izzy's beloved chainsaw, the broken table, miscellaneous odds and ends and all the while the foreign smells of something good being cooked filled the air.

Shaking himself out of his daze he suddenly became aware of the cries of his fellow hijackers and those of the enemy outside had stopped for the moment. Cody grinned again as he patted his cushion.

"Thanks for breaking my fall unknown object, but I've got to…HEY!! Gu-guys?! I think my cushion is alive!"

Being a prisoner of teammates and rivals gone AWOL wasn't as bad as Bridgette had initially expected. Save for the continuous pirating music that echoed throughout the building, the squeals of the chainsaw along with other strange sounds she might have even enjoyed herself.

MIGHT of course would be the operative word. Bridgette thought to herself as she struggled with her bindings. With her arms bound tight behind her back, the blindfold and the gag all she could really do was to listen.

And she did. She blushed heavily when Cody and Harold talked about the girls they liked as they worked. Cody bemoaning about Gwen and Harold to the blonde surfer's utter shock was head over heels for her.

Blush gave way to amusement as disgruntled Duncan ranted about Cody not having the foresight to go when they were planning in the bathroom, the ladies man whimpering about not having to go then and Izzy's orders for them to not get caught.

It was after they came back with the person "Tyler" the red suited jock if memory served correctly that the battle began in earnest. And with each loud thud and banter between the Commandeers and the Soldiers her heart raced.


"Guys! If you don't do something fast they're going to break in!"




It was Bridgette's turn to let out her own cry as something suddenly fell against the material hiding her from view. The person chuckled in amusement. "Well that was unexpected." She scowled.

"Geh oof of me!" She yelled out inwardly wincing as her muffled voice was easily swept along the current of noise surrounding the mess hall. "I said Geh oof!" She screamed only to again receive no response as the crescendo of voices reached its height.



"I think we have a problem!!!"





Not long after with the exception of the music all was silent and the person still sitting uncomfortably on top of her proceeded to pat her chest. It was the final straw. And Bridgette again began to struggle in earnest as the Commandeer spoke.

"Thanks for breaking my fall unknown object, but I've got to…HEY!! Gu-guys?! I think my cushion is alive!"

"Waff was your firsf clue?!" Bridgette yelled at him through her gag as the fabric hiding her undoubtedly from view was removed. "Bridgette!!" Harold yelped out before removing the gag from her mouth.

The moment the orange table cloth was removed the Commandeers paled drastically at the sight of Harold's crush bound, gagged and blindfolded crush lying in the corner. Harold of course raced over.

"Bridgette! How did…what are you doing here?" The glasses wearing male questioned as lanky fingers hurried to remove the gag from her mouth. "After…Ezekiel ran ahead to somewhere Izzy took me to the mess hall and well here I am."

The blonde explained sheepishly before her eyes narrowed. "Harold what were you guys THINKING?! Have you completely lost your minds?" Bridgette demanded before her covered eyes went wide in horror. And the screaming outside…and the man down…Oh god tell me you didn't!"

"No of course not!" Harold scowled. "We would never…well…maybe…No! Couldn't be…maybe we should check." Harold finally finished weakly. Bridgette could hear footsteps and the creak of the door starting to open…


"Dead men tell no tales, ye lily-livered bucko!!! And you won't either if I catch you opening that door again! Now ye salty sea dogs assist The Great Captain Izzy in moving this here lumber ARG!"

Confessional Can

Courtney-So since I am SURE the whole scene with Izzy was censored for the viewing public at home…

Flip to Chris McClain who is still in pirate gear and is grinning broadly at the camera.


Courtney-Since Izzy is undoubtedly the most unstable depraved psycho NUTCASE that I have had the unfortunate displeasure of meeting-

Chris-Studio Gold as we in the biz say.

Courtney-And only a complete moron would not have her shipped immediately to an asylum!

Chris-We already have Izzy confirmed for the next 3 seasons of Total Drama! Ha Ha Ha-HEY! I resent that moron comment!

Courtney-Anyway Izzy decided to assault us with a tranquilizer gun of all things!

Katie-We like we sooo lucky we weren't the squirrel in the tree, or the trash can or on the roof or Trent.

Sadie-Oh my gosh! Like Poor Trent!

Katie-I know right?! Oh wait…did Izzy hit him or was it Duncan?

Courtney-So then that OGRE with...well…muscular…arms…Which by the way I do NOT LIKE! He takes away the gun from crazy girl, shoots Trent to show her up and then Izzy pulls out-

Geoff-Where did she get that axe?! Then she just dove off the roof, axe raised high like some kind of avenging yet hot…AND TAKEN! Angel. So naturally we Bass Soldiers just let the ram go and ran away. Well except Eva that is.

Eva-WIMPS! Even at that altitude that Gopher girl could only get the axe in halfway! Nowhere even CLOSE to taking off a hand! Piff...have you SEEN Izzy's aim? You were more at risk running away then you were holding the Battering Ram! And then she had the nerve to ask for it back!

Courtney-Regardless Trent is now recovering alongside Chef in the infirmary. But are the Killer Bass Soldiers out?! Ha! Mark my words…the Gophers AND the Commandeers are going down.


"Oh come on! Can't you just untie me? Or at least take off the blindfold!" Bridgette pleaded as she was carried by one of the rebels to somewhere else, but she got a pretty good idea where she was when the sound of dishes clattered to the ground.

"AHHH! Wot's-Wot's SHE doing in here eh?!"

The captured blonde scowled darkly as she recognized the nervous yet accented voice. "What's the matter Ezekiel? Afraid that a GIRL will-"

Bridgette's mocking words were ended when there was another crash accompanied by something sloshing on the floor. Before she could wonder, her captor let out a cry of surprise and she did too as he fought to regain his balance.

"No No No! Don't fall don't fall Don't F-AHHHHHHH!!!" With a thud both crashed harshly to the ground shivering as unknown wet liquid of some kind started to seep through there clothing.

"Ahhh! I'm soo-"


"Noot again! I just remade that from the last toime eh!"

"Zeke! Watch out man you're going to hit the-"

With Harold and Tyler inside with their prisoner, Duncan, Izzy and Cody were using their brief downtime to add to their defenses. The sole female commandeer was gleefully singing a pirate ditty as she worked on her latest product.

"Yo Ho! Yo Ho! a Commander's life for me"

Izzy sang as she smeared brown and green paint with Cody next to her taking a much neater approach. Not far behind them they could hear hissing and bubbling as Duncan laid their latest trap.

Cody winced a bit from the sound. "Aren't we going…I don't know…just a teensy bit overboard with you know?" Duncan chuckled evilly. "Let's just call it a little environmental redecorating."

"We kindle and char and even ignite…"

Izzy stopped her cheerful song and blinked as a huge burst of fire suddenly came from the Mess Hall's chimney. Cody gasped in horror, Duncan cursed and Izzy grinned happily as she continued her song.

We burn up the mess hall we're really a fright

Drink up me hearties Yo Ho!

The image on the screen once again is frozen by a tearfully happy Chris. "You have just GOT to love the Commandeers! First they take over the Mess Hall, Trick the Soldiers, Kidnap Bridgette and they Totally TERRIFIED AND HUMILATED the Bass Soldiers! HA HA HAAAA!!!"

Chris wiped away another tear. "And they're apparently not done yet! What kind of DEVIOUSLY NASTY traps do the Commandeers have in store for the Gophers? Will the Bass make a Comeback? And will Imagi ever finish this story by the time Winter Rae's next Birthday rolls around? All this will be answered next time on Total! Drama! Island!"

The host's smile turns to confusion as he glanced down at the paper in his hand. "Hey! Who the heck are Imagi and Winter Rae anyway?! Darn crazy fans!"

Imagi's Ramblings: INSPIRATION!!!! Inspiration has struck and the Commandeers are BACK in action!!!

WINTER!!! *glomp* I am FINALLY back writing your FIRST B-DAY story! And I hope it was well worth the agonizing wait I put you through!

And not to worry…LeDunca moments are quickly coming! And CIT torture. XD Hope you liked! :)

Also if you have not guessed Pirates of the Carribbean "Pirates life for me" don't own. ;)

In addtion all stories including 23: The Road to Total Drama Retro are being worked on in various degrees, BUT hopefully BOTH of Winter's stories will be DONE first. ;) Oh yean and take my poll. :)

Hope you liked Winter! :)

And thanks for the reviews guys!
