Chapter 6: Calm Before the Storm

2 Weeks Later


I wasn't as mad at Edward anymore but I couldn't bring myself to speak with him again. It was childish I know but I couldn't help it. I was afraid to approach him and it didn't seem like he was going to talk to me anytime soon, probably believing that I was still angry at him.

Everyone's been trying to get us to speak to each other but I was too stubborn and Edward was being such an ass. He'd rather me make the first move, and well frankly I'd rather not when it was him who started it in the first place.

For the past two weeks I've been eating with Caleb at another table, away from my siblings. They of course were not too happy about that and kept making Edward uncomfortable, which I thanked them for the first week of the argument.

Everyone had left me and Edward alone at home so that we could make up. Mom and dad decided that they have had enough of this 'civil war' and made me stay home with the rest of them, it was a sunny day and usually I would have gone to school but considering the circumstance they thought it best to keep me here.

I choose to be nice and sat with Edward in the living room to 'watch' some TV. We were silent for some time. I thought it best to let him sweat it out for a bit but I think I've had enough fun. I turned to him, "Soo…how are you?"

"I'm ok, how about you?" I could hear some tension in his voice.

"Oh you know." There was another long pause, after which I decided to end, "Listen, I'm really sorry for blowing up at you. I know you were just looking out for me and I appreciate that, really but sometimes you have to understand that there are things you can't protect me from. Like having friends or relationships or whatever. If you've forgotten, I'm human Edward and I can and need to things differently from you and everyone else. Please understand." I looked at him pleadingly.

He sighed, "I understand. I'm just scared to lose you Bella, for these past 12 years I've been the one you've turn to whenever you had something to say. I guess just seeing you confiding in someone else, I just lost it."

"So you were jealous." I smirked, "That's so you."

"Hey! I am not!" We gave each other a hard stare before we broke out laughing.

"Don't worry Edward, you'll always be the one I turn to. That's never going to change, I promise."

"But what about Caleb? You're always talking with him."

"Yeah, about the real world. Things you can't tell me about because we're usually stuck at home, gossip and such. I know you're a mind reader and everything but it's refreshing to talk about current events from different perspectives you know."

"I guess I can understand what you mean, now that you point it out. I want to apologize for my actions as well, the reasons for them are because of my mind reading ability. I don't worry about the others as much because I can tell whether or not there's something wrong, but with you it's different. I have to rely on my other senses to figure you out if you don't tell me and frustrates me, I feel like you don't trust me enough to help you."

"Of course I trust you Edward, you're the one person I trust most. Never forget that. However, there are things that I wish to keep secret, just like everyone else. So don't get flustered just cause you don't know everything about me, it makes me feel special that I can keep things from you when no one else can." I grinned.

"I'll do my best but you have to promise me that you will tell me if there's something wrong is going on with you, deal?"

"I guess I can live with that, so….we're cool now right?"

He chuckled, "Yes, we are cool."

"Great!" I got up from my spot on a chair next to the couch that Edward was on and sat right next to him. I gave him a light push, to let him know I wanted him to lie down and he did. When he settled, I snuggled myself under his arm and turned towards the TV to finish watching whatever was on.

Life was good. Edward and I are best buds again, our family is happy that we're on speaking terms and to top it all up I finally have a normal friend. Dad let me return to school since everything was sorted out, sadly they couldn't. Two days of sun, who knew? Ok, Alice knew but that's beyond the point.

We had discussed that this was one of the times I could go back to school, Dad said from now on I had to stay behind with everyone else after this one to keep up with appearance. It'd be weird if only one Cullen went to school and the others were sick every sunny day.

The only reason I was going today is because there are a few things I had to discuss with Caleb.

As I entered the parking lot, I spotted him leaning against his car as if he were waiting for something or rather someone. I got out of my car and headed towards him. When he saw me coming towards him, he slimed and waved. I waved back in acknowledgement.

"You've been gone for quite some time, I was starting to wonder if anything major happened to you." Caleb stated as I reached him.

"No, not really. I guess you didn't hear about my family usually taking days off on nice days such as this."

"I might have heard something like that, but seeing as you are here on a nice sunny day makes me question those rumors." He laughed.

"Well, I just really needed to talk to you about something."

His face turned serious, "What about?"

"As much as I love talking with you, we have to set a few boundaries." I looked at him sheepishly.

"Is that all?" He smiled, "Yeah sure, it's all good. Is that the reason you haven't been coming to school? That seems a little weird to be missing school for."

"I already told you! My family just like spending time together during sunny days, and end up going hiking or whatever." I lightly punched his shoulder.

"Mmhmm. Sure, whatever you say." He grabbed my arm and started pulling towards the school. "Ok, we gotta go inside otherwise we'll be late. We can talk more at lunch."

I was nodded, "It's a deal."

As lunch time rolled around, I spotted Caleb at a table and seated myself. For most of the period we talked about some restrictions I was placed under, but for the most part it wasn't so bad. We talked about a little more about whatever came to mind until lunch is over.

Jace's POV

"Welcome home" I said, not even bothering to see who it is.

"It seems as though I miss calculated. Forgive me." Caleb stated as he closed the door behind him.

"Really? That's quite a surprise, you've never made a mistake before."

He laughed, "That's where you're wrong my friend. When I first met you, everything I knew to be true had gone out the window and so now I don't even bother to count anything out when it comes to you."

"Very well, what's the problem now?" I set the book I was reading down on my desk.

"It has more to do with the Cullens, their starting to notice that there's something different about me. I think you should increase the shield's effects, I think it's beginning to wear off."

"There's no need. It's almost time and we want them to be ready don't we?"

"Jace, are you seriously going to let them figure everything out? If the Volturi get wind of this, everything will be ruined!"

"Are you saying I can't handle the Volturi?!" This irritated me, who did he think I was?!

"That's not it! I'm talking about our whole kind! Our worlds will no longer be hidden and you know how the council feels about change." He replied, obviously annoyed.

"I told, let me worry about the council. And as for the Volturi, they won't be much of a problem. It's not like they can do anything anyways."

"Alright, alright. I give up!" Caleb tossed his hands in the air in surrender. "Back to what started this whole conversation. What do you want me to do about the Cullens?"

I smirked, "Nothing. They love Bella as much as I do and will do everything in their power to protect her. Let them have their lasts moments with her. These years have gone by so fast."

Caleb's tone became stiff, "What are you talking about? YOU'RE GOING TO BRING HER BACK TO ALL THIS?!"

"Caleb calm yourself" I ordered. I never liked taking the role of his superior but at this moment I needed to speak with him with an open mind.

He took several deep breaths and looked me in the eyes to let me know that he was ready to listen. "I know it seems ridicules to bring her back into all this after everything we've done to keep her from it but with his return, there's no other choice. The Cullens don't have what it takes to protect her anymore and I fear that her memories are beginning to resurface. If they do, her human self won't be able to withstand them and I won't let end that way."

"How much more time do they have?" Caleb was a little calmer but still annoyed.

"I can't say for certain but a by Bella's next birthday is when all will come into play."

"You can't be serious, that's too soon!"

"He is already looking for me, actually no. He has already found me."


"There's nothing to worry about, as long as it's just me there's nothing to fear. I think it would be best if you don't hang around here as much. Though his lackeys are stupid, they'll start to notice your presence and that will lead him to Bella."

"I understand. But see, this is what I mean by throwing all I know out the window. How could you possibly know that he knows your location?"

"Because…… I allowed him to find me. Do really believe that it would be that easy to find me?"

He contemplated my words for a moment before saying, "No…I guess not. So what's the plan now?"

"I'll strengthen the shields to last up until our designated time and I want you to continue to watch over Bella. I on the other hand am going to prepare to meet with him again."

"Are you sure that it's wise? I mean, after all he's done—"

I raised my hand to stop his protests, "I know, but it's for the best. Besides, he's not the time to just sit back and watch me. So I've decided to go to him first. It will make for a most interesting reunion."

"I'll do as you say, and I know this is unnecessary but just be careful"

"You're right, that was unnecessary. However, I'll do my best as long as you do as you're told"

"Is this all you wanted to talk about?" Caleb gave a huge sigh.

"For now, I'll let you know when it's alright for you to return"

Caleb headed towards the door, and just before he was completely out the door "You take care of yourself my friend" I heard a laugh before I heard the door close.


When I got back from school, I felt relief that everything was well not only with my family but with Caleb as well. He had taken my family's feelings into consideration, which I was extremely grateful for. There was just something about Caleb, I feel like I've known him all my life and that besides my family he is someone that will never betray me. I have no idea if that's a normal feeling or not but I most definitely know that this is a fact.

"Welcome home sweetie!" mom called from the kitchen, "I made you a little snack."

"Thanks mom!" I responded

"Yo! Bells! Welcome back sis. What's that you got there?" Emmett asked as he entered the living room.

"Everyone's homework." I handed him his share. Emmett pouted, "Tough, just deal with it besides it's not that hard especially for you guys."

"I know, I just don't wanna do it."

I gave him a look, "You'll finish it in like 5 mins! Quit complaining."

I gave everyone else their assignments before heading into Edward's room. I knocked and heard a 'come in'.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" I asked as I stepped through the door.

"Fine, but better now that you're hear. So how did the confrontation with Caleb go?" he offered me a seat on his coach.

"He took it pretty well, actually better than I could have hoped. He agreed to everyone's terms but asks that you all lessen on the glares in exchange. I assured him that that is a fair request, don't you agree?"

"I suppose, but I most definitely won't let my guard down around him. Is that understood?"

I gave a big sigh in disapproval but nodded in acceptance none the less.

Edward and I talked for the rest of the night, like we always do until I fell asleep. I was happy more than ever. My family was slowly but surely warming up to Caleb and Caleb didn't mind my family's insecurities. Life is good.

A/N: Yes I'm still alive! Sorry for the extremely late update but life's like that. Anyways, I'm sorry to say that after this I won't be able to update again for quite some time. I really want to focus on school considering I will be having my toughest classes yet. Thank you to all those who are sticking with me. I updated one other of my stories to help make up for my lack of updates. :P Till next time!