Remembering Is Dismembering

Disclaimer:All characters from Repo! The Genetic Opera belong to Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich. There are a few lyrical excerpts from "Night Surgeon."


When I remember, I dismember.

Every time he remembered, it brought him a great deal of pain. He would embed the memories deep in his mind so that they were untraceable. Yet, every time he gazed at his daughter, the memories would quickly resurface. It was unimaginable. Every time. Every word. It all began to sound the same to him.

In his daughter, he saw Marni. He saw the same skin. He saw her mother's eyes, her hair; Nathan told mag she died with her. Her just wanted to live in isolation, away from society. He took no liking to this.. emotional abuse. It hurt him in ways unjust. But... to be just, he would deliver hurt to the people who failed to pay for their surgery. The delinquents. The victims. The idiots.

The Largos circled Nathan only as lions could master. He was their prey. They dangled sweet temptation in front of him. The bait was golden. Glorious, in fact. It was just a helpless human being. A victim. A person who failed to make their dues on time. The frightened being shook on the bound slab, rattling about in a frenzy. Escape must of lurked on that fellow's mind. Unbeknown to him, something curled onto his own face.

Nathan gave a grin of cruelty to his surprise. The victim protested all the more upon seeing that look of pure insanity. Of darkness. Of... Hell. Fellow Repo Cadets stood frozen in their locations, faces voice of emotion. The glee was in their eyes, though. The glee was in hiseyes. The GenTerns displayed the knife in all its glory. He hung their with God-like appearance. Again, it was dangled bait, just waiting to be lured in. He wanted it. He needed it.

To kill was to live. Thiswas what made him happy. It was what made the world go 'round. In human nature, lied the excessive need to kill. It was animal. It was resourceful. It was necessary. With this in mind, he could kill the pain of memory. Every time he killed, it brought him a sense of vengeance. He could hide away all of the grief of guilt when he did so. He extracted his revenge this way. At first, Rotti had guilt... soothedhim into this occupation. But now, it took a monsterous route. It took its own form becoming something savage and frightening.

I'm the masked horror on your street corner!

He was a monster; he was well aware of it. Kill... to soothe the beast. Then, in all calmness, could he return to his beloved Shilo. Nathan could not kill Mag... It was an unthinkable job. They had been through much in the past. The past was what still held them together as old acquaintances. They could connect in only ways that old friends could. They both remembered Marni. They remembered whom she chose to live her life with. They remembered. Nathan pushed her away, though. He still would not have the heart to kill him.

He shows this victim no mercy. As his blade sunk deep into the flesh and muscle; the effect resulted in blood spurting. He tore away muscle. Flesh. It was to reach the precious prize. The organs. A grin of pure madness grew upon his face. This was his job. He was the Repo Man. They deserved no pity, remorse, nor mercy. The Largos returned the grin with less effect of his own. This was what he was cut out to be.