I am sorry that I have taken so long to announce this; but all my stories are not going to be completed, or sequel-ed.

November of 2010, I had my son, and while the first few months were wonderful, things slowly spiraled out of control, and our lives changed drastically.

My son was failure to thrive, and admitted to the hospital April of 2011. After many tests, and a little bit of gained weight we discovered that not all was right with my son.

He has endured 3 surgeries so far, several diagnosis, and a smile that puts the stars to shame.

He was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and many other things in June of 2011, and since that moment in time our life has been a roller coaster of therapies, doctors, specialists, prescriptions, and fighting for my son to get the best help.

So thank you for reading my stories. I am so sorry I never finished a couple, and left things unresolved.