#33 of the 50 PROMPTS challenge. "Investigate"

A tribute to Tifa Lockheart as well, as she's celebrating her birthday in 3 days. Whee.

A three-chapter story. Pretty light and fun, hope you guys like it!

Disclaimer: Glory belongs to Square Enix!

033 Investigate

Tifa's birthday was coming up soon.

Cloud checked the wall calendar across the desk in his office to see how many days it was until the 3rd of May. He dropped a pen at the realization that it was already less than a week before the fateful day. Damn, he cursed to himself. He hasn't even done anything, not even something so minor like just think about what to get her!

He scratched his head. How would I know what to get her? He thought helplessly. I could get her a new blender… I think.

The stupidity of his own idea made Cloud even more frustrated at himself. He stood up and checked the bar if there were any appliances or cooking wares that were broken or missing. He would be thankful if there were any since that would solve his birthday gift dilemma. Much to his dismay, there were none.

He had almost searched the whole house for something that would give him an idea to what Tifa would like. Bed sheets, a new painting, chocolates or even new dinnerware – but none seemed to fit what he thought she would like.

Cloud was on the verge of giving up when he passed by Tifa's room which, conveniently, had its door open. He was having second thoughts about barging in, especially because Tifa stepped out for a while to buy groceries. He tried to justify his sneaking by saying 'I'm doing this for her anyway.'

He silently stepped inside her room and he immediately concluded that it had a feel that was much better than his own. It smelled of warm vanilla, and it felt inexplicably clean. He sat down on her bed and sighed. Maybe if I sit down in Tifa's room long enough, a good idea would hit me. He thought. Cloud frowned after realizing how stupid his thoughts were becoming. What am I thinking…?

Just then, he saw a small, black notebook's pages flipping over as the wind blew in from the window. It was strategically located below her nightstand beside a picture of her and himself in Costa del Sol from 3 years ago. Her diary..., Cloud thought intuitively. Surely, there was something in there written about what she'd wish for on her 23rd birthday? He contemplated more, but was leaning more towards just grabbing it and reading it. Hey, it was for investigative purposes anyway.

Hmph, I feel so bad, he thought to himself with a snicker. He finally decided, then reached out across her bad to get the little notebook.

He breathed in and flipped to a random page around the middle part of the notebook. His brow furrowed at the small, effeminate handwriting Tifa had. He had to raise it closer to his eyes to be able to read it hastily.

He saw the diary entry she made during New Year's Eve.

January 1 – Dear Diary, It's a new year. Time for a new start on things. I'm even thinking about cutting my hair and dying it a lighter shade of brown ha ha. But in all seriousness, what I would wish for this new year goes without saying. I'm sure you know about it as I've been telling you that since I was 14 years old. I wish for him – for the both of us, to be able to move on completely. And maybe start a new life… together.

Cloud's lips parted slightly in surprise. He wasn't entirely sure if he was the 'him' Tifa was referring to in that entry but if became honest with himself; he was certain it was him.

He flipped to a random page next and started reading again. He would scold himself for being such a sneak later; right now he just needed to satisfy his curiosity – err, look for what Tifa wanted on her birthday.

February 16 – Dear Diary, it's been an uneventful day. I managed to buy myself a new vest today which was good. I don't get to shop often since I have other things to take care of. 2 days ago was Valentine's Day, and I have to be honest... I was sort of disappointed that Cloud didn't have anything planned for the two of us. I should have known better than to expect something from him. I guess I'm holding on to something that's not even mine to hold.

He felt a stab of guilt land in his gut right after reading that. He imagined Tifa narrating her diary. He imagined her tone being sad yet lightly optimistic when she'd said 'I should have known better than to expect something from him'. Cloud felt bad. Now, I really have to work hard on that birthday gift, he thought adamantly and hoped that the next entry he would read wouldn't make him feel like such a jerk.

April 2 – Dear Diary, today was wonderful. First, someone left me a 100 gil tip. Second, it rained today which is always good since Marlene and Denzel love playing in the rain. (I do too, actually.) Third, Vincent and Cid came over to the bar today for a little chit chat with me and Cloud. And lastly, Cloud and I held hands on the front porch, watching the rain just minutes ago before I came up and started writing this. We've been closer recently and I think we're heading towards that direction, but I really don't know what we are right now. Friends? More than friends? But in the meantime, I'll enjoy this while it's still here.

Cloud felt the corners of his mouth inching upwards. He remembered that time when he just had the urge to hold her hand once they sat down outside and watched the snow fall through the night sky. Was it because of the cold temperature, he didn't know, but he certainly liked the feeling as well.

He figured reading the latest and last entry would give a hint as to what she wanted for her birthday.

April 30 – Dear Diary, I just realized I'll be turning 23 in 3 days. I think I'd want a whole new wardrobe since all my clothes are starting to age with me as well.

Cloud's eyes widened. He mentally calculated how many gil he had left for a new woman's wardrobe then continued reading.

But to be honest, if there was anything I could have in the whole Planet, I would pick Cloud.

He swore he felt his heart skip a beat for a moment there.

Lately, I noticed he's been acting strange (in a good way). He's been holding my hand more frequently now, and sometimes I give him hugs before he leaves for work in the morning. It's left me more confused than ever though, because now we're straddling the borders of friends and lovers. We're smack right in the middle and it's not a very good feeling. For my birthday, I just want Cloud. All of him.

He closed her diary and breathed in and out deeply. He buried his face in both of his palms and felt so confused. She wants me for her birthday? He thought bewilderedly. I'm all she wants?

Cloud couldn't fathom the idea that someone wanted him – just him, as a birthday present. He was a wreck, and Tifa wanted him.

So what do I do now?

Read and review please! I'll be posting the next chapter soon. Don't worry, it's only limited up to 3 chapters :)