Disclaimer: Don't own it.

A/N: Not one of my best, but I loved the idea. Hope you all enjoy :)

The music stopped.

The music box I owned sat motionless, the ballerina frozen the way she stood. I picked up the object gently and turned the knob till it stopped. The moment I put it down the gentle music filled the room, and the ballerina spun in circles.

I lay on my bed, mind spinning, heart pounding. This music was what put me to sleep every night. It was my little mind-escaping world, when I listened to the music box. I'd never been able to get to sleep without listening to it. Tears rolled down my face as I felt the vibration from my phone near my stomach. I picked it up and looked at who was calling.

Miley [I love you Lilly!]

Miley changed her name in her phone. It was cute at the time, but based off of events in school, it made me hurt. I had finally had the courage to tell her that I liked her. Well, like is an understatement.

I told her I loved her.

The phone kept ringing and I just stared at the screen. It was the eighth time she called me since school let out, and she'd left four voicemails that I didn't listen to. I couldn't bring myself to her heart-breaking rejection. So, I decided to just ignore it. I loved that girl so much it probably wasn't healthy. Well, it probably wasn't healthy at how much I wasn't eating because of anxiety and how I wanted to hurt myself.

I knew Miley hated me. The moment the words escaped my mouth she turned and ran away. I ruined everything. I destroyed my best friend and made her hate me. I destroyed my heart into so many tiny pieces that there as no way of mending it again.

I stood up and placed a chair on the floor. Standing on top of the chair I took my belt and taped a little of it to the ceiling. Picking up a hammer and putting four nails in my mouth I stood back up and quietly nailed the belt into my ceiling. My phone kept vibrating on my bed, but at this point I couldn't care. I couldn't accept how I was. I knew I was a lesbian and I knew I was in love with my best friend. I knew that no matter what I did, nothing would change. I knew that I would be hated and that she wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore, talk to me anymore.

I knew that she wouldn't love me.

The belt was stuck in the ceiling tightly. To make sure I took a hold of it and jumped down. It didn't fall out, so I knew it would hold my entire body. I reached toward my bed and took a hold of my still vibrating phone. But this time, it was different.

I answered.

"Lilly, oh my god, I'm so glad you answered-"

"I'm sorry, Miley." I whispered before hanging up. Turning off my cell phone I stood upon the chair again and looked at the noose I had prepared. I knew at this point there was no turning back.

I couldn't take the hatred that I knew she had for me. I put the noose around my neck and took a deep breathe in. I left my door to the balcony (Miley and I both had balcony's. It made us laugh when we both discovered it) so the fresh air would hit me. I took another deep breath before I got ready to jump.

I heard something outside but I didn't care. My head was pounding more and more with the tension around me. I felt as though the air wasn't going into my lungs. Closing my eyes I took one foot of the chair.

"Lilly?" I turned and saw Miley's eyes fill with tears as I felt my other foot slip of the chair.

The music stopped.

Reviewers get cookies.

Random Author Note: Honestly, music boxes scare the living shit out of me xD.