"I think you should leave." He couldn't believe it. After all this time, he'd finally said it. He didn't really mean it, but just saying it made him feel in control. Danny was looking at him, lost between confused and hurt.

"You… you want me to go?" His voice was quiet. Adam didn't think he'd ever hear Danny sound so uncertain.

"I…" Adam stopped. He didn't know what to say. The feeling of control disappeared and he was left looking at Danny helplessly.

He didn't remember the first time anymore. He doubted that Danny did either, and he could barely recall the first time Danny hadn't left right away. But he couldn't forget the feeling. How he felt when Danny fell asleep next to him. The hope that filled him as he watched Danny sleep, and how it was shattered when he woke up alone. It was at that moment he decided enough was enough. He wanted more, and he wasn't sure Danny was willing, or capable of giving it to him. And yet here they were. Danny was looking at Adam, something akin to panic in his eyes, and for once Adam didn't have an answer for him. He didn't want Danny to leave, but he was afraid to let him stay. Scared of what Danny would do if he knew Adam's true feelings. Would he ever come back? This was just meant to be some fun for the both of them. A no strings attached way of letting go of the stresses work inevitably brought. He knew Danny was using him and, until a few days before, he'd thought he was ok with it. But now everything was about to change and Adam knew he would be to blame.

"Listen, Adam…"

"I can't," Adam cut Danny off. "I can't do this anymore, Danny. I… This is starting to mean more to me than it should, and I can't just keep…"

"Whoa, Adam, slow down," Danny smiled softly, taking a small step towards the younger man.
"What do you mean 'more than it should'?"

"I… I think I'm falling for you, Danny," Adam whispered. "But I don't wanna put any pressure on you. I don't want you to think…"

"Adam, just be quiet for a minute." Adam obliged as Danny stepped closer. "Did you even think to talk to me about this?" Blushing slightly, Adam shook his head. He looked up at Danny when he heard the CSI laugh.

"You have gotta be the dumbest brainiac I've ever met." Adam couldn't help but smile, but he still couldn't shake that feeling of dread.

"I didn't think you… I mean, I know you stayed, but then you left, and…"

"I got scared," Danny admitted quietly. "I woke up and saw you there and… I didn't know how we'd handle it in the morning so I…" The rest of Danny's explanation was cut off by Adam's lips on his.


Adam smiled softly as he watched Danny sleep. All the fears he'd had just a few hours before seemed to have dissipated and Adam was left with nothing but a warm, content feeling that this time everything really would be ok. Closing his eyes, Adam let sleep claim him.