Thank you for all the reviews I got through out the whole story but this is the end. I Will write a sequel taking part in the summer and I am so sorry to disappoint you if you found it rushed but hopefully the sequel "New-York's Rich and Famous" will please you. The decision on ending it was sudden.
Muffin man or shall I say girl, I will get my revenge

Many of you wanted me not to end Peyton's life so am going to try and compromise this and hopefully you'll all be happy.

Chapter 10_ Right here, Right now

-Why torture yourself when life'll do it for you? ~Author Unknown

4 hour 36 minutes and 15 seconds. Heart, body, and soul still and barely moving. Fear is deep in her eyes only she can erase it. She wanted a memorable summer and she got it. Maybe she expected a nice summer by the beach or new found love but hey god gave her a hospital bed.

Cold, dark and hopeless is what I think is a hospital. Never enough hope for others. It's shadowed by death and unreasonable maters. Edwin Arlington Robinson once said "Life is the game that must be played" I never understood it. Does it mean if we make the wrong decision it's the end or we have no choice in life but to follow through what's been given?

"Lucas I'm scared" my eyes slowly moved up to the shaking brunette that has been sitting next to me. She looks broken. Her mascara was smudged and her hair pulled back in a messy pony tail as tears poured out of her eyes. Her head rest it on my chest as we both sat there constantly reminded of today's events as they kept being replayed. I just nodded and let my head fall back on the wall and watch the world around me slowly disappear as I close my eyes.


"Nathan, we already called the police, you cant go in there" I tackle Nathan to the floor to stop him from going inside but only to have him punching me.

"Lucas, are you crazy Haley and Peyton are in there and you expect me to sit there and wait for the cops"

"Nate, you don't know who's in there and you cant play superman, your not invincible" he ignores me and grabs the shovel from the garage and waits for me knowing I won't let him go inside by himself.

"Brooke, you stay here and wait for the police" she's been crying the whole way through the journey as soon as she heard Haley might have be in danger she broke down . She simply nods as I walk turn to walk away she grabs my hand and pulled me in for a hug, I hug her back holding onto her tightly . I feel horrible leaving her by herself but can't risk her harming her. I run back to Nathan who's already inside.


She looks so peaceful. I've been sitting here ever since we brought her and the others in. The doctors are thinking her cancer will make this harder than they expected. Her lunges have severe damages like she was beaten with something, a bat they think. It's swollen and bruised. The left leg on her body lost a lot of blood, like people do when they get shot and she did. It may take her a while to walk on it till then she has to deal with therapy. The surgery on her leg went well. But the cancer is spreading faster as the time passes.

Peyton Sawyer was a lot things to me Friend, Lover, Saviour, and most of all at some point she became part of my life. What happened to her was my fault, rather than blaming it on chases I'd rather take the blame.


"Did you hear that" I slowly march towards the basement, I see the light turned on, I point Lucas to follow me.

"Haley!!" Lucas rushed to Haley without even stumbling, by the looks of it seemed like she was hit on the head. Lucas carried back upstairs leaving me with a death body and Peyton. I step into a large puddle of blood, her leg she was shot. I rip my shirt and tie it around her leg and try to lift her back up.

In the house the police was now investigating. Paramedics and a team of investigators were now descending the basement. Haley and Peyton were now taken away on stretchers towards Newport hospital Sacred Heart.

I don't think Brooke let go of Lucas, she was holding his hand and he didn't seem to mind either. Maybe one good thing could come of out of all this.


"Are you here for Ms James" the doctor's voice sounded concerned and hopeful but which doctor doesn't sound like that?

Lucas was already standing with the doctor. I made my way over and listened to what was going on.

"Ms James is fine she has a small fracture on her head, but she will be fine in a week or two. You can take her home today. She's awake now so is you want to se her."

We both thanked the doctor and went to Hales, my best friend was finally awake and I couldn't be happier.

"My head hurts" Lucas smiled at Haley's cuteness and how she could just get over what just happened.

"Well, that's what you get for having a freak as an ex." I poked my head trough the door and laughed.

"Aw, Brooke I though I was never going to see you again" She pulled me into a bear hug and was now crying. "Same here my Tutor bunny, how could you scare me, us like that" I replied letting go of her.

"So how's one of my favourite girl holding up"

"Nathan!!" he kissed her lightly on the side of her cheek and took a seat next to Lucas.

"The doctor said we can take you home today, but if you feel weird about going back I- "Its okay Luke, am fine apart from the headache I feel superb." Showing two thumbs up and smiling blindingly.

"You got held hostage by a lunatic and got hit on the head and you feel superb, my God Haley James you surprise everyday."

"Ha-ha very funny now Bibi Luke" he kisses my forehead and winks back at me. Nathan hits him on the head and pulls him away from my room as Brooke waves, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Honestly I am scared but I guess this is a start of something new.

2 weeks later.

"Nathan Scott, hiding my suitcase in the basement is not funny, just because you know I won't down there"

"Hey, Peyt" "Blondie"

Brooke and Haley are both sitting on the couch watching the hills and complaining on who's the bigger bimbo, current winner Heidi Montag.

I sit on the couch Indian style and switch the TV off. They both stare at me like I just killed Santa Claus.

"Ooh, Peyt, did you just kill Santa because I wouldn't want be you right now " I throw the pillow beside at Lucas and stuck my tongue out. As he walks away eating. Do these boys anything but eating and play basketball.

"Okay, guys because today is my last day I just wanted to apologies for everything and –"

"Its fine Peyton, I think you were forgiven the minute you took that bullet for me and acted like an honourable friend"

"Thanks Hales" I hug her and laugh as Brooke is feeling left out.

"Anyway since you guys don't want me to be part of you little hug I will just go over there" she stood up and left.

"So, Nate told me you were all over Dr Jakielski and if its any help I think he's very hot" I punched her shoulder and roll my eyes.

I completely feel for my single, sexy doctor Jake Jakielski, we already went out once and it was great. My leg is healing perfectly and we think we might get rid of my cancer once and for all. Today I was officially leaving and moving into my own place. Haley and I are friends and Brooke is very supportive but might threaten to hire someone to kill me if I dare hurt her same goes for Lucas. Nathan was thrilled to know that something great was happening in my life.

Later that night

Wow, I can't begin to imagine summer is over. I got so attached to the Scott boys its going to be hard not having them around but hey it's for the best.

"Hey Princess" I know this voice way too perfectly to even bother turning around. He up behind me and puts his arms around knowing that in a few minutes I will be killing him for making moves on me.

"I will miss you Penelope" still embracing, I can feel him sniffing my hair and kissing the top of my head. I turned to face his gorgeous blue eyes and laugh so much that I end up falling on my bed.

"Umm what's so funny" I stare up as a confused Lucas sits on the bed, running his hand through his light hair.

"Well two of your intentions this summer were:

1. Have sex with Brooke Davis

2. Piss Brooke Davis off and don't try denied it I know is right.

"I say kinking my eyebrows knowing exactly what he's thinking. I take his hand and push him against the wall.

"Ow, Davis I know you like it rough but don't break my back" I kiss him hard and emotionless and can feel his hand moving up my shirt.

"I think you can cross both things off now" I whisper slyly as we slowly move towards the bed. "Right here" he whispers back and kisses me. "Right now" is all I can say back and can't help but to kiss him back.

I lie on the bed and watch Lucas a he takes his shirt off I realise I don't want Haley to know about this. "This is our secret, want to shake on it" I asked helping him with my top how about we kiss on it" as we fall back onto the bed doing more than what friends should do. As I know we were never just friends.

(He he I don't write sex scenes and well I can't even if I tried its weird sorry)

"So said your goodbyes to Peyton" I keep packing my suitcase and trying my best to have a straight face.

"I have cake" he shows me a triple layered chocolate cake, and smiled.

"Ooh cake" I jump to grab a slice but since Nathan is taller he held it up and repeated the question.

"Yes very tall but fake fiancé I even hugged her" he handed me a slice of the cake and cake and was smiling strangely at me. I though it was nothing but he kept looking at me.

"Okay what's with the weird looks" I asked my mouth full of cake

"Nothing, I just though since you can't play basketball" I cut him off

"Am not the only so is Brooke" I start munching "And Brooke I though since it's our last day, why don't we have a good old game" he says looking down at me with big round eyes. Reminding me of bunny my goldfish who know what happened to him anyway why did Nathan needed me to feed cake to play.

"So, you in?"

"Sure "I shrugged and ate more cake only to make Nathan laugh as I got cake everywhere.

"Let's go get the others" we opened Brooke and Lucas's door only to find them in the most inappropriate position. I don't think they noticed since they were still, well lets say busy.

"hum hum" Wow looks like Nathan got someone's attention. As Brooke pushed Lucas straight off her and onto the floor.

"What the hell are you guys here?" screamed Brooke as the tried to cover herself but seemed hopeless.

"Nice bra!" I smacked Nathan's shoulder at the same time Brooke's pillow hit him. Lucas stood up the ground and got dressed and kept glaring at Brooke for throwing him to the ground. I couldn't help but giggle to the whole situation.

"S0 sorry, we didn't think you guys would be busy" Nathan choked without controlling his laughter.

"You think" Lucas was not the least happy when he got outside onto the court. And neither was Brooke.

"guys we apologies, walking on you guys like that" I said as we were all sitting outside seeing me best friend naked put me off playing a game so we decided to have fun in the pool.

10 weeks I think and this was the best summer but this wont mean anything if we don't meet again.

We were all sitting in the couch and decided to end this summer by playing a game of I Never and by writing a set of prediction that we will hopefully accomplish in 5 years when we all come back here.

"Ok Okay I got one I never had with Lucas Scott and twice may I add" I say proudly as Brooke drinks from her glass and said "I hate you Haley" "I love you too Brookie"

"It isn't too late you know Hales I think your very attractive" he blows a kiss at me having everyone here crack up in laughter.

"Thanks Luke but no thanks" I smile back

"Well the offer is unlimited, unless it bugs Nate here" everyone turned to look at Nathan who was now bright red. Poor boy.

"Nathan, what he talking about" I asked feeling kind of thrilled that Nathan might have actually liked me.

"Luke thinks I have a major crush on you"

"Do you" I glare at Brooke for interrupting

"Nah, maybe in a few years" he laughs it off not noticing how embarrassed I must be right now.

"Okay games getting emotional lets try and predict our amazing futures" Lucas breaks the silence and signals Brooke to help him out.

"I want to be one of America's greatest designers, of fashion of course and Haley James will be my friends and I'll have 2 kids all by the age of 25. How bout you Luke?"

"NBA, all my career goals are towards basketball and having a family not my thing unless I become the guy who got Ms Wannabe designer which I know she will. pregnant." He smirks at her and sits back down with her in the armchair.


"Well, this is kind of embarrassing but I want to be a singer, you know? I respond full of excitement.

"No we don't" I kick Lucas slightly and continue "the country singer type kind of like Sheryl crow, I love her and her clothes it's just amazing. What about you Nathan you have been quiet the whole time?"

"Well maybe what Lucas said but instead of getting Brooke pregnant there's always Haley"


"SORRY Hales but what can I say maybe I am attracted"

The night ended quickly since its morning and it Goodbye time.

"Lucas Eugene Scott Have you forgotten how much these costs"I walk in our room and watch him throw my shoes in a random order.

"They need to get packed" he said grabbing them out of my hand

"But Arrrrgghh you stupid arrrhh I hate you" I screamed and stormed off. Nathan and Haley left already and were the only ones in. its not so lonely I have Lucas but it wont be the same.

"Okay, I put everything away so I guess this is goodbye eh?" he puts all the bags in the car and hands me my keys.

"Don't get all mushy on me and emotional" I pulled him into a hug

"I hate you sweetie" I whisper something random so I don't breakdown on his shoulder but this is Lucas Scott were talking about.

"I hate you too honey" I laugh and pull away as he slaps my bum.

"What it isn't like I haven't done or seen before "

"Here we are the Airport" I looked outside I was really going to miss this place and the people with it. I grabbed my bags out of the trunk and waited for Nate.

"So I have this present for you "

"What is it "I ask curious

"Close your eyes" I can see he's nervous but no idea why. "Come on close your eyes" I did as I was told.

As I about to open my eyes I could feel someone touching my face only to find him kissing me. Usually I was never the girl to kiss in public places but can I turn down Nathan Scott, no. the kiss was long but sweet and I didn't even mind that people were watching I wanted for a long time.

"Liked your present" smirking

"Best I ever had" only to kiss him back

"I think I like you more than a friend" he said

"Me too" I said before engaging into another kiss. Wishing this never ends even if he's just a summer fling.

I get in the car and watches leave.

"Give you hell, every time you see me face hope it gives you" I pick up my phone ringing it's my ringtone for Lucas.

"What up Broody miss me already" I asked in a flirty tone.

"No, I just forgot to tell you that I love you Brookie Monster."

"Too Bad I can't say the same" I love you too but hey I cant say

"Have a safe trip pretty girl"

"Right back at ya Lover Boy"

Okay he's just a summer fling nothing more.

I Think

Arrrrgghh damn you Eugene making me think so hard.

I'll see you in New York


Thank you all reviewers



Mizz Cutie

Love of Escapism

Koumi 11

Long Live Brucas

Turquoise flame




And the other whom read this story maybe "New-York's Rich and Famous the sequel will appeal to more people.

Thank you all steph

And don't forget to review anonymously or with an account it means a lot to me


