So here I sit in the galley of the Falcon writing all of this down. It's strange how everything has come flooding back to me in one morning. I woke up before Han and managed to get up without disturbing him. I still can't believe I've actually fallen for him. It's not that he isn't worth falling in love with, far from it. I just never thought I would ever find someone to love so much, especially someone like him. As the troops call us 'the princess and the pirate'. (Not that they say it directly to us, but rumors sure spread fast around the bases. It's the only entertainment they get most of the time.)

Yes, he is rather abrasive on the surface and when I first met him I would rather have slapped him than kiss him but underneath it all, he is truly a kind and caring person. Sure, he isn't perfect, but who is? He is the only person (besides Luke, and he doesn't count because he is my twin brother) I have ever met who has seen past the façade that I present. I guess it comes from years of training, having manners and protocol and 'proper' behavior drilled into your head constantly that makes a person that way. (Trying to make people respect you as a leader being a woman in your teens doesn't exactly help either. You have to come off as tough or no one will take you seriously.) Han is the first man to really realize that underneath it all I'm still a woman.

When I am with him I don't feel like I have my 'reputation' to uphold or worry about what I say being considered 'politically incorrect' or any of the other thousands of stupid little things I have to worry about on a daily basis. I can relax and be myself. I can be just plain old Leia. The fact that he knows I am far from perfect and loves me anyway is enough for me.

Leia was interrupted from her thoughts by a pair of strong hands on her shoulders and a pair of soft lips on the side of her neck. She smiled and sighed softly.

"Good morning sweetheart. I missed you when I woke up." He noticed the data pad on the table in front of her. "What are you writing? Please don't tell me you're already writing up a report for the Alliance."

She laughed at him. "No, I was actually writing about you."

He began to massage her shoulders and she leaned back into his touch. "Really? Anything good?"


"Do I get to read it?"


She smiled when he began kissing her neck again. "What can I do to persuade you?"

"Fix me breakfast." She laughed when he gave a frustrated groan.

He squeezed her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Whatever you want princess."

She knew he was playing by the tone of his voice. He left her and went about making them breakfast. She went back to her data pad to finish up.

I have fallen in love with the most wonderful man in the galaxy. I know we still have a long way to go before true peace will come, but in the meantime I can allow myself the happiness that comes with being with Han. I hope this lasts a very long time. Right now I can not think of my world without him in it. I love him and he loves me. And I couldn't be happier.