FYI: I do not own twilight, or the twilight saga. I only borrow the wonderful creations of Stephenie Meyer from time to time, and use them for our convience. No copyright is intended.

A/N: This fluff is set right before Jacob imprints on Renesmee. Just a suggestion: Please refer to BD, pgs. 356-359 before reading this, to get back into his mindstate, before the imprinting. ;)

Strength, hate, and heat radiated from me as I continued to pause on the last step. Everything that had happened in the last 10 minutes began to swirl in my head, snapping at my resistance. I fought hard to control the tremors threatening to roll through me. I had about maybe 10 seconds to make my move…it would have to quick. Painless.

But why should I grant the wretched thing that much mercy? If I were to kill it, and oh how I wanted to kill it; I would want to make it last as long as possible. So it would have the opportunity to feel the pain it made me feel. Having to watch Bella go through that much pain, and agony for the abomination nearly a foot from me was to much to ignore. If I could destroy it…would that help ease my pain?

Bella would have skinned me alive if she was here to see this. But she's not. The voice in my head shot back. She's never coming back. All thanks to that filthy bloodsucker, laying right there. Kill it. It doesn't deserve to live. My mind and body willed me to take its life, just how it took Bella's. It would be so easy.

How would I do it? Snap its neck? No, took quick. I needed to cause as much pain possible to the life-sucker in the amount of time I had possible. I assumed I would have more than I'd hoped for, because Edward was too busy with Bella's corpse. If he'd noticed by now, I wouldn't have had the time to think about it.

Images of Bella's final minutes resurfaced in my mind…she had willing given her life to ensure that her child survived. But why did this monster deserve to live? Come to think of it, I thought, remembering who was adoringly holding the creature; Blondie was willing to kill Bella to save this monster. Why does she deserve to live? I could kill her quickly…of course; they could probably reassemble her broken would-be corpse later. But I could also crack a few of the baby's ribs in the process…yes, would break each finger, each muscle and limb…piece by piece; just as it had done to Bella. Just like it had broken her bones and her ribs. But would it heal quickly? It doesn't matter. Just cause some pain, like it has to you. My head commanded. IT was the cause of my broken heart. I would do my bidding, and then I would be on my way. Though I had a strong feeling I would not be able to just walk away. Especially if the dumb blonde had anything to do with it. I would have to take care of her first.

Then there were the Cullens' to think about. I was outnumbered, and I knew it, but even knowing this did not make me falter. It was hard to think of who would be madder: Emmett or Edward. I'm sure they'd want revenge. For taking the only things in their lives with meaning. Well, now they can feel a fraction of my pain. I've long since lost the only meaning in my life, still having to live knowing that, and seeing her...Even before she… I could not bring myself to even think the word. Bella's passage would not be something I could readily accept.

Bella would be here still; if not for that thing they called a baby. And in time, she would have realized. She could have had a life with me, away from all the pain this family had caused her. She has only known pain with the Cullens'. I would have protected her. Much better than that reeking leech ever could.

I considered all of this within a few seconds. And my decision was final: I would make the creature just like its mother was now: a corpse, without a beating heart.

I did not fight to control the tremors that rocked my body. I positioned myself carefully, ready to pounce. If I could rip off blondie's head first, it would make things go by a lot quicker. I prepared myself. She was so absorbed in her motherhood moment, that she had no clue of what was about to be done. I shifted my weight to the heels of my feet, and rocked forward—

Just as the front door opened. Dr. Carlisle walked—well, ran through—and paused at the sight before him. This unexpected movement caused me to hesitate. What was I doing?

"Jacob?" He asked hesitantly. No doubt he assessed the situation, and was trying to calm me down. Damn, I thought. There was no way I could ever take down anybody in the doctor's presence. He always had a way of making me feel guilty. The straying of my thoughts momentarily was enough to numb my pain. Numb it long enough to have the willpower to walk away, and never return.

"You okay?" He asked, still watching me with careful golden eyes. No I wasn't okay. I doubted I would ever be okay. My undying love was forever lost with the dead girl upstairs. He had no clue what had happened in the absence of his presence.

"Yes. Was just leaving." I quickly brushed passed him, before my anger came back. I walked out, thankful to the fresh air. I would have to have a fresh start, away from Forks. Fresh air, fresh start. With that in mind, I began my pointless journey to nowhere.

Please tell me what you think? I need reviews, it encourages me! Even if its a single word. =] So I can keep writing more.