Vegas Baby!:Chapter 1

DISCAIMER: I, Alyssa Nicole, do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters in this story, so far. Rumiko Takahashi does. WAIT WAIT! I do own her dad. Ok So I do own one, but that's it!

"Mom! This is SO not fair! I won't go! You can't make me!" The ex-Mrs. Higurashi, rubbed her temples and looked at her daughter.

"Kagome, it's only for the summer. And I can make you go. You still live under MY roof, you're still only fifteen, and last time I checked your birth certificate states that I'm your mother. Therefore, I can make you go, but I wouldn't have to if you would just quit being difficult and agree to go. It's only three months. Maybe it'll be good for you two to bond. Now, please go pack. We have to leave early in the morning and I'm getting a headache."

Kagome glared at her mother, her normally sad chocoate eyes now spitting fire. "UGHH!" She screamed and ran up the stairs. She slammed her door,hoping it made her mother's headache worse.

"Can't believe this. Seven years and nothing. BAM! Now, daddy dearest. Stupid mother-UGHHH!" She quit throwing clothes into the suitcase on her bed and jerked the zipper. After zipping her suitcase and all, but throwing it at the door, she laid down and turned her iPOD on. She jammed the earphones in her ears and laid there listening to Comatose:Skillet, until darkness overcame her. That night she tossed and turned, as always, and jolted awake around 2 am. She reached over and grabbed the black and blue journal on her night stand. She always had these strange dreams and she liked to record them in poetry form. She also wrote songs and other junk in the journal.

May 28,2009-2 am.

As always I've had another dream. This one was of me fighting for a lost love. As if! My dreams are SO super wacked! Maybe I should see a shrink... Woudn't Daddy just love that one?

I sit there slumped against the wall, wondering how much time do I have left? I sit there slumped against the wall, head back, eyes closed, laughing a bitterly dangerous laugh. People stop to stare,but I ignore them. I stagger to my feet, holding my side and crying in pain. I sink back down onto my knees. 'What did I do? I don't deserve this! WHY!?' My thoughts are screaming in my head. The whole world seems to be looking down on me. The stars are glaring. The buidings are taunting. Everything around me is mocking. Then suddenly everything changes. The stars disappear. The buidings crumble into garbage. The people that once stared just walk by, looking worse than I. I take notice of the destruction around me and my head swims as I try to figure it out. What's going on? I close my eyes and open them. I'm in my world again. Buildings still taunting. Stars still glaring. People still staring. A pain shoots through my side. I gasp and grasp the wall for support. I slump agaist the wall again. This is what I've come to know as my life. I knew my actions were careless, but what else did I have to care about? You were once my everything. Now my everything was gone, leaving me to my nothing. Alone. I laugh the low bitter laugh I've come to recognize as my only sound. I hold my rib tighter wincing against the pain immediately shooting throughout my whole corpse. That's what I am. A breathing corpse. A walking, breathing corpse. That'll soon end, though. I slump against the wall, head back, eyes closed, bitter smile planted on my lips. 'I told you. I told you I was going to fight. I gave you fair warning. You knew this was coming.' With my last breath I whisper "We all did." With that I fall to the ground. Still a corpse. Only, no longer breathing. No longer walking. No longer fighting. Just finishing what I promised I'd do. Fighting. The blood gushes from the stab-wound in my ribcage, putting me out of my misery, somewhat saving me in a sick sense, as people no longer stare. Buidings no longer taunt. Stars no longer glare. Stars weep. Buildings mourn. People shake their head, eyes sad and walk away. I told you I would fight. This is what I've done. No more fighting left. You're the only one. The only one who can do what I could not. Stop the fighting. I was too weak. Stop the fighting, I'm begging you, stop the fighting please!

See? What did I tell you? Shrink material right there. Hmmmmmm. Maybe I can "go insane" while I'm with daddy and he'll take me to a shrink, the shrink'll tell him I'm delusional, he'll decide he can't handle me, and he'll send me home! A girl can only hope!!

_Kagome Higurashi_

She looked at what she'd wrote and laughed. Not like a "hahaha. very funny." laugh. It was more of a "I soo need serious help" kind of laugh. She flipped back a couple of nights.

May 26,2009-2:16 am.

Another of those dreams. They sorta died down but tonight it was bigger than normal.

A dark night, wind howling, stars glaring, I stand there. I feel the world crumbling alongside me,see the destruction of what was once my life, as you walk away, leaving me to my own disaster-struck world. "Forever," I whisper as the sharp blades that are your departing words cut at the raw edges of my broken heart. I hug myself, still watching you leave. "You said forever." The moisture pools to my eyes as I cry for what I once felt, what I'm feeling, and what I will feel. For what I once knew, what I know, and what I will know. "You promised. Forever." Forever. The beginning of the end. I curl into a ball in the soft grass and weep, weep until I've wept all I can. As I survey the area around me, images of you swim before my eyes. "I guess forever isn't as long as I thought." I give a bitter laugh. I hold myself until the darkness over comes me. "Bliss," I whisper as I drift toward my end. If I can not be with you by darkness, I shall be with you by light. I smile one last smile, then I bravely face my destiny. My destiny of watching and waiting for you. "I'll wait forever."

I don't have any clue why I'm having these dreams. I'm the one in the dreams, but it's not me! Physically yes, it IS indeed Kagome Higurashi, mwah, but emotionally it's someone the exact opposite of me. Almost like a twin. Come to think about it, my hair is longer and my eyes are a different color. Instead of coming down to my waist it goes past my rear and it is just a tad bit darker and the eyes are stormy blue instead of chocolate brown. Hmmmm. Maybe it's not me. I have no clue anymore. Nothing makes sense. (Especially at 2:30 in the morning!!)

_Kagome Higurashi_

She flipped again.

May 27,2009-2:45 am.

Another dream. I'm almost expecting them to keep coming regularly! I don't like this expectation, which sounds ironic, I know, but still! I don't like the idea at all!!

I walk away, feeling more than betrayed. I've just realized you weren't good for anything. You weren't ever really with me. I was just for status. She was your real treasure. All the compliments. All the smiles. All the hugs. All the kisses. All the love. None of it was real. I give a low bitter laugh. I should've known. I shouldn't've been so STUPID. I should've seen this coming. Yet I didn't. Why? Why didn't I see this coming? Why did it have to even come at all? This wasn't necessary. You could've told me. I would'nt've minded. I really would've understood. Really. Seriously. Honestly. OK, maybe not. But I would've tried. I would've pretended I understood, at least. Maybe, it was better this way. Maybe now I know. Now I know to be more defensive. More protective. More intelligent. Maybe. Who knows? Noone knows what could've been. I only know what IS. And what IS is my broken heart. That's all that's left. Next time I'll know better!

See? See why the idea of these "dreams" (more like nightmares) reoccuring reguarly would bug me? Wouldn't it irritate the hell outta you too? Well, I still just am NOT thrilled about the idea!!

_Kagome Higurashi_

And she was now back to tonight's. What was with these dreams? She had no clue, but it was too early to try to think about it. Maybe when she'd had more sleep she would ponder. Now, though was NOT the time.

Next Day-6:30 am.

"KAGOME HIGURASHI IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP THIS INSTANT I WILL GET THE BUCKET!" Ughhhh. Did Moms always have to shout and threaten you with buckets of cool water?! Seriousy! Noon wasn't too much to ask, was it? Honestly. She sighed and stood. Today was the day she got to see Daddy Dearest after seven years! Seven years here people! She walked, more like stomped, to her closet, through the doors open, and angrily shifted through the outfits, causing several to fall to the floor. Hmmmmm. Which outfit to freak Daddy out? Which would acheive her goal best? Hmmmm. She finally settled for baggy baggy baggy Tripp pants and a tight tight tight tanktop with a skeeton hand flippin the middle finger that read "Yeah, FUCK YOU buddy!" across the bottom. She wore her black and pink converse and her NIN jacket. Hair was Up in a high messy ponytail. Hmmmm. So maybe she faied to freak him out, but she ACED setting him on edge. This would SO do the trick!

"KAGOME HURRY UP!" Ughhh. That annoying voice in your head known as Mom was calling her again! She was actually close to her mother and really didn't mind when her Mom yelled normally. But this wasn't normally. It was all her mother's fault. She was capable of staying home alone. Perfectly capable! But noooo. She had to fly half way across the country to Vegas to stay with Daddy. Whatever! Boring! She needed an escape route! Hmmmmm. There was no escape route. Pitiful. Miserable. These were what she fet right now, as she walked downstairs and climbed in the car. Mom was driving them to the airport where they would split up. Mom would go to Tokyo to see Grandpa and Kagome woud go to Vegas to live in HELL with Daddy Dearest! How sucky was that?!?! VERY VERY VERY SUCKY!! That's how sucky that was. Gosh.


"Alright sweetie, you have everything?" They were now at the airport, ready to part ways.

"Mother, I am not five. I'm capabe of remembering my things. Just like I'm capable of staying home without you. If anything happened I could always go to Eri's. Please?" She didn't sound very hopeful.

"Not this again! No, Kagome. You're going to your father's FOR THE ENTIRE SUMMER. So sorry if that's not the way you want it darling. Goodbye, honey." Mrs. Higurashi kissed her daughter on the top of her head.

"Geez, thanks Mom." She turned and walked to her flight's boarding lane.

"Passport please?" She handed the short lady her passport.

"There you are Ms. Higurashi. Next?" Kagome sulked off and boarded the stupid plane.

"Ticket ma'am?" She looked up and handed her ticket to the attendant. She had to admit he was rather nice looking and any other day she'd crawl all over him, but today wasn't the day.

"Thank ya ma'am." He handed her the ticket stub back. She shoved it in her pocket and stared out the window.

"14A, 14A. Ah, 14A. Hello." Kagome looked up as a girl about her age with straight strawberry-red hair pulled up in pigtails and emerald green eyes sat down in the aisle seat next to her.

"Hi. I'm Ayame. Ayame Wolfe."

"Kagome Higurashi."

"Nice name. Where ya headed Kagome?"

"Thanks you too. Vegas." She couldn't keep the acidic undertone out of her voice at the end.

"No way! Me too! You have family there?"

"Yeah. My dad Nakumora Higurashi."

"THE Nakumora Higurashi?"

"Pretty sure yeah."

"Dude, he's like head of juvenile corrections. He scares the tar outta me! You said he was your dad?"

"Huh. Juvenile. Really? So, that's what he does now-a-days. Yepp. That's my Daddy Dearest."

"Wow." They both leaned back and soon darkness overtook Kagome's body.


"Kagome? Kagome? Kagome!"

"Huh? What? Who?" Kagome felt someone shaking her and jerked awake.

"Wake up! We're about to land!"

"Hmmm? Ok." She looked at Ayame and then at her watch. 11:56 pm. Yeppp. Just about landing time.

"How long was I asleep?"

"I don't know. I fell asleep too. Sorry." She seemed real apologetic.

"It's no big deal. Don't worry about it." She was grumbling.

"You don't seem too happy to see your dad."

"I'm not. Long story."

"Oh." She sounded like she wanted to know more, but didn't ask and Kagome really didn't feel like volunteering any info.

"So you have family here too?" Kagome attempted a subject change before Ayame's obviously VERY curious side took over. She seemed easiy distractable.

"Yeah. I live here actually. I was just in Louisiana visiting my grandparents for a while. I'm conidering moving down there, but I don't know if I could handle all that humidity."

"Yeah. The humidity does bug alot of people." She gave a low bitter laugh.

"How do you stand it?"

"Very carefully."

Ayame giggled. "That was actually kinda funny." And pulled a hairbrush from her small carry-on.



"Crap!" She shoved the brush in the bag and stuffed the bag overhead. She quickly fastened her seat belt and the plane shifted downward. Ten minutes later the pilot come back on over the intercom.


"So here we are! Vegas baby! Oh how I've missed it!" They stepped out of the plane and Ayame was a little more than just excited!

"You've been here before?" She asked.

"Yeah. A long time ago. When I was like seven." Kagome knew she sounded bitter, but she couldn't help it!

"Wow. Long time. How old are you?"


"Me too! Oh my goodness!"

"Yeah. I thought you were about my age."

"Yepperrz. So where ya headed?"

"Kagome pulled a peice of paper out of her pocket and read her father's address to Ayame. "67800 Vegas Street. Not really creative here are they?" She mumbled as an afterthought. Ayame seemed to not even notice.

"Omg! I live on the street right next to that street. That's a particularly bad neighborhood, but it makes sense I guess. I mean, seein as how your dad's head of the juvenile department, and there's a lot of crime on that street. Oh crap! I'm doing it again! I ramble a lot. Sorry. And I'm scaring you, aren't I?"

"No no. Don't worry about rambling. I do it too. And no. I'm not scared. I'm down for anything basically."

"Right. Well, let's call a cab." She walked over to a payphone, Kagome following.

"Hello? Yes, I'd like a cab please."


"Vegas Airport. Thanks." She hung up and walked out onto the crowded sidewalk.

"Different from what you expected?"

"Actually it's almost EXACTLY what I expected, to be completely honest." Kagome smiled, remembering how she'd thought about what Vegas would be like. She'd figured it would be crowded and busy and loud and crime rates would be through the roof and hobos would be everywhere. Shocker. It was exactly that.

"Yeah. We're veryy predictable." She smiled.

"I see this. So maybe Hollywood doesn't always lie."

"Ya know you're a cool person, Kagome. I can see us being like best buddies. Oh look! The cab's here." THey rushed over to the cab and climbed in. Ayame told him where to go and they were off!

"Here we are madames."

"Thanks." Ayame pulled out her wallet.

"Oh, um Ayame how much?"


"Well, we'll split it. Only seems fair."

"NO. I've got it."

"Ayame, please let me pay."

"Seriousy. My folks are millionares. Please let me pay?"

"I'll feel horrible if you pay."

"Madames, I really just need to go, so money please?"

"OK Ayame. You pay this and I'll pay for food cause I'm starving! How bout it?"

"Sounds like a plan. How much?"

"Thirty-five bucks and sixty-eight cents madamoiselle."

"Here you go." She handed him the money and they got out.

"Pizza sound good?"

"Sounds awesome. Where's the nearest pizza joint?"

"Right up the road."

Petey Palmer's Pizza Palace:

"So, tell me a little about youself, Kagome."

"What's there to tell?"

"Tell me about a boyfriend, why you're here, your family. Anything."

"OK. As of right now, no boyfriend. I'm here because my darling mother doesn't wanna leave me alone while she goes to Tokyo to visit my grandpa. And my family's wonderful. I have my mom whose the BEST! I have a little brother, Souta, whose in California with a boyscout troop thing. He's annoying,but I love him! And then there's Grandpa. He's crazy! He believes in all these old legends and everything and that's all you ever hear about, even if you've heard 'em twenty million times already! Well, there ya go."

"Coolness. I have no boyfriend, but I am head over heels in love with this guy, Kouga Wolff. Yes our names sound the same, I know, but his is spelled w-o-l-f-f and mine's w-o-l-f-e. See?Well, I live here, which is why I'm here. And my family's, well I don't know how to put it. I'm an only child and my parents work all day and night. My mom's an actress and my dad's a technical producer, so he's pretty much booked all the time. Anyway, my parents were both only children, So, my only relatives besides my parents are my grandparents on my mom's side and they live in Louisiana, which I've told you already. My dad's parents both passed away before I came into the world. So, now you know my background."

"Well, I need to get home. I really would love a shower." Kagome looked at her watch. 3:42 am. What were the odds that daddy dearest was up and awake?

"Yeah me too. You'll be OK to walk home?"

"Yeah, I think I've got it."

67800 Vegas Street:

Kagome walked up to the door and knocked.


She waited and a couple minutes later the door was jerked open by a groggy, slightly older, sightly more plump version of daddy.


"Come on. I know eight years is a long time and everything, but don't tell me you seriously don't know your own daughter when you see her." She gave a bitter sweet smile.

"Kagome? Honey, is that really you?" The once groggy, half-closed eyes that belonged to her father were now wide and fully awake.

"Yepp. It's me. Now ya gonna let me in or are ya gonna keep me out here all night? I'd really love to get a shower."

"Oh! Sure come on in honey. Bathroom's down the hall, first door on your left."

"Thanks, Dad." He cringed at the acidic undertone and she walked down the hallway, smiling an evil,bitter smile,to herself.

After A Shower:

"Here ya go sweetie. You'll be staying here."

"Thanks. Night."

"Night, Kagome."

He left and Kagome plopped down. Oh yeah, she'd definitely be hatin Vegas in a matter of minutes! She was positive!

(A/N: Welllll??? How was it? The "dreams" I actually wrote those,yes. They are original and mine, so if you plan on using them, by all means, go ahead, just don't take my credit and we'll be OK. lol. I'm loving this fanfic so I'll more than likely be updating fast. Ttyl. R&R PLZ!)