Hi! This is my first fanfic! and i hope whoever reads it likes it! Please R&R and critizum is appreciated!!!^_^

It was a bit late, the sun was making its way down and the curtains of the music room was closed, except for some windows that remained slightly cracked opened. The lights had been dimmed because only the host club remained at school. Tamaki sat down on the pink couch, that Hikaru and Kaoru insisted was salmon, and he sat across from Kyoya sipping his tea. He lightly placed it down on the table in front of him, crossing his legs and slouching a bit in the couch. Placing his left arm on the armrest, and his right arm into his lap. He stared at Kyouya, who was on his laptop typing something incredibly fast. He and Kyoya were the only ones in the music room, Hikaru and Kaoru had left to take a nap, Mori-sempai had left with Honey-sempai to get his favorite sweets, and Haruhi insisted that she had a lot of homework and needed a quiet place to study. Tamaki sighed, realizing that it was going to be a very boring day after school. Kyoya looked up at Tamaki and took a quick sweep of the room, they really were alone. Kyoya grinned with satisfaction, and continued typing. Tamaki had caught his mischievous grin and spoke up.

"Kyoya, I'm bored." he said flatly.

Kyoya didn't bother to look up, but Tamaki continued to go on,

"Ah! How about we go see how Haruhi is doing?" he exclaimed as he stood up.

Kyoya immediately stopped typing and slowly looked up at Tamaki, pushing his glasses back.

"I think it would be better to leave Haruhi alone Tamaki, after all she did say she needed some place quiet to study."

Tamaki pouted and sat back down.

"Haruhi is being so cruel today, not letting her dear father watch her study."

Kyoya sighed, it seems Tamaki still doesn't see his true feelings, keeping up with this fantasy of Haruhi being his daughter. Worst of all, apparently Kyoya had been labeled the mother, but then again he had always put up with Tamaki's games.

"If you're that bored Tamaki why don't you go play the piano."

Kyoya looked down at his laptop and continued typing, he was never going to finish if Tamaki continued on bothering him with pointless conversations.

"Okay then" Tamaki said as he got up and walked to the piano, a ray of sun shone unto Tamaki's face, adding a sparkling feature to his beautiful purple eyes. This fact did not escape Kyoya, as he watched Tamaki walk toward the piano.

Wow, Tamaki really is beautiful. Huh? What in the world am I thinking? He's one of my closest friends, and he's a guy. So why does his presence send chill up my spine? He so…… naïve, and innocent…….and cute. Why does this thought keep popping into my head? Why do I want to just go over there and hold him, and tell him everything will be all right? Why do I feel this way?

Kyoya hadn't realized he had been staring at Tamaki so when Tamaki turned around, and gazed back at him, Kyoya's eyes widened and his head snapped back to his laptop. Tamaki tilted his head quizzically and then returned to the piano, and started playing a slow tune. Kyoya was distracted form his laptop, and he closed his eyes, listening to Tamaki's music. His fingers swiped across the keys playing the exact notes at the exact time, perfect was what Kyouya thought. He listened to Tamaki's song, its slow, sad tune, actually it reminded him of a love song, one of those depressing ones, where the two lovers realize they can never be together or where one falls for someone else. Kyoya stood up and closed his laptop, forgetting to save his work because he was so hypnotized by Tamaki's song. He finally understood, exactly how he felt about Tamaki.

He stood up and walked toward Tamaki until he stood right behind him, and placed his left hand on Tamaki's right shoulder and walked around him, keeping his hand on his shoulder, Kyouya sat down next to him on the bench. As Kyouya sat down Tamaki was still engrossed with his music. Kyoya let his hand fall off of Tamaki's shoulder, and leaned closer to Tamaki, they sat side by side and Tamaki's fingers continued fly across the keys. Kyouya turned his head to look at Tamaki who was staring at the keys, and not paying any attention to him. Kyoya raised one eyebrow, and continued to look at Tamaki, humph, he dares to ignore me?

"Tamaki", Kyoya whispered into his ear.

Tamaki hit the wrong key, and turned to face him, Kyoya grinned mischievously, and Tamaki's eyes widened as Kyoya leaned forward, pressing his lips against Tamaki's. Kyoya's hands slipped around Tamaki, and he placed his left hand on his lower back while the other lingered by his shoulders. Tamaki had strung his arms around Kyoya's neck. As they paused to breathe from their kiss, and they stared into each others eyes, until Tamaki broke free of Kyoya's grasp and stood up, walking away. Tamaki had walked to the couch area before Kyoya had grabbed his wrist, and they stood there. Until Tamaki turned around with a hurt expression upon his face, Kyoya dropped Tamaki's wrist and started at him.

He looks so sad, so hurt, why? I want to hold him, and tell him everything will be okay. But, I don't want to approach him anymore, I don't want to hurt him. No I don't want to hurt him.

"I'm sorry Tamaki, I just had an urge to-" Kyoya said as he looked down, but he didn't finish the sentence.

"Kyoya, why did you kiss me?" Tamaki said, there was something to the way he said it that influenced Kyoya's reply.

"An experiment-" was all Kyoya said before Tamaki threw himself in to his embrace, wrapping his arms around Kyoya's neck as he kissed him passionately. Kyoya instantly responds, placing his hands on Tamaki's lower back, opening his mouth as Tamaki's tongue grazes along his own. Locked in a passionate embrace, Kyoya pushes Tamaki on the couch and leans over him. Tamaki lays down on the couch, and Kyoya remains above him, his knees on the sides of Tamaki's hips and his hands next to Tamaki's shoulders. They kissed passionately, Kyoya kissed his neck, and began unbuttoning Tamaki's shirt, working his way down, with his kisses. They remained that way for what seemed like forever.

I finally realize how I feel about Tamaki, he's the closest person to me, the one who knows me the best. But I know he doesn't feel the same way about me. He's in love with Haruhi, even if he doesn't realize it. I could never compete with Haruhi for Tamaki. But even though I know I could never really have him, right now, at this moment in time, he's mine…..but why did he have to kiss me back?

"Tamaki, why did you kiss me back?" Kyoya said.

"To help you with your experiment." Tamaki replied effortlessly.

"Okay then" Kyoya said as he got off of Tamaki, "I have to finish my report."

Tamaki got up and sat up on the couch, shirtless, gazing at Kyoya longingly. He grabbed his shirt from the floor and began slipping it onto his arms, and buttoning it up. Sliding his coat on after and tossing his hair around so it looked like it normally did, he smoothed out his clothes until it was neat and unruffled. Kyoya's hair was already back in place, and his clothes were perfectly neat like always. Kyoya grabbed his laptop and swung his bag over his shoulder.

"Come on Tamaki, we both should go home already." Kyoya said as Tamaki grabbed his bag and they walked out of the music room together.

Well, that was chapter one.......please R&R....and if you have any ideas on what you wish would happen between between Kyoya and Tamaki, i would gladly write about it!^_^ Until next time...bLaCkxxxRoS3....