A Hundred plus One

By Sabby56

101 kisses challenge

Authors Note: I had the day off from school so I thought it would be nice to update. People who read or reviewed, you're amazing! Continue to do so please.

I feel like ranting right now so please excuse the following, better yet just skip on down to the story....

What the hell is going on with the writers and this crazy crap called Loliver? I mean come on ... all of that gushy crap the two characters are portraying is getting on my nerves to the point were I never want to turn to the station. I watched the new episode on Youtube, and every time Oliver said, "oh yeah" or complimented Lilly for cutting people off, I wanted to punch something.

I wish the writers would screw their heads back on right and just end the torture!

-Rant over.

Errors are hiding in here somewhere, so please excuse them.

Couple: Miley & Oliver

Challenge 5: I Like The Way You Taste (Strawberry Jam)

Glancing subtly at his wife, he leaned against the shopping cart. Watching as her eyes focused on the many brands and flavors.

"Which do you think we should get?" she picked two jars up, both Smuckers brands. "Strawberry or Grape?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Which do you like better?"

She looked down at the jars, thinking. "I like them both equally."

"Well why don't we just get them both."

"Because it doesn't make since to buy both. One will eventually go to waste."

Buying jam should never be a hard task he thought to himself, "well which one do you think you'll eat more?"

Her lip curled and he knew she must be thinking hard. "Well they're both sweet. Grape, I think is sweeter though but strawberry … well strawberry is just so …"

"Good?" He supplied.


He pushed the cart forward motioning for her to throw it in, "problem solved then."

"Why isn't this bothering you?" she questioned, putting the jar in the cart as they continued down the aisle.

"Oh I don't know … maybe because it's jam. Not a life or death situation." He chuckled.

"Haha. Very funny."

"I'm serious, besides I already knew which one you'd get." He stopped the cart to pick up a loaf of bread, ignoring the confused face he was given.

"Uh huh and how'd you figure?"

He smiled, "because I remember you saying you like the taste of my lips after I've had some strawberry jam."

=] Short and Sweet, this is actually one of my favorites! So tell me what you think.
