This another ficlet in the growing line of Kurt and Logan ficlets. I remember seeing in the first XMEN movie Logan experiencing night terrors and I realized that if Kurt and Logan are sleeping together they're going to have to deal with that, and thus this ficlet was born. Oh yeah and I did in fact see XMEN Origins:Wolverine which was most excellent, and somewhat sad. And I have to say that Ryan Reynolds is all kinds of hot...mmm Ryan... Anyway I do not own any of the XMEN characters and as always reviews are signs of love.

Kurt watched as Logan twitched fitfully in his sleep. It was a rare moment when he ever saw his lover asleep. Logan was always the last to fall to sleep and always the first to wake. Kurt supposed it was Logan's healing factor that allowed him his stamina. He watched as Logan's lips curled into a snarl, as his breath rose higher, and his fingers clenched sporadically. When they had first starting sleeping together he remembered what Logan had told him.

"I have...nightmares. If I wake you, try not to touch me, alright?"

"But vhy Logan? If I could just wake-"

"No! Don't! Just-ignore it. Ignore me."

"I vill try Logan."

"Please, try Kurt," the older mutant said in an uncharacteristic whisper as he enfolded adamantium lined fingers around his blue ones.

Kurt watched as Logan gritted his teeth, and his back arched upwards. He wanted to stroke away the ghost fears, to whisper words of comfort, but he heeded Logan's words. The sleeping mutant grasped at the covers tightly, he whimpered, and Kurt couldn't bear it. He pressed a firm kiss against his lover's cheek, another against his brow, one softly against Logan's lips. Brown eyes snapped open, and yellow ones peered down brimming with love.

Logan gasped loudly and shoved the demon-like mutant away from him. His breath came heavily and he snarled angrily at him his pronounced canines glinting.

"I said no goddammit! No!"

Kurt said nothing but instead moved closer to the troubled mutant. He took trembling hands in his and kissed them gently. Logan flinched as if burned his breath hitching sharply in his throat. He blinked furiously and turned away, but Kurt turned his face back to him with a gentle hand.

"You-you can't," he hissed sharply he said blinking furiously, "if I hurt you-"

"You von't."

"You don't know that. I don't fucking know that, Kurt! If I were to hurt you-"

You vill not, Logan. Es geht mir gut, ja? Es geht mir gut. Verstehen Sie?"

Logan looked up and Kurt didn't recognize the expression he wore. He was surprised when Logan pressed him into a fervent kiss and a desperate embrace. His couldn't kiss back, Logan's lips were so harsh against his own, but he understood. He let his tail caress muscled flesh, let his hands settle on Logan's bare back. When Logan wrestled off his pajama top and tugged off his pants he understood, and when they fiercely made love against the messy sheets he understood. Afterwards he let the older man fall asleep against him, but before he fell asleep he heard Logan mutter something against his chest.

"I love you Elf. Don't go anywhere."

"I von't go anyvhere Logan, I will be right here,"Kurt whispered running a hand through dark brown hair.

Kurt watched his lover sleep, without a snarl, without tight clenching of his fists, and finally without a care.

"I love you too, Logan, meine Wolverine."

And finally he closed his eyes.

* Es geht mir gut- I'm fine

** Ja-Yes

*** Verstehen Sie-Do you understand?

**** Meine-my