
You guys are absolutely amazing. I did not expect this story to even be read, let alone reviewed! Eh ma gawd lol you guys mean so much to me.

I seriously wrote this on a whim and wasn't even gonna post it but then I just thought "What the hay" ahah and now u guys totally made my week ;)


This was a total shocker to me, having you guys read and favorite, it was so amazingly sweet. After I read it, when I was done typing, I was all "wow this sucks. I'm so not letting anyone see this." but then for some reason I did. And I'm sooooo glad!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH MY FF LOVLEYS ;) U ROCK MYY WORLD ILY ALL

Andddd…. Because u were so nice…..im pushing myself to write more chaps just for you!!!! Which do u want me to write more of??

In the eyes of a victim

Tears of saints

Never far behind

WHICHH ONE??? LOL comment me ur pick ;) ily