
Someday You'll Understand

Making You My Boyfriend

Test Time

It was only six in the morning and Naruto already could not sleep, a week before the test, a whole week that he had not been able to see Sasuke. Damn did he miss the small raven. Either way, he was pumped for the test today; after the clock hit four in the morning he was up and around, preparing and doing some last minute studying. There was no way he was going to fail this test if the price was to be with Sasuke for ever. He could not afford to fail at all! Period.

"Naruto, you better get going" Naruto nodded his head to his mother and slung over his backpack. He ran all the way to school, by the time he was there it was already seven-thirty and for once Kakashi was there early as well. Everyone was, since the white haired teacher was to give them breakfast before the test begun at eight, so until seven thirty they would have to eat and then they would be escorted to go take the test. Glancing around he spotted Sasuke, after all, he to would be taking the test. Though he looked calmer than Naruto and that made the blond wonder how Sasuke pulled off the perfect facade.

He held back the urge to go over and hug the small raven to him. He sighed and then looked up when Kakashi finally opened the door. Everyone watched him step out and then lock it. "All right everyone, to the teachers' lounge at the back of the cafeteria" he said and everyone followed him. He walked pretty damn fast for an environmental teacher who did nothing but sit down and read his orange strange books. Unknown to Naruto sparkling green eyes kept staring at him.

Finally, as they were headed down the stairs, Sakura decided to approach him with a grin on her face "Hey Naruto!" Naruto looked down at the pink haired girl whose eyes were their normal color today. That was usually a rare site to see, either way Naruto smiled at her, he was feeling in a good mood but was quick to frown when the girl pressed to his side and wrapped her arms around his "So Kiba and Hinata are together now, when are we going to hook up?" Naruto stopped his walking to regard her on that.

So, that's what Sasuke had been doing. 'That's all between Kiba and Hinata' Heh, his little Sasuke could set up two people together, now it was his turn to find someone to love him back. "So, that's great and as for the us part, that will never happen Sakura" And he snatched his arm away from her grasp making the pink haired girl pout angrily and show off just how many wrinkles the make up she had put on since she was thirteen had left on her face.

"Huh, why not! We are perfect for each other"

"That's what you say"

"Naruto" She whined and Naruto rolled his eyes. "Naruto!!" she whined once more as they finally stepped on the last step and turned to exit, Naruto looking up caught the sight of Sasuke looking at them. Sakura seeing Naruto look at something turned to see what it was. Behold still her heart; did she just see the sexiest, hottest guy she had ever seen in her life? For this one she could put height on another list and make an adjustment. Then the boy was walking away again with the whole crowd. "Do you know him?"

Startled Naruto looked over at Sakura who was awed struck with lust in her eyes "Of course I know him!" Naruto snapped.

"Well, then, if you won't be my boyfriend then hook me up with him" Naruto gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He didn't want to hook up anyone but himself with Sasuke. What he said next he had no Idea what made him think it was alright to say it. He would have loved to call it a slip up, if it had not slid out of his tongue sounding so damned right. All he knew was that these were words he was never going to want to ever swallow back.

"Can't" Naruto smirked "He's my boyfriend"

"No way" Sakura gapped and Naruto closed her mouth.

After Kakashi had provided them with a breakfast burrito each and some orange juice, even though the whole time Naruto had watched Sasuke talking with a white haired guy that seemed to love water, a tall orange haired guy, and a black haired girl who all looked older than him, Naruto found himself sitting down with a yellow envelope in front of him and a lady calling out names in the list. It didn't help matters that Sasuke was sitting in the back of the room with his own yellow manila envelope.

"Rock Lee?"

Naruto dug his bottom teeth into his upper lip and sucked on it, he needed to focus, if he was going to pass this test and really make Sasuke his. This was it, damn it, this was the time for him to shine! He turned his body in his chair and sat like Sasuke, facing forward and not saying a word. Yeah, composure, show Sasuke that he was worthy of being his. The thought made his sit a little straighter, made him feel a little more confident that he could go through with this.

"Naruto?" the teacher called.


She nodded, that's when Naruto noticed her. She was a teacher, yet at the same time she was pregnant and he had to wonder why she was here giving the test to them. She had not given them her name, all he knew was she had reddish eyes and wavy brown hair, almost curled. Soon she was passing out the tests and telling them what to do as she read the instruction out loud for them.

So, before Naruto knew it he had a sum of multiple choice questions facing him and that was not the hard part for him, the free response questions made him wonder were in the book had such things been mentioned and he cursed his pen for running out of ink on him.

Bottom line, he could not wait for the testing to be over.

As he walked out of the classroom, Sasuke felt pretty sure about the test he had just finished. It had gone pretty well, nothing that he could not answer. Still, what kept annoying him lately was the way that pink haired girl seemed to glue her self to Naruto so shamelessly. He'd like to say that he was not jealous, but the feeling he had of ripping pink haired Barbie's head off was something that would not let him deny it. So, after the test he decided to go out through the back door and stalk out with a ball of different other students. At the moment, he really did not want to even see Naruto.

Once he was out in the clearing he headed for the bathroom, he really needed to go since taking a four hour test was really not fun. Then, as soon as he came out of the bathroom he headed over to the cafeteria, since the test had finished right when lunch time had started. He walked over to some of his supposed friends and just sat down. They really weren't his friends, more like people who know him and he can hang around if need be. Nothing more.

"How was the test" Asked the female of the group, whose name is Karin.


"Just like a slut" Suigetsu said cheekily and leaned into Sasuke who backed his face away from the guy "Come on Sasuke, lighten up, crack a smile, tell a joke, do something other than glare"


"Leave him alone, he just took a test!" Karin snapped at her thick headed boyfriend. At first sight, it was hate, they fought over everything. Then they went through that stage where they would make out so badly no one wanted to be around them and now they were already in the 'old married' couple stage. Where they pretended to not stand each other, and yet could still jump one another.

"Do you guys want to ditch?" Sasuke asked as he yawned and crossed his arms. Karin, Juugo, and Suigetsu all nodded before packing up and throwing out their lunch. Sasuke only got up and walked outside as they followed him. That was when Naruto and Sakura spotted the small raven haired boy, since Sakura was still bugging Naruto on how he had gotten such a hot boyfriend.

"Bet I can steal him from you"

"Bet you can't!"

They both stuck out their tongue and begun to follow Sasuke's group, only to follow them to the black gate by the PE area. There Sasuke punched in the code and the door opened for them slowly, and they walked out. "They are walking out of school!" Naruto hissed. Sakura on the other hand was torn on making a run for it or stay here with Naruto. Still, she had left all her stuff in her locker and there was no way she was going to leave them "How does he even know the code!" Naruto talked to himself once more.

Sakura was already gone.

Sighing, Naruto watched the black fence close, like a barrier that kept him away from reaching Sasuke. Like a wall standing in their way, not so solid to point out that there was still hope of there someday being a couple. Sighing one last time Naruto walked back to class, lunch was almost going to be over anyway. "I promise you Sasuke, I passed that test, and you'll be mine. You promised you'll be my boyfriend!"

The summer

Three weeks after taking the tests, Sasuke and Naruto had been wrapped up in a world of finals, Sasuke way more than Naruto that he barely even had time to see the blond. Naruto being understanding had given Sasuke his space so that he would finish everything up, but summer was now upon them and this was the last day of school, he could hardly wait! Okay, so maybe school had ended like a month ago, but Sasuke was an overachiever, so he with him had been forced to a slight summer school course.

Thing is, it is already July 23 and he had gotten his scores back, and he had scored a high four! He could not believe it. These tests were ranked from 1-5 and he had managed to pull a four out his ass and passed the test completely! Now he could finally ask Sasuke out, now he could finally claim him. Sighing, he leaned against the bricked wall near the exit as a cool breeze came and swept over his sweaty body. It felt nice.

When he heard light footsteps making their way over to him he allowed a grin to cross his lips, his little Sasuke was coming and he was looking so sexy and disheveled from the heat of the sun. his shirt was un-tucked, his pants riding low on his hips, his tie loose around his neck and tree buttons undone to show part of his smooth chest. His suit jacket over one arm and the boy seem to tense when he saw him out by the gates. "Dobe, why are you here?"

"To ask you out! Why else. I swear you only took a second course to annoy me" Naruto pouted making Sasuke roll his eyes.

"I'm not about to change my scheduled to fit yours dobe"

"Yeah, well you owe me a date!" Sasuke raised a brow before the blond placed the test scores in his line of view. Sasuke snatched the paper, he was annoyed due to the heat and he wanted to get home already. He was one of those people who hated going out for to long other wise they would snap, but he was surprised when he saw the score in Naruto's paper. Heck, he had taken the same test, he knew it was difficult, but Naruto had busted his ass…all to have a chance with him.

"You're really that determined" Sasuke asked, unsure.

"Of course I am Sasuke, You're my boyfriend now"

"Can't be if I don't agree"

"Aww, come on bastard! Show your idiot some love!!" Naruto leaned in and pressed his forehead to Sasuke's making the small raven blush. Naruto loved the rosy color on his pale cheeks. "You are just too cute" Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"And you are just so asking for a dead wi-!"

Sasuke was cut off by a pair of warm lips coming down on his, Naruto moved his lips sensually over Sasuke's pale ones making sure to open the shocked boys mouth before his tongue peeked into Sasuke's mouth and that seem to raise a moan out of the little raven. Sasuke usually didn't want to seem like the submissive one, but Naruto seem to taste good. Sasuke pulled his mouth away then. "Don't kiss me without asking, it pisses me off. Nothing gave you the right to kiss me!"

"I'm sorry" Naruto said "But I can't resist you" Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke's small waist and pulled him close. "Still, you are my boyfriend now, we made that deal"

"Yeah, one I wish I never made"

"You don't mean that!" Naruto huffed. Sasuke sighed and nodded.

"Alright, maybe not completely" Sasuke then tilted his head "But what happened to that pink haired girl I saw with you the day of the test"

"What about her?" Naruto asked blinking while Sasuke made the cutest face Naruto had ever seen.

"She came up to me the last day of school and told me that you and her were a couple and if I was ever thinking on stealing you that she'll beat me up and crap" Sasuke shrugged crossing his arms to put some distance between him and Naruto "She then started gushing over me and saying that on the other hand, I could date her and all that crap, she'd dump you in a second"

"To tell you the truth, I think she's insane" Naaruto said rolling his finger around "She got hit on the head when she was young and she's always been a huge klutz."

"And you know this how?"

"I've known her since I was a kid"

"I see"

"She's really just a child hood friend and what she really wants is to get in your pants"

"And you don't" that made Naruto's mouth hang. Sasuke chuckled and then closed Naruto's mouth "now about that date, where and when?" Naruto blinked a couple of times waiting for his mind to catch up with Sasuke's words and then he grinned.

"Now, Ichikarus!" He pulled Sasuke along with him.


2 years later.

"Hello, my name is Uchiha Mikoto" Sasuke's mother said as she bowed down, Naruto had invited Sasuke over to dinner so that both mothers could meet. At first they did anything possible to keep them from meeting and now, for the first time they were going to let them meet. Now that they both had moved out and were in the university, they could see that their mothers were lonely with no friends, so deciding that both of them knowing each other would be for the best.

"Hello, I'm Uzumaki Kushina, nice to meet you, here come in!!" Still, that was not the thing that had Sasuke irritated this evening, no, the fact that his mother had called up his brother and told him about his boyfriend had. He, ten minutes ago, had finished having a heart to heart and sex talk with his brother and then a whole speech about molestation and rape. Sasuke had gotten annoyed.

They had lasted about four hours talking it all out.

Itachi acted as if he was still a little kid or something!

Itachi still said that he wanted to come back and that he wanted to meet this boyfriend of his and that if he finds out that Sasuke lost his virginity so young that he would have the blonds head. In the end Itachi was protective of him and treated him more like a son than a brother. Sasuke sighed as he tried to calm himself down, for him to give or not give his virginity to Naruto was up to him not his brother! Who by the way now had a kid and had started a real job somewhere out there in Akatsuki company. "Well you seem to be in a bad mood Baby"

Sasuke hoped he didn't come visit any time soon.

"Brother issues, nothing but brother issues" Sasuke watched his mother and Naruto's mother begin to squeal like tow little girls as they turned on the television and some show called Vampire Knight was coming out and then they begun to talk all about Anime, and anime this and that. "Guess we don't have to worry about our mother's accepting our relationship or them hating each other"

"Apparently not" Naruto smiled "Mom, you really need to finish the dinner" Naruto called out and she turned to glare at him before she told Mikoto if she wanted to help. Both mothers headed inside talking and then got to cooking. Sasuke looked indifferent to their actions but Naruto had a look in his face that read 'What the hell'

"Anyway" Sasuke said "can we watch something while they are in there making a mess" Naruto quickly nodded and led Sasuke to his room where he turned on the television. Even though they had started the university and lived in a dorm, their moms refused to let them go completely so all their stuff was still there just in case they wanted to come back for something.

From outside Sasuke and Naruto could hear their mom's laughing and having a good time while both boys watched the television.

"They are seriously creeping me out" Naruto shivered.

"You and me both" Sasuke muttered as he kept looking at the screen, a show of where two girls are after the same man and would do anything to win him over while the man is in love with another woman and he fears putting her in danger.

"Na, Sasuke"

"Hmmm, what?" Naruto smirked as he leaned over his little Uke. Sasuke blushed as Naruto was about to lean in and kiss him on the lips, just one frisking centimeter away, then….


"Augh" Naruto growled as Sasuke pushed him off and went to a further corner of the bed when Naruto's red-headed mother entered the room with a large grin. "what is it mom?" Naruto asked innocently, though inside his head he was searching for ways to get back at his precious little boyfriend.

"Dinner is ready" Naruto nodded.

Dinner had gone well, and they had a nice conversation before Naruto's mom lead Sasuke's mom into the living room where they got to looking at Naruto's baby pictures. Sasuke had been really interested in that and even mocked him! He didn't want Sasuke thinking at he still had a baby dick, maybe he really needed to get back at his little boyfriend and this time it was personal.

Sasuke on the other hand, had other things in mind.

"Oh, look at the time. We better get going. Come on Sasuke" his mother called out as she stood up. Sasuke stood with her and waved at Naruto.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"Hey! Wait. Why don't you stay" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Because I'm not about to let my mom go home alone, Bye" and he walked out with his mother who had finished hugging with Kushina. Naruto glared behind his sly boyfriend. Though when he heard his mother sighed he had to wonder what was going on with her when he saw a love struck look on her face.


"She is so hot!!"


"Sasuke's mom, she's so….so…WHOOO!!" Her mother laughed and then walked inside the house.

"Mom?" Naruto called out again.

"I am so asking her out next time, invite her again"


"What?" she asked innocently.

"That is the mother of my future husband! Why must you come on to her?" Naruto growled and stomped his feet like a small child.

"Because I am freak like that"

"MOM!!!" He understood now, she was just teasing.

"But Naruto, all joking aside, me and Mikoto do one day want to remarry and find husbands of our own"

"Tch, as if any man will want you once they find out you have a gay son" His mother's face fell.

"Turn straight now kid!"


"Relax Naruto" his mother laughed "It's just you know, life really passes by fast" his mother sat down normally with a serious look on her face "Make sure you keep Sasuke forever and don't ever lose him over something as dumb as your pride, Sasuke should be your pride and everything. Take good care of him. Cherish him, and hold on tight" Naruto nodded his head.

"I never plan on letting him go"

"You really love him don't you" Mikoto asked her silent son and Sasuke looked up at her and then shrugged.

"Naruto is…..well yeah" Sasuke sighed. What else was he going to tell his mother, for once he knew he was controlling in their relationship. Not to mention that Naruto had put up with all his rules and all his bull shit. He really didn't deserve a boyfriend like Naruto. He really didn't but when he had told this to Neji, his cousin had laughed and told him that Gaara was no less and that he loved Gaara. Sasuke just needed to change up his rules and let Naruto have more fun. "Hey mom, can I ask for some advice"

"What's that sweetheart?"

"Well, Naruto's birthday is coming soon and I wanted to do something special for him" His mother squealed and wrapped her arms around once of his. She nearly would seem like a fan girl if it was not his mother.

"Let me tell you a little secret about something I did when I first asked your father to marry me" Sasuke stopped there "I have only told Itachi about how I was the one who proposed to your dad" Sasuke was looking at his mother like she was crazy while all the while inside her own head she felt like a genius.

"Mom….Itachi didn't talk to you for a month after you told him"

"You're brother is to gentle, you on the other hand have always been reckless, you're like me, you're mind will be able to handle it better" Sasuke gulped "Well, it was the night that you're father had gotten his promotion and he had been working so hard……"

For one thing was for certain.

Sasuke knew his mother's a freak.

Uchiha Sasuke could not believe that he had taken his mother's advice.

5 weeks later

Naruto was not sure what the hell was up with Sasuke, his little raven had been acting a little weird here and there. not to mention that every time he went into myspace, Sasuke's comments were so weird the way they popped out. Naruto was displeased with Sasuke's latest one.


There was a comment under it.

It said.

Better not be, or I'll kill you Otouto

There was only one person who called Sasuke little brother and that was his older brother. So, Itachi even kept track of Sasuke through myspace. He was probably the one who had flamed his and Sasuke's pictures, cause everyone else thought they were cute. Either way, Sasuke had been acting weird and he wanted to get to the bottom of it all.


When he got home

What he found was not what he had expected.

Sasuke completely naked

A Whine bottle in hand

And he had been attacked by a horny raven

The most completely sexy sight ever, had him horny as well

As for why Sasuke, his stoic, emotionless, controlling, boyfriend was sexy, naked, and horny

He didn't question it.

All he knew was that he was getting laid tonight!

He loved Sasuke

That in the middle of it he had yelled "MARRY ME SASUKE!"

Sasuke had turned him down after it all

It was too early

But definitely in the future

He was going to make Uchiha Sasuke into Uzumaki Sasuke


In Sasuke's thoughts

It was going to be the other way around

And it was going to be Uchiha Naruto…..

After all, Sasuke was a bit of a freak himself.

The end

Damn, Well it's the end. I couldn't think of any other way to end it. I was listening to 'Dip it low' by Christina Milian and well, the end popped out that way. Hope you've enjoyed it. I am going to try for another NaruSasu. Guess my first story on it wasn't so bad. THANK YOU ALL WHO REVIEWED!

Please Review.