Thank you so much for clicking! I hope you enjoy! Review at the end please, but this is my first Harry Potter fic, and yes it's Dracoxoc. It's a Veela fic, and those who don't know what Veela are, then just read on! You'll enjoy it!

This is the very first version of this chapter, it turns out I edited it and then I re-read it later and it was horrible! I didn't like Elena at all, and the story wasn't what I wanted it to be. It was much better before! Needless to say, now that I'm happier with the beginning, I can see a continuance. :P

I don't remember falling onto the floor until I woke up on it. By Merlin, my head spun and I was dizzy. I opened my eyes in a flash, (momentarily blinded by pain) before finally when my vision cleared, I realised that I was indeed lying on the floor in my room.

What happened? I don't remember sleeping on the floor, I remember having a shower, coming into my room then feeling horrible pains in my heart, then blacking out before I could stop myself.

I realised that today was my seventeenth birthday, but as I lifted my head, my body felt weak and it flopped back down again. I struggled to get onto my elbows, just as my mum came knocking on the door.

"Wake up honey! It's time to get ready for Hogwarts!" She told me through the maple door.

I turned around onto my front elbows, pain stifling through me as I still made effort to get up. I was in so much pain my only answer towards the door was a cry out in pain.

"Darling are you alright?" She banged on my locked door.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I managed out as loudly as I could, my voice echoing in my ears.

Why do I sound different?

I stumbled up onto my feet before wobbling over towards the door, catching my appearance in the mirror, stopping in mid step. I blinked, before crying out.

"AAH! What the hell happened to me?"


Apart from that, my hair had grown, it was now just a little bit below my shoulders in soft wisps of dark hair. My eyes were slightly darker, my skin had now a porcelain complexion. I looked like a haunting beauty, I couldn't take my eyes away from the change the mirror brought me. My skin was taught, and I was...well...more developed in certain areas... despite losing half an inch of height, I was more slender.

This can't be real! Then I remembered my parents outside my door. Just go to the door, answer your parents, it might just be your imagination!

I opened the door quickly to my parents, only noticing now that I was sweating.

"Yes?" I did my best to remain natural, but I knew I was doing a horrible job. My voice was different, I was half an inch smaller, and I had always been petite, but now I was more slender. My father noticed straight away, but my Mum was oblivious.

"Happy Birthday, darling! Are you alright?" She looked at me up and down. My father joined her in the inspection. While I waited for them to finish their inspection with a sigh, I noticed that actually I felt normal. Maybe it all was in my head.

"Have you shrunk?" My Dad asked in almost in disbelief, but he somehow seemed happy about it as he was beaming, implying something to my mother.

My mother gasped, before grinning as well. "It's finally happened!"

"What? What's happened?" I asked, coming out of my reverie.

"Darling! Look in the mirror!" She directed me to the bathroom mirror next to my room, and I gasped.

It wasn't my imagination at all, I had indeed managed to somehow shrink a little bit (even though I'm now seventeen!) and gotten porcelain skin, longer hair, darker eyes and now I was slender and curved. I don't know how I managed it, or if it was some sort of sick joke, but all I could think of as I looked in disbelief at my new appearance was 'wow'.

My mum peered over my shoulder, holding my shoulders at the same time. I could see her cheeky grin in the mirror.

"Well, honey! Aren't you gorgeous?" She was ecstatic. "Isn't she gorgeous, Edward?" She said to my Dad.

"Definitely. Especially now you've come into your inheritance." He said from behind me.

"My what?"

"Yes!" My mum beamed. "And you'll finally meet your mate!"

"My WHAT?"

"Come on honey, we need to get your stuff packed for Hogwarts! It's an important year!"

"Wait, Mum-"

I tried to make sense of what she was saying, when she used her wand to pack my stuff for me. We were out the door in seconds as she also changed my clothes for me. I quickly put on a cape (and one last look in the mirror in disbelief) before she dragged me out the door.

"That Veela better treat you well, Elena." Was the last thing I heard from my Dad before the door was shut.

A limousine pulled up at the train station, allowing Draco Malfoy and his father arrive at platform 9 ¾ . As he got out, Draco was immediately hit with a scent that was so delicious, it drove him crazy. The scent of a person that made him want to kiss and ravish that person that smelt so yummy.

"I can smell her, Father." He told the taller man in the best monotone he could, to disguise how he was going frantic and turned on he was inside.

Lucius looked down to him with what seemed to be a pleased smirk on his face.

"Good." His lips barely moved. Either way, that was his way of showing he was pleased. "Now that you've come into your inheritance, the Veela in you will find her easily. Dumbledore already knows of your Veela heritage, and I trust you will owl me as soon as you know her identity."

"Certainly, father." He smirked.

"Elena!" I heard a familiar voice shout of one of my best friends, Hermionie Granger. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were behind her on platform 9 ¾ .

"Hermionie! Ron! Harry!" I greeted and hugged them all. "I've missed you guys so much!" I could tell after I hugged them that they felt a difference in my body, and Harry was the first to speak up.

"Erm, Elena... Why are you wearing a cloak?"

"Oh never mind about it Harry, nothing to worry about." I said quickly. "Shall we board?"

"Sure." They all agreed, looking at me strangely.

I sat down with my three best friends in one of the many compartments on the Hogwarts Express. Sitting with the Golden Trio was always a fun experience, listening to everyone's summer, watch Ron wind up Hermionie... I smiled to myself.

I had kept my hood on though, as I wasn't ready to show everyone my 'overnight' change.

"Oi, Elena?" Ron asked with a mouth full of Berty Bots Every Flavour Beans from the trolley lady. Everyone else was getting stuck into food, but I hadn't gotten anything. I wasn't hungry.


"Why don't you take your hood off? No need to hide!"

"I...don't really...want to..." I said lamely in my new voice, pulling the hood over me more.

"Oh... Okay. Why has your voice changed?"

I answered as truthfully as I could. "I don't actually know."

"Erm... Right..." Ron turned into his awkward state and then returned to his food with interest.

I remembered to this morning where my Dad had said something about Veela's. I turned to the brains of the group. "Hey Hermionie, out of curiosity, what do you know about Veela's?" Elena asked.

"Veela's? Why do you ask?"`

"Oh I heard my dad talking about it." I knew I should've explained everything, but I kept silent, as if wanting to keep the secret to myself as long as possible.

I closed my eyes, biting my inner lip and sighed. Without warning, -but certainly ironically- Harry pulled down my hood. There were gasps in the room. I tried to calm myself down, they were going to find out anyway.

Harry and Ron were gawking at my now flawless face, and I began to blush.

"S-Stop staring you guys..." I stuttered.

Ron turned on Harry as if he too wasn't staring and pushed him.

"Yeah, Harry!"

"W-What?" The Boy-Who-Lived looked speechless for a moment before he glared at Ron. "Oh, I get it." He said acidly to his best friend playfully.

I blushed, and knew it was time for explaining.

"It's my seventeenth birthday today, and I woke up this morning on the floor just different. I felt incredible pain, in my chest and heart, and in my head. My Dad said something about coming into an inheritance, and my mum said I'd have a mate. I mean... I don't regret the overnight change! I quite like it! But I have a feeling that it comes at a price, or it might just be a sick joke." I finished with a slump of my shoulders. Why did EVERYTHING like this have to have a price?

Hermionie looked bewildered for a moment, searching within the depths of her brain before she too beamed. What is it with people being so happy today? What do they know?

"Oh my god, Elena! You are so lucky! You're mate is a Veela!"

"What's a Veela?" Harry and Ron chorused at the same time.

"Whosaywaaah?" I ended after them.

Hermionie went into her explaining mode.

"It's a creature that has a soul desire and a devotion to be with their mate. They are a very protective creature at that, once they find their mate, anyone who touches them is asking for a death wish. At the age of 17, they go into an inheritance, which allows the Veela in them to awaken and find their mate.

They search for their mate by scent, a scent from a mate which they love and cherish and protect. Once found, they will have urges to be with their mate, and the Veela inside them will get upset if they are away from their mate for too long. It would go so far as to have uncontrollable urges, or heat attacks, to make sure to be with their mate. They won't give up trying to seduce their mates once they found them, to make them theirs and only theirs, but they won't force them to do anything they don't wish to do."

"Aww..." Ron and Harry sapped like fan girls, before they returned to their 'manly' state and coughed behind their fists.

"But... Can't they choose someone else?" I asked. "I don't even know who this guy is!"

"No, once they know the identity of their mate they will look at no other. Besides, Elena, I think you need this. To be loved unconditionally, I mean. Veela's mate with only their one mate in their entire lives. The pain you felt changed the way you bond, you are now more submissive, and more prone to the need of being loved by a dominant, which would be your mate. And um...The reason why you've changed and most likely...umm...developed... in certain areas..." The other girl started, and carried on with her explaining with my nod. "Is to please the male Veela that's obviously also gone into his inheritance over the summer. He's probably changed too, probably gotten taller, gotten stronger, and better looking. From the pain you felt, I wouldn't be surprised if he was on this train!" She finished.

As if the truth was justified, the pain from this morning in my heart came back, making me cry out suddenly. I felt a strong emotional tug towards the door, making my legs stand up, and launch me towards the sliding door.

"Elena?" Harry and Ron asked as I stood.

I panted, my harsh breath the only thing I could hear as muffled sounds were emitted from the three blurs around me, I started falling backwards and let the darkness consume me.

It seems that history was repeating itself as I woke up on the floor. Only this time there were my three best friends all around me asking if I was alright.

"Yeah..." I assured them, as I didn't like them being worried. "I'm just... going to see where the lady with the trolley went..." Since the fall my mood had suddenly turned sour, so I got up and went out of the door. I felt like being alone.

Harry was about to go after me, when Hermionie kept him back and shook her head.

I actually didn't know where I was going; I just knew I had to get away from the cabin. Walking down the hallway of the compartment sections of the train, (you know you have to open a door to get to another part of the train bits) I felt the need to keep on going, and going. I was about to go into another section before I saw an unexpected sight of a group of Slytherins in the separate compartment hallway.

A thrashing Draco Malfoy was being pinned to the floor by his two minions, Crabbe and Goyle, Blaise Zambini above him shouting at him.

"No Draco! You can't have your mate! We're on the bloomin' train!"

Draco was writhing and growling at Crabbe and Goyle to let go, who both grunted as they tried to keep him down. It looked like he was about to overpower him, I really thought he would, when they somehow managed to keep him on the floor. His eyes were wild, his body was trembling in animalistic desire.

"Here... She's here... So close... I must have...I need... my... mate."

I gasped at 'mate'. I had gotten out of my compartment, subconsciously driven towards him so he could catch my scent...?

WHAT! My mate is Draco MALFOY? My delayed reaction came.

The Slytherins looked up at my gasp, and I quickly slid myself up against the wall in desperate hope to disguise myself.

My hazel eyes met Draco's silver ones, and for a moment all time stopped. I almost got lost in those beautiful eyes.

"Mine." He purred.

I realised that I had forgotten to put my hood back up as I left the compartment, and my entire identity was engraved in his silver grey eyes.

My own eyes widening, a blush coming up onto my cheeks, I quickly ran away from him in haste, my legs carrying me as fast as they could, I could feel Draco's eyes on me, and a small whining call trying to get me to come back. I stopped and turned, even far away from Draco, I could still see the hope in his eyes, the yearning. I forced myself to tear myself away and began to run, quickly returning to the trio as I burst through the door.

"My mate!" I panted with a pause. "Is Draco MALFOY!"



Well, what do you think? All feedback will be greatly appreciated, as it's my first Harry Potter fic! Please Review! Come on, how long does it take to write a few comments? Lol, happy reviewing!

(This is the first version of this story, as it kicks ass over the edited version, believe it or not, so this has gone back up :P Changes have been made to the other edited chappies also, it was much better originally). There you go! One story of a story being better the first time around before being re-visited. It sucked.