"Jane?" Van Pelt said "phone for you"

"Yello?" Patrick said

"Patrick?" a voice said

"Sam what's the matter?" Sam was his brother Jason's long time girlfriend but Jason had a problem with the whole pretending to be a clairvoyant from years ago as Jason could read people just as well as his brother and he didn't walk around taking money from them

"Jason" she said "he was stabbed he is alive but I wanted to let you know you're all the family he has"

"I am working" Patrick said

"You know what?" Sam said "go screw yourself Patrick he could have died and you don't give a fucking damn about your own brother" Patrick was finding it hard to find his voice and hold back the tears at that point and Lisbon walked over and took the phone from him

"Who is this?" she said shortly

"Samantha Keane" she said "I am Patrick's brother's fiancé I was ringing to tell him that his brother had been stabbed but he can't be assed to come and see his brother"

"We'll be there" Lisbon said quickly "by the end of the week I promise" and then she hung up the phone

"You can't do that" he said looking at her

"He is your brother" she said simply "and I am not letting you go anywhere alone"

"Me either" Van Pelt said "in the we are a team kind of way"

"Same for me" Cho said

"Great" Rigsby said "I get the office to myself" and then he grinned to prove that he was joking

That had been a week ago and they were all on a plane to San Antonio Texas, Jason and Patrick may have been brothers but they where completely different Jason went into things half cocked and didn't care if he made a mistake or under analysed something as he was working in a large police force where as Patrick wanted thing to detail to the last letter it was the only difference in the two. Jason was also taller than his brother and had black hair.

"I have never seen you like this" Lisbon said

"What?" Patrick said

"Not sure of yourself" she said and slipped a hand on top of his "you will be fine"

"You think?" he said "I promised myself I would look out for my little brother and now I have to get on a plane to see him and the only reason I am going is that he nearly died what kind of brother am I Lisbon?"

"A good one" she said comfortingly the two of them had became slightly better friends after she realised he wasn't as much of a jackass as she thought and he realised she wasn't as straight laced and stuck up as everyone believed.

"Your afraid" Grace said

"No" Cho said "I just don't like flying"

"Baby" she teased and he swatted her arm

"So brother huh?" Cho said "did you know he had a brother?"

"Nope" Rigsby said "I don't think Lisbon did"

"He doesn't mention his brother" Grace said "unless he doesn't talk to him"

"Maybe he doesn't" Cho said "keeping business and family private"