Ok New Story!

I deleted The Last Dragon Rider because I wasn't happy with it.

I'll update my others when my laptop is repaired, but for now this will have to do =D

20/05/2011 – This story's first 4 chapters from this date have been edited so if you had read this story before this date, you might want to re-read them all again, the first 2 chapters are pretty much the same, it's just the third and fourth that have had the most drastic changes.





"Kyuubi talking"

Summary: After another mission gone wrong, an angry Sasuke finally snaps at Naruto and wishes something he doesn't mean. What happens when his wish comes true, and the damage that is done might be impossible to reverse.

Warnings: Bad Language, OOC-ness, Yaoi, Future Lemons

Pairing: SasuNaru, others will be decided as the story progresses.

Rating: M

Author: Taemei

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto

Never Existed

Chapter 1

The warm evening sun shone brightly over the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The warm orangey-red glow gave the village a peaceful look, highlighting the faces on the mountain that looked down upon the village.

Shops were closing up after a hard day's work, and children were eagerly returning from the academy to tell their parents of their great achievements of the day.

All was well in Konoha.

Walking through the gates of the village, a cool evening breeze blew the hair of 4 particular ninja's. The breeze was nice to their heated, tired bodies. The team consisted of three shinobi and one kunoichi.

The first was a silver haired male, obviously the sensei of the group. He was wearing blue sandals and the typical leaf Jounin outfit with the green jacket, although 3/4 of his face was covered up. The bottom half was covered with a mask and one of his eyes with his leaf headband.

The next one was also another male, with blue-black hair in the style of a duck-butt and onyx eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back, and a pair of white shorts. He was also wearing a pair of arm and leg guards with black sandals. His blue headband was on his forehead.

The third member was a green eyed, pink haired female. She was wearing a red vest top and a black skirt, the skirt had a light purple piece of material going round it that was cut to look like shorts. Her black sandals came up to her knees, and her red Konoha headband sat on top of her head keeping her hair out of her face.

The last member was another male. He had sunny blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes. He was wearing a pair of black pants and a black t-shirt with orange linings. He also had on a pair of black sandals and a black headband on his forehead. To finish the look he had a beautiful necklace around his neck belonging to the First Hokage.

Konoha's famous Team 7 had returned from their latest mission, but judging by their faces something went wrong.

"Mou… Naruto! I can't believe you." The pink-haired kunoichi screeched. "You almost messed it up for us again!"

"Sakura's right Naruto." The silver haired jounin agreed. "You need to be more careful."

Naruto just continued to look at the floor and scuff his sandals as he walked. It really wasn't as bad as what they were making out.

"Stupid dobe." The raven haired teen mumbled. "Can't even do a simple mission without messing it up."

Naruto ran in front of Sasuke and pointed a finger at him. "T-teme, it wasn't that bad!"

Something inside of Sasuke snapped. The blonde jinchuuriki had gotten on his last nerve today.

"Not that bad, you almost got Kakashi killed!" The raven sneered.

Naruto took a step back, unable to think of a comeback. He wasn't expecting that answer. The Uchiha never usually retorted, their pride would never allow it.

"You can't even do the simplest missions right. How you're a jounin I'll never understand." Sasuke continued to fume.

"Sasuke I think that's enou-"

Sasuke cut Kakashi off. "No! He needs to understand for once!" Turning back to Naruto he continued. "Everyone would be better off without you screaming nonsense in their ears all the time. Why don't you just leave the village and disappear!"

Sakura's hands flew to her mouth in a silent gasp. Sure Naruto had messed up but he didn't deserve this. This was a verbal beating that was just cruel.

Every word Sasuke spoke hurt Naruto more than when the raven pushed a chidori through his chest when they were twelve. Every sentence that flew out of the raven's mouth caused Naruto's heart to crack. Until it broke.

Looking up at his teammates and sensei, the three didn't have any words to say. Naruto's beautiful cerulean eyes that were usually full of life, were dull and hollow.

"Is that how you really feel?" The blonde asked.

Sasuke was taken back slightly, where was the usual 'shut up teme' comeback. Well to be honest he really didn't care at the minute. He was annoyed and pissed and he was going to let everybody know about it for a change.

"Yes!" the raven answered. "And I think everybody will agree with me when I say all of us wish you never existed."



When Sasuke finally registered what he had said, his eyes widened a fraction. Maybe he had let his outburst go too far, Naruto had messed up but even he could admit to himself, that statement was a bit too harsh.

A deadly silence engulfed the 4 ninja's.

In a blink of an eye Naruto threw something at Sasuke, and hung his head low. The last Uchiha caught it automatically out of reflex, but didn't look at what was thrown. He just continued to stare at the blonde.

Looking up at his team, tears were freely falling from his eyes. They couldn't tell if they were angry tears or sad tears. "Tell Obaa-chan I quit."

With that said, the blonde shinobi was gone.

The three remaining ninja's just stood there looking at the spot Naruto previously occupied. There was nothing to say, heck what could they say.

Opening his hand to see what Naruto threw at him, Sasuke was slightly shocked.

It was Naruto's headband and necklace.

"Hn." Sasuke put his usual emotionless face back on, might as well try and regain some of his dignity. "He'll be back tomorrow, demanding his headband back."

Stuffing the items in his pocket and with nothing left to say, Sasuke walked off to the Uchiha district. Kakashi and Sakura watched him go; they had nothing to say to him.

"What's going to happen now Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked slightly worried, what Sasuke had just said to Naruto was extremely hurtful.

"To be honest…" Kakashi watched as Sasuke finally disappeared from sight. "I have no idea."


Slumping down on the sofa in his living room, Sasuke tilted his head back and looked at the ceiling. Closing his onyx eyes, he decided to do some thinking on what had happened today.

Maybe what he had said was a bit too harsh, but he was just so angry. Why did Naruto have to jump in all the time and do stupid things? You would think over the years he would be less clumsy and smarter, but no, he just stayed the same.

'Well this is Naruto were talking about… he'll never change.' Sasuke couldn't help but smirk at his thought.

What was it about the blonde jinchuuriki that could get him so riled up? That outburst had caused Sasuke's pride quite a bit of damage, Uchiha's weren't meant to show emotion, it was against their code. No one could get Sasuke to show emotions like the blonde could. He watched the dobe more now, since he'd come back to the village. Every now and then he'd take small glances at the blonde and he really didn't know why. He was sure no one had noticed it though.

Why was Naruto, with just a few words able to get through to people and make them change their ways. Why was everybody pulled to him when they had a problem? Why was he, Uchiha Sasuke pulled to that idiot?

He just didn't understand it.

Sure the blonde was his rival, and kind of his best friend, in a weird fucked up way, but that didn't mean that just because he was those, that was the reason Naruto could get so easily under his skin. There had to be another reason for it. But what was it?

Sasuke sighed and sat up straight. He couldn't be bothered to think about this anymore. Looking at the clock he was quite surprised to find it was 11 o'clock.

'Tch… stupid dobe, making me waste two hours thinking about ridiculous things. Only you could manage that.'

Figuring it would be best to get some sleep for tomorrow. Sasuke headed through the Uchiha mansion to his bedroom, for some well-deserved rest.

He didn't notice or sense the shadowy figure watching him from the window.


After fleeing from his teammates, Naruto sat inside the Hokage Mountain looking out the fourth's eye. He didn't sit on top that would be the first place anybody would look, so he sat inside it instead.

He wasn't crying anymore, he didn't have any tears left. The puffy red eyes and tear marks were enough evidence that he had been though. His head was rested on his knee's which were drawn to his chest. It was a vain effort to comfort himself.

'Why?...' Naruto thought to himself. 'Why does he hate me so much? Maybe I should just up and disappear. It will make him happy.'

"Don't be silly gaki." Kyuubi snorted within the blonde's mind. "You could never leave this blasted village, you have too many friends and ties here you couldn't leave behind."

'I doubt any of them would care… Let's all be sad because the demon brat left the village.' Naruto sarcastically retorted. 'They'd more likely throw a party and you know it.'

"A couple of years ago I would probably agree with you." the fox admitted. "But now I can't help but disagree, there are people here that care about you now. More than you probably know."

Naruto rolled his puffy eyes. 'Yea right.'

Kyuubi mentally sighed; he hated the blonde moron when he was like this. Naruto would mope about, give Kyuubi a headache, mope about some more, make Kyuubi's headache worse, then admit Kyuubi was right to start with. It was a normal occurrence for the fox now, but still didn't prevent the headaches.

"Look kid…" Kyuubi began. "Starting from when you were little you've been striving to be acknowledged by this village, playing pranks, trying to get attention and becoming a ninja."

'I don't need you to tell me about when I was little Kyuubi.' Naruto snorted.

"I have a point brat, let me explain it." Kyuubi growled annoyed at being interrupted. "All that changed when the Uchiha came along. You didn't just want the village's acknowledgement anymore you wanted his. Overtime his acknowledgement was what you craved most and you were willing to do anything to have it."

Naruto thought about that for a minute. Kyuubi was right, it didn't matter anymore what anyone else thought about him. The only one he needed to be acknowledged by was Sasuke.

"You chased him through all five shinobi nations, fought a fucked up snake guy and a crazy organisation to get him back. Then once you got him back, you again had to prove that you were worth his acknowledgement. What I'm trying to say is that if you continue doing this Naruto your just going to get hurt further." Kyuubi explained. "Why is it you need his acknowledgement so badly, everybody else respects you. The village no longer hates you. Just let it go, its one person gaki."

Naruto knew what Kyuubi was saying was true but he just couldn't let go. 'Your right and I know that but- '

"There's not buts' needed, just let it go!"

'I can't!' Naruto screamed at the fox demon within him. 'I need to know he cares… I want him to care… I love him!'

The nine tail fox sighed once again. He already knew that Naruto loved the last Uchiha, but to hear him say it like that, there was really nothing he could say or do.

'I'm going to leave Kyuubi; if it's what he wants then I'll do it.' Naruto voice didn't waver, he was being serious.

"He was just angry, he probably didn't mean it." Kyuubi's voice was slightly urgent; he couldn't believe Naruto was actually going to do this.

'No, he was serious this time Kyuubi. I saw it in his eyes. I'm sure that if i don't leave then he will again, and no one will forgive me. I wouldn't be able to forgive me. We just got him back.'

Standing up and dusting his pants off. Naruto turned and took a step towards the exit of the Mountain, only to notice a strange black cloaked figure standing there.

"Hello there." it greeted. The voice had a slight ring to it, sort of like a deep bell, it was hypnotising.

Kyuubi growled menacingly in his cage. This being was letting of a deadly aura and he didn't like it. "Just walk away gaki, there's something not right here."

It was like Naruto never heard the fox, tipping his head to the side slightly he looked confused at the black figure. Oblivious to the deadly aura Kyuubi could feel. Oblivious to the danger he was in.

"Who are you?"