This is something that I've been thinking about for a while and had to type it. I have read a story with the same idea before and of there are any similarities, it's be coincidence.

Disclaimer: I don't own YGO but I do own quiet a few teddy bears who are gonna take over the world;b

Chapter 1

Not So Good News

Téa Gardner was your average teenager. She was tall, brunette and had blue eyes. She was 17 and lived with her father in double story house. Her mother had left not long after she was born and had only seen her in person twice since then. She knew very little about her but she didn't mind because she had always had her father. She had lots of friends but had five best friends- Joey, Tristan, Serenity, Yugi and Yami. Joey was a blond who always stood up for his friends and love to get into fights with a certain billionaire. Tristan was a brunette who was always at Joey's side and backed him up. Serenity was Joey's kid sister who was currently dating Duke Devlin. Yugi's a blond with purple eyes. He sticks up for his friends even though he's really short. Yami is an Egyptian Pharaoh. Recently he was granted a body of his own by the Gods. He was also Téa's boyfriend. Téa's life had always been pretty simple- go to school, hang out with her friends, stop Joey from killing Seto Kaiba and occasionally getting caught up with helping her friends save the world. She had always been an A+ student and had never gotten detention. She got into fights and argued but not badly enough to get a detention. But as all teenagers there was one that she absolutely detested- Seto Kaiba. The two of them constantly argued. And as much as she hated him, she would never let Joey lay a hand on him. It was most likely out of fear because the billionaire would probably sue Joey or fight back. Yip, Téa Gardner's life was pretty simple.


"Miss Gardner, what is a pachyderm?" Téa looked at her biology teacher.

"Sir, it is a thick-skinned mammal."

"Good," Téa looked out of the window with mild interest. It was Friday and all she planned on doing for the next 48 hours was hang out with her friends and practice her dance routine. She heard the final bell ring and packed up her school books and walked out of the classroom. She walked at her usual pace until she reached the chemistry lab.

"AND DON'T EVER COME BACK!!!!" Téa saw Joey and Tristan run out of the lab.

"Lemme guess, you two tried to blow up the school," Téa saw the chemistry teacher covered in chemicals and most of the lab was scorched.

"How else where we s'possed to get out of the lesson?" Joey asked with a mischievous grin. Téa walked with them to the front entrance. As she turned around the corridor she bumped into someone. She started to apologise but stopped in mid-sentence.

"Watch where you're going Gardner," Téa looked into a pair of cold blue eyes.

"Watch it moneybags," Joey said stepping in front of her.

"You should mind your own business mutt," Kaiba said and walked off before Joey could argue his case.

"Yeah, you'd better run," Joey yelled. Yugi arrived to hear him sat that.

"Not again," Yugi said.

"Joey and Kaiba?" Yami asked joining them.

"What gave it away?" Tristan smirked. The five of them walked in silence to the gaming shop. (At least Téa, Yami and Yugi walked in silence while Joey and Tristan were arguing over how they should kill Kaiba.)

"Good to see you all. Téa your father called and said that you should get home straight away," Solomon Motou said.

"Thanks. See you guys tomorrow," Téa said as she walked in the direction of home.


"Your mother passed away," Mr Julian said getting straight to the point. He was her mother's lawyer.

"Um…ok. Why is it so important that I know that? To me she's been dead for years," Téa asked. She had just been informed that her mother had died in a plane crash.

"Well you inherit her company- Mazaki Industry."

"I don't want it."

"Téa think about your future. You could have a whole lot more than you do now," her father said.

"What's wrong with the way we live? It's not like we have nothing."

"Well, you can't survive like this any longer. Besides, now you'll be able to live better," Mr Julian said.

"And another thing Téa, I have to leave to London for five months for work," her father added. He was an important person in one of the city's major banking companies.

"And what am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

"Well, it said that in your mothers will you are to marry one of her friend's sons," Téa looked at the lawyer with hatred.

"So I'm supposed to marry someone I don't know?"

"If you don't want to get disinherited, then yes you have to marry someone you don't know."

"But I'm too young."

"In a month you'll be of legal age to marry. Until then you will stay with your future husband. The two of you will be wed in two months time."

"Well does my…future…husband at least know about this arrangement?"

"No, he will be informed after I leave here. If he doesn't marry you, he too will have his company taken away from him," Mr Julian glanced away from Téa's glare.

"How old is he?"

"Around your age. He's a successful young man. He's managed to make his stepfather's company into a great success. Although he has got a nasty temper."

"Jeez, for a minute it sounds like I have to marry Seto Kaiba," Téa laughed a nervous laugh but it soon turned into a cry when she saw how the lawyer looked at her. "Oh shit, I'm gonna have to be Mrs Téa Kaiba."

"Isn't there any other way to do things?" Mr Gardner asked.

"No. Mokuba Kaiba is too young and Seto Kaiba is after all the CEO of KaibaCorp. Neither of you can marry another other wise your companies will get taken away. You can't even get divorced," Mr Julian said. Téa got up and walked out of the house like what she was told was normal. Once she was outside ran down the street until she got to the park where she collapsed and began to cry.


Seto's POV:

"So you're telling me that I have to marry someone I don't know in order to keep my company?" Seto asked. He was trying hard to keep his composure but his control was fading.

"Yes, Mr Kaiba," Mr Julian said. He was basically sweating bullets under Seto's glare.

"Is there no other way?" Seto asked. He had a faint glimmer of hope but it faded as Mr Julian shook his head.

"You are the only one that can marry. Your brother is too young and you are the eldest and CEO of KaibaCorp."

"But I am the sole owner of KaibaCorp. My stepfather no longer has control over anything that happens."

"It is written in his will before then that in the event that if his closet friend dies before her daughter is of age, a Kaiba must marry her."

"So…who…am I… marrying?" Seto asked. His heart was fading. He prayed that it was someone that he would eventually feel something for but even more that Mokuba would like and get along with her.

"Her name is Téa Mazaki. Right now it's Téa Gardner," Seto's heart dropped. He couldn't get along with Téa even if he tried. At least Mokuba would get along with her. Question is will I ever?

AN: Please review and I'll give you cookies. Vote on my poll of you want me to update soon.