Coming Home


I felt funny about calling my dad and asking if I could move back to Washington.

What if he said 'no'?

Then what would I do?

I did not want to go to boarding school or have to travel with my mom and Phil.

I didn't like Phil all that much, he always looked at me funny.

Any way, the only thing I'd really be giving up would be the sun, Oh and my mom, not like she even knew I existed when Phil was around.

I already talk to Rene' and she knew how I was feeling, she gave her blessing as did Phil, although they couldn't understand why I'd pick Forks over L.A.

I missed my dad and my brothers.

My mom always forgot about them.

She was never close to them, they'd come visit for 2 weeks in the summer and it was always us 3 hanging out, she made no attempt, I felt bad for them, but they blew it off and said they came to see me anyways.

So, I took a deep breath and called my dad.

I called him at the station, knowing he wouldn't freak out on the phone there.

"Forks Police Dept., Chief Swan speaking, how may I help you?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hi Dad!" I purred.

"Bella! What do I owe this occasion? Wait! What's wrong? What happened?" he was frantic.

"Nothing dad, I just wanted to call and talk to you." I said smiling.

"Oh, O.K. what's up Bells?" he replied.

"Well dad, I've been thinking. Mom and Phil are going to be traveling w/ his team and I have 2 choices, go to boarding school (gagging noise) or travel with mom and Phil (nausea noises.). I replied.

"Whoa! Bells, what did you just say?" Charlie was gasping.

" I want to come to Forks live." I said again.

"Are they O.K. with this idea?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, they don't even know I exist half the time." I sighed.

"Well then it's settled, you'll come back to live with us." Charlie was smiling.

"Dad? I think I'll be driving back, I have an awesome car and don't want to leave it." I asked/said shyly.

"Great Bells, when will you leave? Tomorrow? You'd be in early ." Charlie was still smiling.

I sighed and thanked Charlie.

I had a lot of packing to do!