This is the epilogue.

I hope you enjoyed the story while it lasted.

"Dad" Her voice rang from down the hall.

There was no response.

"Dad, you promised to read to my book to me before bed!" Eight year old Sawyer stomped her feet from the hall way.

Lucas Scott's head poked out from around the kitchen doorway and he frowned. He placed his finger over his lips and approached her slowly. She was hoisted up into his arms and brought onto his back. He carried her into her bedroom and flopped her down on the bed.

"Why was I being quite?"

He laughed and sat down next to her. "Because mom and Chris crashed about twenty minutes ago"

"But it's eight o'clock on a Saturday; normally you and mom watch TV or read until forever and then I come in and tell you to turn the volume down cause I can't sleep, then you let me watch with you for a little while"

"Well I don't think that'll be happening tonight missy. How can you not be tired after today? Michael's party was crazy!"

"That's cause you played basketball all day with Uncle Nathan and the other guys, all I did was babysit Anthony, Emily and Chris and they're babies." Sawyer pouted.

"I thought you liked babysitting; Aunt Brooke even slipped you some money." He smiled and gently tickled her side.

"Ya, but I would have much rather played basketball with all my friends and family. Nobody even asked me. Everyone just assumed I would watch the babies. And I'm only eight you know, that's a big responsibility."

Lucas pulled his daughter onto his lap; her head turned towards him, and grabbed the book from off her nightstand. "You're right, that wasn't nice of them to do"

"Ya, mommy started it. She told Aunt Brooke and Aunt Haley that I was going to watch Chris in the house for a bit, and I wouldn't mind watching Emily and Anthony too. Well "a bit" turned into the entire party. I even had to sit with them during cake and pizza"

"I bet she didn't mean to sign you up for that, she just figured because you liked spending time with Will, you wouldn't mind watching the other kids as well."

She crossed her arms. "They could have made Jamie do it"

"Alright" Lucas laughed. "Are you going to listen while I read?"

Sawyer shut her mouth and relaxed her head against her father's chest while he opened up to where they had left off in the chapter book.

In the bedroom down the hall, Peyton was being woken up. Her son was mumbling softly in her ear. She turned onto her side and found Christopher's anxious blue eyes staring back at her.

"Hi baby boy, did you fall asleep in here too?"

"Ya" He reached out to hold her finger. "My bed"

"You wanna sleep in your bed?" She verified.

"Ya, cuh imma big boy ma"

"Not too big" Peyton laughed. "You're still my baby boy"

"No" He pouted. "Im yo big boy"

"Are you now?" She lifted him up into the air, and let him sit in her lap, while still lying back against the mattress.

"Ya, big wike daddy!" The little boy clapped his hands in excitement.

"That's too big!" She exclaimed, taking his hands in her own, then placing them against her lips. "I'll settle for two" With a frown he pulled his hands from hers and rolled off her lap. "You dorky boy, let's go brush those teeth, and get you tucked into that big boy bed"

He smiled and stood with his arms out, demanding to be picked up. Peyton smiled, he wasn't so big just yet. The mother obliged to her son's wishes and pulled him onto her hip, lightly bouncing his bottom.

As she passed by Sawyer's door on their way to Christopher's room, they hear Lucas' soft voice lulling the words of yet another story.

"Me too?" He begged.

"I thought you were tired?" He shook his head in response. She opened her mouth to protest, but decided against it. " Fine"

Peyton pressed her lips to the side of Chris' temple and quietly pushed open the bedroom door. Lucas' eyes broke from the book he was holding and Sawyer crossed her arms.

"We are not starting over!" She defended.

Lucas nudged her side and lowered his eyes at her when she turned to face him.

"I want a story too!" The two year old whined. Peyton sat down on the edge of the bed with Chris still in her arms.

"We can read something else" Lucas suggested, but Sawyer would have nothing to do with that.

"No, they came in late, and we started this story last week, so too bad Christopher."

"Be nice Missy, I know whose birthday's coming up and who won't be getting anything if they keep up this sassy attitude." Peyton lectured.

"I'm not sassy!" Sawyer fought back.

"Daddy make them go away! Reading is better without them."

Chris jumped off his mother's lap and hobbled over to the book shelf on the further side of the bedroom. He grabbed one of the bottom shelves and placed it nicely on his father's lap.

"I want dis one daddy"

He pulled up a copy of 'Where the Wild Things Are' and Lucas smiled at his wife who just shrugged.

Sawyer just lowered her eyes at her mother and father, and buried her head under the pillows on her bed.


Peyton was in bed that night before Lucas, but as tired as she was, she stayed up to say goodnight to her husband. Her eyes were closing as they rested on Luke's pillow, her gaze focused towards the door.

"You still awake?" He asked, closing the door behind him and settling on to her side of the bed. He brushed her hair out of her face, and kissed her forehead softly, before standing. He made his way to the bathroom and stripped into his boxers in the doorway. Peyton innocently watched him.

He brushed his teeth, shut off the lights and crawled under the covers.

Peyton's head hadn't moved. It was still tucked tightly against his pillow. Her hand came to rest against his chest and her leg crossed over his.

"Good day" She stated as Luke placed his hand over hers.

"It was"

"Everyone had fun; The kids love their Aunt & Uncles house."

Lucas laughed softly. "Almost everyone had fun.."

"Who didn't?" Her lips were close to his ear now as she sat up a bit.

"You put Sawyer on baby duty again."

"She loves babysitting the kids!" Peyton spoke defensively

"Not when everyone else is partying.."

The mother was quite. "I kind of signed her up for that, didn't I?"

"Well, that's how she saw it."

She sighed. "I think I take advantage of her because she's so big now"

Lucas eyes widened in the dark, she could tell. "She's not big"

Peyton poked his chest. "Yes she is."

"Stop!" Lucas said sternly and Peyton laughed loudly.

His hand moved off his hers, and onto her mouth. "Shh, She'll hear us and demand to be read another story if she knows we're awake."

They were quite for a bit until Peyton rested her head back next to her husband's.

"Do you want another one?

"Ha" Luke laughed. "No."

"No?" She questioned, her lips suddenly warm on his neck.

"No way"

"Nothing really went wrong last time…"

He was silent for a moment. "Maybe."


She drew her chin and placed a kiss on her lips. "Maybe"


Keep your eyes open for my new story, it'll be better written than this epilogue.