DISCLAIMER: I do not own GA.

Chapter 1: Their break up scene in class

Everything else went the same as the usual in the class of Mikan. They are all now waiting for their sensei to come to class. Mikan never gets late anymore since she has improved a whole lot when it comes to her punctuality. She is currently sitting at her desk as her best friend approached her.

"Mika, can you believe the news?" Hotaru started as she sat down on the seat right next to Mikan as Mikan just stared at her baffled.

"What news, Hotaru?" Mikan asked as Hotaru leaned closer to her and whispered something. "I've heard that Natsume and Sumire already broke up." She whispered as Mikan's eyes were like saucers.

"I don't believe it, Hotaru. I mean, they are the hottest and most popular couple here in this academy. They look good together it. There would be no way that they will be breaking up." Mikan replied.

"Actually, they already broke up, baka. They just broke up this morning." Hotaru calmly stated. "I think it was because Sumire was going out with Mochu while Natsume and him are still together." She continued.

"Huh? Why would Sumire do that? And besides, Natsume is the perfect guy, if he's not that arrogant, cold, and mean to people. Only someone stupid would let someone like Natsume go and only someone stupid would cheat on Natsume." Mikan answered.

"So are you saying that you also like Natsume in some sort of way? You said that he would be the 'perfect guy'." Hotaru mocked at Mikan.

"I didn't mean it that way, Hotaru. What I meant was that most girls in this academy think of him like that. He's just a friend and a partner to me. No more and no less." Mikan replied as she defended herself. "And besides, I already like someone else for so long already." She thought to herself as Narumi entered the room.

"Good morning class! This hour will be free period for all of you since we have important matters to settle in the faculty room. You may do whatever you want but do not leave the room. Imai, Tobita, I put the two of you in charge while there's no teacher around." Mr. Narumi announce as he left the room.

Once he was out of sight, the class started to do whatever they could ever think of. Some were even gossiping about the latest news if Natsume and Sumire really broke up with each other. They were making a point that their free period will not be a waste at all. The class was busy doing their own thing as Natsume and Sumire then entered the room.

"Natsume! Wait! Let me explain!" Sumire begged as she was tagging along the back of Natsume while the whole class stared at their little drama scene. "Natsume, please don't break up with me. We look good together and we are perfect together!" she pleaded.

"What the heck do you still have to explain?! You don't have to explain at all since I saw everything! We WERE perfect together. Just leave me alone you ugly hag." Natsume coldly stated.

"Natsume, please don't do this to me." Sumire pleaded once again. "I didn't mean hang around with Mochu while you and I are still together."

"Ok. Now I know that what Hotaru was saying a while ago was true. Aww. Why did even Sumire do such a thing? I presume that Natsume loves her and then she cheats on Natsume. I guess this situation is really hard for Natsume. To think that they are also the most popular couple here in Alice Academy, it would surely be a big rumor that they broke up all because of another guy that Sumire has." Mikan thought as she was also watching their little play along with her other classmates while Hotaru videotaping the whole thing.

"Whatever. Now go and run along with your little Mochu. For sure he's waiting for you somewhere in this freaking place. And don't worry, I'll find someone else who is way better off than you are so just be happy with your new guy." Natsume coldly stated as he sent a death glare to Sumire.

"Natsume…" Sumire mumbled as she was trying to get nearer to where Natsume is heading, which is to the desk of Mikan since they are seatmates.

"Go away you ugly hag. I don't wanna see you ugly looking face in my entire life." He stated as he sat down and then lit Sumire's hair on fire. Sumire ran out of the room and cried. Once she was gone, Natsume sent another death glare at the whole class and then they were back to where they were doing before the two of them arrived a while ago.

"Ano… Natsume, wasn't that a bit too much?" Ruka, his best friend, said as he sat down at the same desk as well. "She's all crying and stuff." He continued.

"Whatever. She deserves it anyway." Natsume said as he read his manga while his feet were on top of the table like he always does.

"Ouch. I could tell that Natsume got hurt. The poor guy." Mikan thought as Narumi entered the room again.

"I'm back class! The meeting was done early so I decided to go back to class and then leave a homework for all of you!" Mr. Narumi happily announced while the whole class just grunted in disbelief.

"Now, now. Settle down please. It won't be THAT hard since our subject is just English. It's not like Math where you have to memorize a whole lot of formulas and other equations." Mr. Narumi explained as Mikan asked a question.

"What is it all about, Narumi-sensei?" Mikan kindly asked.

"Oh, it's just a simple one. You just have to write all of the eight parts of speech on a whole sheet of paper without using any type of references. That is why I came back to collect all of your books so that it will be fair." He explained as the whole class just grunted again.

"Okay then. Eight parts of speech is just as easy as pie. I think I can do that in a jiffy." Mikan happily thought as she shifted her daze onto the fire caster who was beside her. "Natsume is not paying attention to class again. But who cares? He's like that every time. I wonder how he gets very high scores even if he doesn't listen to any teacher."

"Since there are no more questions, class dismissed!" Narumi exclaimed as he skipped out of the room. Mikan then approached Hotaru since she knew that talking to Natsume right now is not the proper timing.

"Hotaru, where are you going to stay for the day? Class is dismissed early." Mikan stated as she went near Hotaru's desk.

"I'm going to my lab. I have to finish my inventions since some are already due tomorrow. How 'bout you? what are you going to do? You have loads of free time." Hotaru replied.

"I dunno. I guess I'll just walk around the academy for a while. And then I'll be heading back to my room afterwards since we have homework from Mr. Narumi and the activity Mr. Jinno gave us a week ago." Mikan answered.

"Oh, I see. Well, I better get going now. ja. And one more thing, try not to bother your seatmate for a while if you don't wanna have third degree burns after." Hotaru advised.

"I know. I don't wanna end up in the hospital all because my body got burnt." Mikan shot back as Hotaru walked out of the room as Mikan went back to her desk and fixed her things.

"Ano… Natsume? Are you alright?" Mikan suddenly asked out of the blue. "What the heck am I saying?! Of course he's not alright! He just broke up with his girlfriend. I really am an idiot!" Mikan thought as she was scolding herself.

"Sorry about that. I'm asking stupid questions again. Hahah." Mikan continued with a nervous laugh. "But are you really feeling alright now?" she asked again.


"Huh? Hn? That's a yes right? Yes that I'm asking a stupid question or yes that you're feeling alright?" Mikan asked confusedly?

"Both. You don't have to make a fuss about what happened earlier." He replied. "I don't really feel that bad all because of the stupid break up because ever since we were together, I've realized that I didn't really love that ugly hag. I was just acting a while ago. I really wanted to break up with that seaweed girl a few days after we became together but I can't find the reason. And if I break up with her with no reason, people may think that I'm a more cold-hearted person. It was a good thing that now; I've got the reason to break up with her. But the thing is, I'm the one whom they take pity on." Natsume thought.

"Oh, okay then. I'll be going now. Ja." Mikan said as she left the room.

"Tch. That baka." Natsume muttered as he stood up and left the room as well.