Authors Note: So, I have gone over what I wrote before and come to the conclusion that it was crap. Complete and total crap. Therefore I have decided to redo it. The concept will still be the same. Now it's just new and improved! So read on my loves!

Chapter One: The Women in the Black Stilettos

If this were a movie everything would be silent except for the sobbing of the victim. But this wasn't a movie, this was real. The noise of the city could be heard down the dark alley way covering up the sounds of the man begging for forgiveness. Maybe he was begging God for forgiveness; maybe he was begging her for forgiveness. In all honesty the woman holding the gun to his head really didn't care. The woman pressed the gun harder into the kneeling man's head as she leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I told you if you double crossed me you would regret it." The man sobbed harder as he heard the click of the safety being pulled back. "You thought I would be forgiving because I'm a woman. You got that all wrong." With that the woman pulled the trigger sending a bullet straight between the man's eyes, the gun shot covered up by the sounds of the city's night.

She straightened slowly putting her gun back into its holster and grabbing the keys out of her jeans pocket. She walked briskly out of the alleyway and towards her jet black Koengsegg CXX like nothing had happened. Swiftly she got in and sped out of the city. She drove for thirty minutes flying down country roads before finally turning down a secluded road. Soon enough she reached a huge gate and rolled down her window. The woman smirked at the guard who was on his way over and he quickly turned around to open the gate. Within seconds the woman was pulling around to the front of a huge mansion.

She opened the door and placed one black leather stiletto heal out of the car before getting out of the car smoothly. Suddenly she was surrounded by servants dressed in clean black button up shirts and dark wash jeans. She tossed the keys to the man behind her, the man caught them effortlessly. "Please park the car John." The woman ordered. The woman then walked towards the doors, only one man now next to her. He was dressed differently than the other servants. He instead wore a black pinstripe suit. The man opened one of the large doors for the woman to walkthrough. She nodded to the man while walking into an enormous entry way and towards the large stair case. Again the man followed her.

Everything was quiet except for the clicking of the woman's shoes. Finally as the neared the top of the stairs the man spoke, "Did everything go well?" The woman laughed softly, "Is that even a question Wilson?" Wilson smiled, "I suppose not. Did you get what you were looking for?" This time the woman smiled ferally, reached into her shirt and pulled out folded piece of paper. By this time the pair had reached a set of double doors. The woman looked at Wilson and handed him the piece of paper. "Put this in the draw in my office." The woman said cryptically. Wilson nodded, "Goodnight Bella." The woman just turned and walked through the double doors and into her suite. Bella pulled her boots off by the doors and walked to her window that over looked the drive way, the city in the distance. She wrenched the curtains closed and smiled. Everything was coming together perfectly.

Authors Note: It's short I know. I'll get the next one out as soon as possible! Let me know what you think of the new version!

See you next time my loves!
