Ah… sorry about that. Its been like… way too long. For those who wanted me to write a next chapter here you are :). I'm sorry to say though that this story will forever be a two shot. A very Seddie fluffy ending for you all .

I walked down the park in deep thought. I can't believe Freddie just heard me playing back there. I hope he didn't follow me. But even if he would, I took precautionary steps.. Like changing my clothes. I m now wearing black skinny jeans that I borrowed from Carly once that I forgot to return, a plain sky blue t-shirt, a zip-up hoddie that I don't think Carly and or Freddie has seen me in yet, and a black and blue plaid scarf. I placed my hair in a semi-messy high ponytail and wore large designer sunglasses that Carly gave to me one Christmas.

I know. It's not like me to wear these kinds of things. But hey, it's called a disguise. Back to what I was saying…

I am walking down the park right now. It's actually a nice, quiet, and cool November evening. I am one of the few people who were here. I could feel the cool wind touch my face and the crunching of grass beneath my feet.

Suddenly I could hear the sound of rapid footsteps. I looked up to find a flushed Freddie running along the path as if he was looking for something. I immediately looked the other way and he just ran by me. I smiled softly to myself then kept on walking. This is why I, Sam Puckett, am the master of disguise.

I kept on walking and I heard light footsteps falling into sync behind me. I ignored it. It might just be some other guy walking around the par like me. But just in case, I placed my hands in my pocket and balled them up into tight fists… just in case.

"Sam?" a soft voice whispered from behind me.

My mistake here was turning around to face whoever called my name when I could've easily just kept on walking… especially after recognizing that deep, melodic voice.

I turned around and I saw Freddie standing there with his face inches away from mine. I took a quick step back and looked him straight in the eye, not saying anything.

He raised a hand and he slowly curled his fingers around the stem of my sun glasses. His hand hovered there for a while on the side of my face

I half closed my eyes, focusing on the heat radiating from his hand, a strong contrast to the cold wind that has been hitting my face the whole afternoon.

Then he carefully raised my sun glasses and placed it on top of my head. It was getting dark anyways.

We stood there in silence for a while, just staring into each other's eyes.

I wanted to ask something… but I didn't want to be the one to break the silence.

"Sam…" He began in a whisper.

"What are you doing here Freddie?" I whispered, cutting him off.

"Last night…" I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to retort, but Freddie calmly raised a hand simply telling me to hold on to my thought, and he continued. "Last night… I realized something. Something that I have been getting wrong for years. I realized that I was just shielding myself from the truth and possible pain so much that I absolutely forgot what I was shielding myself from. These words could be summed up easily… Then after school today. I was looking for you and then I heard quiet playing inside the auditorium just in faint hope that you were there. I saw you so absorbed in what you were doing that it felt so wrong for me to interrupt you. I watched as you poured your emotions into a song that you beautifully sung. And when you were done… I was going to tell you but then you ran away. So that's what leads me here right now. I need to tell you something. I need to tell you…" He gulped and looked away.

I just looked at him with waiting eyes.

"I needed to tell you…" He looked back straight into my eyes. "I needed to tell you that I love you Sam."

I could feel my eyes widen.

"I really… really love you." He whispered as he raised a hand and tucked a stray strand of hair from my face behind my ear.

I just stood there gaping at him for a while.

He sighed. "Yeah. That's all I guess." He turned around and started to walk away. When he was about 15 feet away I finally regained my senses.

"Freddie!" I shouted as I ran after him.

He turned around and I immediately captured his lips into a kiss. The kiss started so soft and sweet and light then it suddenly turned fiery and passionate. I could feel his arms snaking around my waist and mine going around his neck. I pressed myself closer to him and deepened the kiss.

If you were somebody else… say… Carly, who is hiding in the bushes watching the scene unfold between her eyes and is silently thanking the world for her right time to pick a stroll in the park… and you were to see Freddie and me kissing with the sunset behind us… I'm sure you would've taken a picture, like Carly, and think at how picture perfect and romantic this looks like.

"I love you too Freddie." I whispered once we broke the kiss. He just leaned his forehead on mine and his warm breath caressed my face.

Right now we didn't care that it was getting colder, we didn't care that Carly is presently sending our pictures to the whole school, we didn't even care if she posted those pictures up in iCarly right now. The only thing we care about right now is that I love Freddie and he loves me too.

And I think that's enough to satisfy.