The characters and all belong to the lovely Miss Stephenie Meyer!!

Chapter One


I was starting to unpack my suitcase in our own little villa that our parents rented for us when I heard Angela scream. Completely by-passing the phone, I ran into the living area and found men grabbing my best friends and putting blindfolds over their eyes. It was like my brain was on auto-pilot when I ran over to the closest hooded man and started kicking his shins hoping that he would drop Jessica. 'If only one of us could get outta hereā€¦' I kept telling myself while helping Jess get the blindfold off so she could run.

Then two strong arms came from behind me and pulled me down to the ground. My arms and legs flying crazy around me hoping and praying to hit something when I heard a loud crack and then Angela suddenly went silent. Within that moment of lapse, the strong armed man found a way to hog tie me while putting a blindfold on and also a gag. I was trying so hard to move against the ropes that were holding me back and scream with everything I had in me when something hard hit me in the head. Soon darkness found me and I prayed that it was all over.

How wrong I was. This was only the beginning.

(AN: Please be gentle with this. It's my first and hopefully there's going to be some helpful reviews making me want to update faster! Thanks everyone!)