AN: Last chapter of this story I'm actually crying right now. So please leave me a review, and cheer me up. Let me know what you thought of the ending. SM owns. PLEASE REVIEW!!

Chapter Thirty One: Epilogue

Six Months Later

Grace's POV

My life is busy these days, but I like it. I got everything that I wanted. A home where I am safe, a family who loves me, wonderful friends, and the best boyfriend in the world. Everything worked out in the end.

Today is just another one of those crazy, hectic days, where I have accidentally organised to be doing everything on one day, but also one of those days where I don't feel like cancelling anything. I want to do everything I planned, see everyone I wanted to, and exhaust myself in the process. I feel satisfied after I've done everything I wanted to.

I started my day by eating breakfast with Sam, Emily, and Jake. Jake comes over for breakfast almost everyday. It's a sort of tradition of ours. Today I had cooked us bacon and eggs.

"So…" I said, "After the barbeque tonight, I was thinking of sleeping over at Jake's?"

This was something that Jake and I had been discussing lately, and we had finally decided that we were ready. I still wanted to check with Sam and Emily though, so that they didn't worry.

Even though I didn't want them to worry, the looked like they were though. Well, Sam did anyway. Emily just looked down at her food, trying to hide a smile.

"You want to stay at your boyfriend's house, and you're how old?" Sam asked, even though he knew perfectly well how old I was.

"I'm 17, Sam, and you know it." I replied.

Jake smiled and rubbed my leg under the table.

"I don't think you're old enough." Sam said.

Jake laughed, "And how old were you when you first had a girlfriend stay over?" He asked.

Sam sighed, and put his fork down.

"That's not relevant." He said.

"Sam, just let them. They're not going to do anything stupid. Are you, guys?" Emily said, patting his hand.

"Oh, no. Except for-" I joked, before Sam cut me off.

"No! I don't want to hear that. You can stay over there, Grace. But I don't want to hear anything." He said.

"Aw, come on, Sam," Jake said, "Gracie's just sleeping over. Nothing suspicious."

"Exactly," I said, "Now come on, Jake, I need to get ready."

I was getting ready to go and visit Embry, Olivia, and Miranda. Since I had met Olivia, she had moved up to La Push officially, and she and I were friends. Not close friends, by any means, but we got along. Today, while Jake was on patrol, I was going to visit them.

I arrived at Embry's place at about 9:30am. Miranda was really excited to see me, because we hadn't spoken in a while. I put the bun that I had brought with me on their kitchen table, and then helped Olivia make us all coffee. Embry entered the kitchen a few minutes later, and greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"How're you doing?" He asked.

We hadn't exactly gotten back to the relaxed and easy friendship that we had had before all of this, but we were getting there. The talk around the table was light-hearted and fun, as we spoke about Emily and Sam's upcoming wedding. Olivia and I were both to be bridesmaids.

After my morning tea with Embry, Olivia, and Miranda, I headed straight off to work, helping Carlisle at the hospital in Forks. It was nothing serious, just helping with paperwork, but it helped pay bills at Sam and Emily's and it meant I got to spend time with Dad more often.

Halfway through my shift, I had an hour's lunch break, in which I ate with the rest of my family at a nearby diner. I saw them quite often, when I visited the white house, or in my lunch hours where we met to eat, but they couldn't visit me in La Push. That limited our time together, but with the way things were going at the moment, we were coping just fine.

After the end of my shift, I drove home to help Emily prepare for the bonfire. We were cooking steak, Paul's favourite, since I hadn't made it in a while. Like I said, life's pretty busy nowadays. When everybody arrived, there was lots of talking, laughing and eating, and it was fun. I felt like for the first time in a while, I could relax. Really relax.

But by 11pm, I was getting tired.

"You're tired." Jake said, stating the obvious.

"Yeah." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Do you want to go?"

"I have to pack a bag first."

Jake followed me into my bedroom, and as I rummaged through my cupboards and draws, throwing things onto my bed, he would pick them up and shove them into my bag. When I was satisfied with what I had packed, Jake put the backpack on his shoulder, and stood by the door. I walked over to him, and he leaned down to kiss me. I let him, but pulled away once he started deepening the kiss.

"Later." I said, with a small smile.

When Jake was driving us to his place, I was, admittedly, a little nervous. I knew that I had nothing to be worried about when I was with Jacob, but still, this was the first time I had stayed in a guy's room. I was just glad that it was with Jake.

When we pulled up out the front of his house, Jacob got out straight away, with my bag in his hand. He joined me outside my door, and picked up my hand, as we walked to the front door.

"We're home, Dad. Going straight to bed. Gracie's tired." Jacob called out to his dad.

"Alright. Night, kids." Billy called back.

"Night, Billy." I said.

Jake's bedroom was small, and messy. But it was nice, because it belonged to him. He dropped my bag on his bed; I walked over to it, and then rummaged around, trying to find my pyjamas. I put them on, as Jake pulled his shirt off and climbed into bed. I climbed in next to him a minute later. Jake wrapped his arms around me protectively, and I instantly felt safe. And warm.

We were silent.

But not for long. All it took was for me to look up at him, and his mouth was on mine.

Our kisses were more passionate than they had ever been before, but they didn't lead to anything. We weren't quite ready for that yet. I fell asleep in Jake's arms that night, thinking about how wonderful my life was now. Busy, complicated, and hectic, but wonderful.


AN: PLEASE REVIEW!!!! Also, just to let you know, I will be going through and editing and reposting all these chapters, which means possible new bits will be added. Nothing that will change the story, but just little bits here and there. And, if you get all those annoying story alert emails, then I apologise in advance for any you may receive while I am editing. Please please please read my other stories: Sweetest Downfall, That's What I'll Have, and Sand In Your Pockets. And, keep watching for more stories from me. I have PLENTY of ideas. Oh, god. I'm so sad that this is the end. Thankyou, so so much to all of you who reviewed, and remember to keep it up. REVIEW, and I hope you enjoyed.


This has been *H*, OVER AND OUT.