Author's note: Hey everyone it's been awhile since I wrote this story. When I first decide to write this story I planned on the last chapter being the end. But due to so many request I have decide to write a short epilogue. Thanks for all your lovely reviews.


They wed less than a fortnight later, in a chapel at Kakashi's family estate. It was a small, quiet ceremony, attended only by the closest of friends . Riko wore an exquisite kimono made of silk.

The ceremony concluded, there were no tears- well except for Akari and Gai, who had sniffled throughout. When the two were pronounced husband and wife, Riko lifted shining, love-misted eyes to her husband.

Kakashi, his eyes wickedly agleam, locked his bride into an all-encompassing embrace and proceeded to kiss her with thoroughly unabashed, breath-stealing ardor.

Oddly enough, it was Gai whose, brow quirked high in sardonic amusement, and loudly cleared his throat, causing them to reluctantly to break the seal of their lips.

A few months later (9 to be exact)

It was there in his chamber, in the immense four poster where Kakashi had made love to no other woman but his wife- the bed where he'd vowed his children would be born-that Riko strained and heaved and struggled to bring forth their firstborn child.

Her pains had come a few weeks early, a blessing Kakashi told himself, for she'd shown the effects of her pregnancy almost immediately. By her seventh month, she was...well, there was no delicate way to put it, positively huge. Of course, he assured her daily that she was the most beautiful creature he ever seen.

For she was.

From the outset, he taken his place at the head of the bed, much to the midwife's disapproval. He tried to make himself useful, whispering encouragement, wiping the sweat from her brow, when in truth he'd never felt so helpless in his life. Ah, but she was so brave, turning her cheek into his palm and teasing him between pains, as if to reassure him!

Riko's pains were almost constant now. Her back arched, and she gave a tiny little moan, the first she'd made. Her entire body quivered, and then he could only stare in mingled fear and fascination as a small head, silver as his own, came into view. A pair of narrow shoulders came next, a round little belly . And then...

"A boy!" came the midwife's cry. "Oh, a handsome wee one, he is!"

Riko immediately held out her arms. "Oh, let me hold him!"

Kakashi watched numbly as the midwife cleaned the slippery little body, wrapped him warmly, and pressed him into his mother's arms. Kakashi had risen to his feet. Riko pressed her lips against the babe's scalp and reached for Kakashi 's hand, beaming. He squeezed her fingers.


All at once she gasped. "Oh my," she said weakly."

"Mrs. Ono-"

Mrs. Ono had already assessed the situation. Kakashi's face went ashen under his mask. " What?" he cried. "What is it? What's wrong?"

The midwife thrust his son into his arms. "Here, my lord," she advised cheerfully. "It seems there be another one a-coming."

Clutching the small, squirming bundle that was his son, Kakashi dutifully did as he was told. He was still marveling when the midwife departed a short time later.

Riko latched on to his free hand and tugged him down beside her, her smile brilliant.

She laughed at his dazed state. "Kakashi, you're looking rather befuddled! Now come meet your daughter."

He swallowed and spoke the first thing that popped into his head. "My God," he said with a shake of his head, "when I said I wanted a houseful of children, I thought we'd be starting with one, not two..." He stared at the light brown head nestled into the crook of Riko's elbow and swallowed. "May I hold her?"

Rilo eased the other little bundle into his other arm. Holding both son and daughter, he lost his heart yet again... A tremor of emotion rushed through him, emotion that was unbearably sweet. He kissed four flailing, tiny fists- and then his wife's waiting lips.

Later, with the babes tucked snugly away in their cradles, he climbed into bed and carefully gathered his bride against his length.

Riko was on the verge of sleep when a sudden laugh rumbled beneath her ears.

She lifted her head from his chest. "What is it?" she murmured sleepily.

"I was just musing on what the last year has brought me. When I went to that stupid house party dreaming about a girl I hadn't seen in years. I found her that night and didn't even know all I saw was a maid in need. Fun to think of how much time I wasted look for my dream girl and all along she was right under my nose!"

"What, sir are you complaining?"

"Not at all." His arms engulfed her. He pressed his mouth against the curls at her temple. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you madly, in a way that makes me giddy with happiness, and rich in a way that has nothing to do with wealth."

Her throat grew achingly tight. "Oh, Kakashi," she whispered, "that's the way I love you too."

Their lips clung in a long, unbroken kiss. When it was over, he smiled crookedly.

"In truth, I have but one wish."

"And what is that?"

"That Gai and Akira find what we have found together."

Riko snuggled closer. " I daresay we are proof that love can be found in the most unexpected places."

" Do you think so?"

"I do. Despite the fact that Akira has vowed that no man will ever turn her head, something inside tells me that someday she will find a man who will sweep her from her feet and make her as happy as we are." She chuckled. "But your friend...why, I fear it's hopeless!"

"I know," Kakashi laughed. "I wonder if the woman exists who can tame such a rogue!"

"Well," Riko murmured, "we shall simply have to wait and see, shan't we..."

End notes: Review me hoping to hit the hundred mark.