Kyle's Jealousy

By: esmtz

As the boys continued to wait until either the hurricane stopped or until it killed them, Cartman slowly started to regain conscious as he barely heard what Kyle had said.

"I love you so fucking much, fatass. Don't you fucking dare die on me."

Cartman was shocked beyond belief as he didn't know or even think that Kyle, the Jew he always ripped on for being a Jew and being a daywalker, was in love with him.

'Ugh maybe it's just my imagination.' Cartman thought to himself as he groaned and slowly opened his eyes and tried to sit up, but noticed that someone was holding on to him.

"Cartman, you're ok!"

Cartman looked and saw that he was staring at Kyle who was on top of him and his eyes were brimming with tears and his eyes were slightly red.

'No way….Khal was crying? For me?!' Cartman thought to himself in surprise 'So it's not my imagination.'

Cartman winced as he put a hand to his head and immediately felt the blood that was on his head.

"Dude, take it easy. That door hit your head pretty hard." Kyle told him as he hurriedly wiped away the tears, blushing, and looked at him worried.

"This sucks ass…" Cartman said as he sat up and looked around, "Where's Kenneh?"

"He died again, Cartman." Stan said "But right now we've got bigger things to worry about!" Stan yelled as he pointed towards the door.

Cartman and Kyle watched in horror as what remained of the door was blasted away and suddenly the boys felt themselves being dragged toward the direction of the hurricane.

"WAAH!" The boys screamed as they tried to grab on to whatever they could to try and stop themselves from being dragged out of the basement.

Just as they were about to be pulled out, however, there was a bright flash of light and suddenly the hurricane was starting to lessen.

"Dude, what the hell just happened?" Stan asked confused as he realized that the hurricane wasn't as strong as it was a minute ago.

"Look, up there!" Kyle pointed out.

The spirits of all those who died because of the hurricane along with the angels of heaven had somehow started to vanquish the hurricane before it killed more people. Cartman, Stan, and Kyle saw Kenny was up there with them and gave them the thumbs up.

"Dude, awesome!" Stan yelled out smiling.

"Go Kenny!" Kyle cheered.

Cartman just rolled his eyes and stood up leaning against the wall for support. Kyle saw him and went to help him before he fell.

"Cartman, I don't think you should stand for right now. We need to get that wound checked out."

"Uh, Khal? How can anyone check out my head right now when the town has been destroyed yet again?" Cartman sighed as he felt Kyle's arms supporting him making him blush.

"Hmm…good question."

"WENDY!" Stan suddenly yelled and ran out of the basement.

"STAN, WAIT!" Kyle yelled to him.

"Don't worry about that hippie, Jew. It looks as though we no longer need to worry about the stupid hurricane. God I hate this town…" Cartman told him.

Kyle just grinned at him and shook his head.


"What is it fatass?"

"Are you really in love with me?" Cartman asked blushing furiously and feeling awkward.

"Uh…" Kyle's whole face was as red as his hair, "You heard me?"

Cartman just nodded, but didn't look at Kyle. They both stood there for a few seconds before Kyle finally told him.

"Yeah, Cartman. I'm fucking in love with you. Go ahead rip on me for being a fag like you usually do!" Kyle quickly turned his back on him and his eyes looked down toward the ground feeling completely embarrassed.

Cartman grabbed Kyle's arm and turned him around to face him and kissed him. Kyle stood there shocked but then after a couple of seconds he melted into the kiss and kissed him back as he put his arms around Cartman. Suddenly Kyle pulled back and gave Cartman a confused look.

"Wait…what about Amy?"

"What about her?"

"I thought you liked her."

"Khal I was only hanging out with her to play the new video game. That game kicks ass dude! My mom used up all her money and I saw that Amy had bought the game so I introduced myself to her and you know the rest. Plus it gave me a reason to make you jealous!" Cartman grinned as Kyle glared at him.


"Well, it worked. Though I have to admit I thought you were jealous of me getting a girl before you."

Kyle frowned.

"Dude, after what happened with Rebecca…I don't think I want to be with any girl. I don't know how Stan puts up with Wendy especially with how many times they've broken up."

"Yeah, she's a fucking whore dude. They all are. Why do you think you never saw me trying to impress a girl? Because they suck plus I was too busy uh….you know." Cartman turned red.

"Dude, this whole time and you never said anything?!" Kyle said.

"Khal, you and I hated each other ever since we met and with how you were always hanging out with the hippie I kinda thought for real that you had a thing for Stan. That's why I always called you two fags because I was getting jealous." Cartman admitted as he sighed.

"Cartman, Stan's not gay and you know it. He'd give anything to make Wendy happy. Not me nor any other boy in school. It's Wendy that he really cares about." Kyle said as he smiled at Cartman and held his hand.

Cartman just shook his head.

"I'll never understand how Stan thinks Wendy is so great."

Kyle chuckled as he pulled Cartman to him and kissed him again.

"Oh trust me you'll understand."

Cartman shrugged and blushed as he kissed him back.

"Hey fatass."

"What, Jew?"

"I love you."

"Ugh…I love you too."


Authors note: My thanks goes out to all the people who have read and reviewed my story-screamxaimxfire, GlitterBlings, jusAgurl93x, Hypothisos, StupidityIsStupid. Thank you all so much for sticking with me till the end. I hope you all enjoyed this story. Now it's time for me to take a break and figure out what my next idea for a CartmanxKyle story will be. This could take awhile, but I hope you all will look forward to it.

-esmtz aka Erica