So, I decided to go ahead and make this collection, so this gets moved there. Feel free to suggest your favorite myths for me to do, btw. I don't just do Greek and Roman myths either and also know a surprising amount of Norse and Egyptian myths.

The original myth is the story of Cupid and Psyche. Nami was supposed to play Psyche, but half way through writing it I decided that Vivi was a much better choice. I also changed some things in the original myth (unavoidable really) such as giving Zoro (who's playing Apollo) a bigger roll (he's only supposed to pop up once) and giving Robin (who's playing a random tower) a roll (the tower's supposed to do all the talking).

Anyway, enjoy.

Pairings: Sanji/Vivi. A little bit Magellen/Alvida if you look close enough and can figure out whose playing who.

And I don't own One Piece.

Once upon a time, a king had three beautiful daughters, Paula, Kalifa, and Vivi. Vivi, the youngest of the three, was also the most beautiful of them all. So beautiful in fact, that people far and wide started comparing her to the Goddess of Beauty, Boa Hancock. Vivi, being a kind and naïve girl, merely brushed off such praises. Hancock, on the other hand, being above humans, succumbed to the human emotion that is envy, and decided to do something about it.

"Sanji, my son, get in here!" She called. The God of Love, Sanji, flew in eagerly.

"Yes, Hancock! I'm here to serve you, my beautiful Goddess!"

She sighed. "Such praises do not work when one actually is the goddess of beauty. Sanji, I want you to do something for me." She pointed down at Vivi. "You see her, the one that mocks my beauty? Make her fall in love with the most hideous creature that you can think of."

"Of course Hancock! Anyone who claims to out match your beauty should-"

"Yes, just see that it gets gone."


So Sanji descended to Earth and crept, invisible, into Vivi's room while she was sleeping in a way that was not similar creepy stalker. He pulled out one of his arrows and proceeded to stab her with it, but stopped suddenly. Gazing down at the sleeping princess, he couldn't help but fall in love with her. In his hesitation, his grip slips and he ends up stabbing himself with his own arrow.

"Well shit." His little outburst caused Vivi to stir, and in a panic, Sanji fled.

The people of the world continued to praise Vivi for her beauty, yet for all of their praising, Vivi had yet to be offered a hand in marriage. Discouraged, Vivi's parents decided to consult the might oracle, Zoro. He, however, was busy at the moment.

"I'm not doing it." Zoro said.

"C'mon." Sanji replied.

"No, I'm not abusing my power like this. It was your slip up anyway."

"Just do it."


"Do it or I'll kick your shitty ass all the back to Olympus.

"Yeah, like you could beat me." They proceeded to fight. Eventually Zoro remembers that he needs to talk to the king and queen and forced Sanji to leave.

"So, Might Oracle Zoro, what should we do about Vivi?"

"Um, well, you see, Vivi is clearly too beautiful for any mortal man to handle. You're going to have to leave her on the nearest mountain where she's to wed a monster so horrible that neither the Gods nor mortals can put up with him." That bastard better appreciate this.

The king and queen were quite troubled by this, but Vivi insisted that this was somehow her fault in the first place and that she deserved to go to please the Gods. So Vivi was left at the bottom of the nearest mountain, where Merry-go was there waiting to take her up to the top. At the top, Vivi was surprised to find the most beautiful mansion that she had ever laid eyes on. When she went inside she found that it was packed with the greatest paintings, pottery, jewels, and treasure that Vivi ever saw.

"Hello Vivi!" Vivi turned to find…nothing. "Don't be alarmed, we are your invisible servants. Just tell us if you ever need anything ever." Vivi felt tugging on her hands as she was being shown around the mansion. "This is your room. Feel free to take a bath and change. When you're ready, come down and dinner will be served." With that, the door was shut and Vivi was left alone.

Chopper, now visible, ran down to the kitchen where Sanji was cooking a splendid feast. "She's getting ready now."

"Excellent job Chopper. You're doing a splendid job."

"Your praise doesn't make me happy bastard!" Chopper said while doing his little dance.

When Vivi was done with her bath and changed into the magnificent dress that was laid out for her, she went down to the dining room to find the food laid out brilliantly…and no one there.

"Where is everyone?"

"We're here, don't worry." Vivi jumped. "Ack! We didn't mean to startle you!"

"I-it's okay. But where's my husband?"

"He's busy, but he'll be back later tonight, don't worry." With that Vivi sat down and ate her fill. When she was done, Invisible Chopper took her to her room. Sometime after Vivi crawled into bed, she felt someone else crawl into bed with her.


"Sorry, my love, I didn't mean to startle you."

"…are you my husband?"

"Well, yeah." She started to light a lamp. He grabbed her wrist. "No, don't do that."

"Why not? Can't I see your face?" The voice paused.

"Well, does it really matter?" Vivi thought about it for a bit, but then arms wrapped around her in an embrace and pulled her close while soft lips kissed her gently. Vivi decided to let it go for tonight.

By morning, he was gone, and Vivi spent the following day being pampered on by Invisible Chopper. This pattern repeated for quite some time; her husband returning every night only to be gone by the next morning. Every other night Vivi would ask, "Why can't I see your face?"

"Have you any doubt for my love?" Her mystery husband replied. Vivi would shake her head "If you saw me, perhaps you would fear me, perhaps adore me, but all I ask of you is to love me. I would rather you would love me as an equal than adore me as a god." His words touched Vivi so that she would let the matter drop.

For some reason, Vivi started to miss her sisters. One night she stated the fact to her husband, and after wearing him down a bit, he decided that they could visit the next day. Vivi was ecstatic, and told the Merry-go the next morning about her husband's agreement in the matter, so the Merry-go went to fetch Vivi's sisters.

When they first arrived they were all happy and grateful to find that their beloved sister had not been eaten like most of the world assumed. However, after Vivi gave them a tour of the mansion where she lived, and recounted all of her husband's numerous acts of love, the sisters started to get jealous. Really jealous.

"So, what's he like anyway?" Asked Paula.


"Your husband." Answered Kalifa.

"Oh, he's very kind and romantic and-"

"Yes, yes we got that much. But what does he look like?" Paula pressed.

"Um, well, I haven't actually seen him yet." The sisters just stared at her. "Well he's really busy during the day and only comes home at night, so…" The sisters shared an evil grin.

"You know, there's a story in the village below about a hideous monster that's supposed to live up here." Kalifa began.

"Yeah, and he's supposed to prey on young girls. You know, buttering them up and flirting with them before going in for the kill." Paula added.

"Y-you guys are just being silly. My husband's not like that."

"Really? How do you know for sure if you've never seen his face?" Questioned Kalifa.

"Here's what you do, little sister. Hide a lamp and a knife by the bedside. When he's asleep, light the lamp, and if he is a monster, don't hesitate in stabbing him through the heart." Paula suggested.

Vivi's eyes went wide with surprise, but nodded and after they left, went to go hid the knife and lamp by the bedside. That night, after her husband came home and fell asleep, Vivi quietly got up and lit the lamp. When the light fell on her sleeping husband, she gasped. He was perfect, soft, golden hair falling gently over his left eye, pale skin practically glowing under the lamp-light, and his wings-he had wings for chrissake!

Her hand shook, however, and some of the wax from the lamp spilled onto his all-to-wonderful face, waking him up. Realizing what was going on, Sanji (for of course it was he) flew out the window. Vivi, horrified at what she had done, jumped out of the window and tried to chase him down, only succeeding to trip up and fall into a mud puddle. No, almost fall into a mud puddle; at the last second Sanji swooped in and caught her. He placed her lightly back on the ground.

"I didn't want you to see who I was because I wanted you to love me for me." Sanji explained. "I was going to tell you eventually, but you had to go and do that. Love cannot truly exist with such doubt in your heart!" and with that flew off, heartbroken.

Vivi ended up wandering the country-side, also heartbroken, until she came across a temple. Maybe my love is in there, she thought, but realized he wasn't when she saw all manner of produce tossed around like this wasn't a place to worship someone. Never one to leave anything a mess, Vivi cleaned it up. When she was finished she turned to find Nami, Goddess of Agriculture, sitting there.

"Thanks for cleaning that up. The mess was starting to get annoying. It's like people don't want a good harvest this year."

After staring for a bit, Vivi came to her sense and responded with a timid, "Y-you're welcome."

Nami sighed before standing up and walking over to Vivi. "Look, I heard about what happened with you and Sanji, and I'd like to help you, you seem like a nice girl." Vivi cheered up quite a bit. "Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to help you with in this manner." Vivi's spirits sunk. "Hancock is the goddess you originally offended, and it's her son whose heart you broke. You're going to have talk to her." New determination filling her, Vivi set off to Hancock's temple.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up." Hancock said when Vivi arrived. "You who mocks my beauty and broke my son's heart. What else do you wish to steal from me now?"

Vivi stammered a bit, but stood her ground, "I-I want to see Sanji. I need to apologize."

"As if I would let an annoying whelp like you near him after what you pulled. Lucky for you, however, I am feeling generous today. Come with me." Hancock lead Vivi to a room full to almost bursting of different grains all mixed together. "If you can sort these grains into those baskets over there" she indicated said baskets by the door to the room, "I will let you see Sanji. You have until tomorrow." With that she left.

Vivi collapsed to her knees. Sorting out Nami's produce was one thing, but this was on a whole different level. She started to sob.

Sanji was standing just outside and heard everything. Cursing Hancock's jealousy, he looked down to find an army of ants nearby.

"You're not seriously going to interfere are you?" Zoro said, standing a few feet away. "You remember what happened last time right? You know, where you stabbed your own leg."

"Shut up! This had nothing to do with you. Your part is over anyway." Sanji crouched down and started influencing the ants to crawl into the room and organize the grains into the baskets for Vivi.

Zoro sighed. "Your funeral I guess. Just don't let Hancock catch you, or it'll just be harder for her." He nodded his head towards Vivi.

"She won't find out if no one tells her."

"I'm not a snitch!"

"Then quit acting like one!" They started fighting.

When Hancock came back the next morning to find all of the grains organized, she was outraged.

"I happen to know for a fact that he who you have betrayed had a hand in helping you. Honestly, those boys fight so damn loud it was like they wanted me to find them." Vivi just blinked. "Anyway, because of that, you are going to have to perform a different task."

Hancock took Vivi to a river and pointed at the field beyond it where sheep with golden fleece where grazing. "Your task it to collect some golden wool from the sheep for me. You have until sundown." With that she vanished.

Full of new determination, Vivi set out to cross the river.

"Ah, I see you're trying to get the golden wool from the sheep." Vivi jumped and turned to see a long-nosed man sitting by the river bank. "Many men braver than you have failed at the same task. Those sheep may look innocent, but when the sun is shining down on them like that, they'll charge and rip you to shreds as soon as they see you. I, however, being the mighty river-god, have succeeded at this task many times, due to my sheer wit, cunning, bravery, and pure brilliance."

"How can I do this then? Is it just another impossible task she set forth for me to fail?"

Usopp, the river-god, looked up at her with pity. "You seem like a nice girl, and Hancock can be pretty stubborn sometimes. I'll tell you the flawless strategy that the great River-God Usopp has conceived for accomplishing this task." He motioned for her to come closer, which she did, and whispered in her ear, "Wait until noon, when it's too hot for the sheep to stay in the field. They'll go to the shade and the wool you seek will be stuck to the bushes." He leaned back, apparently satisfied.

So Vivi waited until noon, when the sheep did indeed go to the shade, and she walked over to the bushes, which did have the Golden Fleece attached to it, and grabbed an armful. "Thank you very much Mighty River-God Usopp." Usopp smiled as she ran off.

Hancock was outraged. "That lying river-god helped you out didn't he? Never matter; I have a new task for you." She shoved a small box into Vivi's hands. "Looking after my completely heart-broken son has drained some of my ever-present beauty. You must now head to the Underworld and ask Alvida to share some of hers with me." And so Vivi was off.

The quickest way to the Underworld, Vivi presumed, was to just throw herself off of the tallest thing she could find and let death take her there. With that in mind, Vivi climbed up to the top of a tall tower.

"What are you doing child?" Vivi turned around and saw a beautiful dark haired women smiling serenely at her. "You are far too young and not nearly depressed enough to contemplate something like suicide." Vivi then told her about what happened with Sanji and Hancock's crazy tasks.

"Oh, well, if that's the case, then wouldn't killing yourself be a set back? Gods aren't allowed in the Underworld after all, except for Magellan, of course."

"Then how am I supposed to get there? It's not like there's a back door."

"Well," the women, whose name turned out to be Robin, said, "there actually is a back door. Didn't you hear about that musician who went to the Underworld to claim his dead wife?" Vivi shook her head. "Well, I'll show you where it is." Vivi followed Robin down the tower and to the conveniently located back door.

"Thank you for all of your help." Vivi made her way to the door.

"Don't mention it. Just don't open the box on your way back." Vivi turned around to ask her what she meant, but Robin was gone.

Vivi turned back to face the door and proceeded down into hell. After bypassing the guardian Minokoala and the ferryman Saldeath using secrets that Robin told her on the way there, Vivi came across Alvida sitting in the throne room. After telling her what Hancock wanted, Alvida took the box, filled it, and promptly returned it. Vivi left in quite a hurry after that.

After she got back to the surface, Vivi decided to pull a Pandora and open the box. Instead of finding beauty, she found a sleeping spell and was immediately knocked unconscious. Sanji, who was flying overhead to make sure no harm came to her and was definitely not stalking her, came to her aid as soon as she hit the ground.

"Sweet, naïve Vivi, of course it was a trap." He whispered lovingly, caressing her cheek. He closed the box, thus ending the enchantment, and flew off before Vivi was fully awake. He had a King to talk to.

Luffy, King of all Gods, was eating meat, as always, when Sanji went to see him.

"Hey, Sanji, how's it going? How's love and all that doing?"

"Fine, I guess, aside from my own broken heart."

"Yeah, I heard about that. Funny how you're the God of Love and all that but you have a broken heart."

"Yeah, hilarious. Listen, Luffy, I need you to talk to Hancock."

"Why? She's supposed to be your mom, you talk to her."

"She won't listen to me. She's being impossible with Vivi and won't just let our love be."

"Being the God of Love, shouldn't you have charge over your own love life no matter what Hancock says?" Sanji kicked him in the head.

"It doesn't work like that! Will you just talk to her?"

Luffy sighed, stood, and handed Sanji a bottle. "Here, just have Vivi drink this. Then she'll be immortal and Hancock'll have nothing to complain about."

"Are you sure? You know what this means right? And I think Hancock will complain no matter what."

"It's fine. I like Vivi, so it's cool. As for Hancock, well, she tends to listen to me, so that'll be cool too." He grinned, and Sanji couldn't help but grin right back.

So Sanji found Vivi and had her drink the liquid that Luffy gave him, which made her immortal like him, thus allowing them to get married and have some kids, raise a family, all the good stuff.

And they all lived happily ever after, or as happy as Gods can without mortals messing everything up.