Thank you for clicking my story. I do not own Twilight, but I could, If I wanted to………

I hate it when Edward goes away hunting… and leaves me to be baby-sat by his brothers. There is noting worse. Well, I suppose if he left me with Rosalie, that would be bad, but what are the chances of that ever happening? Null.

Emmett is so mean. I mean, I love him and all, but he just has this magical ability to annoy the heck out of me. Always making fun of me, and laughing when I trip and fall, even though that is no laughing matter. I have a serious disorder- its called ICD- Involuntary Clumsiness Disorder. it's a real disorder with doctors and medicines.

And Jasper. I think I bore the hell out of him. He always looks so… indifferent. He must really hate having to baby-sit me when Alice is away.

I was sitting on the couch. Trying to watch TV, but I was really just missing Edward, so much. It killed me to be away from him. But he'd be away all weekend… and I was stuck here with his brothers. Joy.

Jasper walked in to the room, obviously going to keep me company, but then sensed how I was feeling (doom and gloom, Edward wasn't here…) and turned right back around. *sigh*. I could really empty a room…

I turned back to watching Cops. Some idiot was trying to run from the cops, carrying a stolen bike and a melon. Some people were just plain stupid.

Emmett lumbered into the room with a cocky smile on his face. He sat down beside me.

"Hey Bells. Were going to do something fun!" he said. "Jazz is making you lunch. This is going to be the best weekend EVER!" he sounded like a child on Christmas Eve. Why he was so excited, I have no idea.

"Umm okay, Emmett, what do you have in mind?" I said sceptically.

"Were going to play a game. Well, sorta. Were going to play a lot of games! But in order for us"-I suppose when he said US he meant ME- "to have the most fun, there is to be no lying. Agreed?" he stuck out his hand for me to shake. This wasn't a good idea. He was going to make me do things that I didn't want to, I knew it. I shook his hand reluctantly. His features became grave. "and don't even THINK about lying. Jasper can tell." I nodded. I didn't dare disagree with him.

"So Bella, what do you hate most about Edward?" he asked. Oh no. I had a feeling that he had worse questions in store. "its his virginity, isn't it?

I started to stutter out a "no" but Emmett interrupted me.

"Hear that, Jasper? Bella hates Edward because he's a virgin!" he yelled. Jasper appeared at the doorway immediately.

"That's not very nice, Bella." he said disapprovingly. "I thought better of you."

I flushed a deep cherry red. "That's not what I said…" I mumbled. I'm sure Jasper could feel my embarrassment, as a huge wave of calm hit me. I turned to Emmett. I was confident and I didn't feel like myself. Jasper was smirking.

"What was the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in bed? I blurted out. Jasper howled with laughter, and Emmett looked shocked. I blushed again on realising what I had said.

"Bella…" he said, shocked. Then he smirked. "I have never done anything embarrassing in bed. Just ask Rose." he went to High-5 Jasper, but Jazz ducked and said "You're lying!"

"Am not!" Emmett laughed. But I saw he looked a little uneasy…

"Go on, Em, I'm not playing if you keep lying!" I pouted.

"Okay, okay." he began. "Remember when we were living in Montana? Well, me and Rose were out for a stroll on a rainy day. Rose had watched The Notebook the night before, and had become obsessed with kissing in the rain. So we were out the outback of nowhere, and she started kissing me, like way passionately. I knew she would take it further, and I didn't fancy actually DOING it out a country road in the rain. But the only thing in the vicinity was an old barn…

"So I grabbed Rose and we went into said barn. It was quaint, the usual hay bails and a cow or two. So we were there… doing things… and we were so caught up in the moment that we didn't hear the humans approach. It was an old farmer with his two young granddaughters, each with an armful of kittens. The kittens all started screeching and clawing at the little girls, and the humans just looked… shocked.

"it took a lot of explanation and a hefty bribe to convince him not to press charges." Emmett looked slightly proud of the memory, in a twisted way.

I looked at him in silence, and Jasper was giggling.

"So that's why we moved!" he laughed. "And why Edward got that Aston Martin from Rose, 'as an act of kindness'!"

Suddenly Jasper darted into the kitchen.

"Darn!" I herd him yell.

"Way to go, retard!" Emmett yelled. Then he turned to me. "he burned your lunch!"

"Its still okay, its still okay!" I heard him chanting. I giggled.

A sullen looking Jasper entered with a burnt plate of what looked like chicken and burnt salad.

"Jasper, you're not supposed to out the salad in the oven!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, Jasper, you suck!" Emmett backed me up. Jasper pouted. I felt bad

"Its okay, Jazz, ill make my own lunch!" I comforted.

"Yeah, Jazz, she'll do it herself! You're such a skrew up!"

So I went into the kitchen Emmett in tow.

"Can I help? Can I? can I ?" he said, like a child.

We tried to make a lasagne, but Emmett kept throwing out all the foods that had 'gone off'. he said they all smelled funny, but didn't all human food smell bad to vampires? We ended up microwaving pizza. Emmett insisted on pressing all the buttons.

I sat at the table, Emmett had gone off to do his own thing with Jasper. I knew this was going to be a long weekend…

I noticed that the house was quiet… too quiet. I listened very closely, and I swear I heard Emmett snickering an Jasper tittering on the second story. I went up to investigate.

It seemed the noise was coming from Edward's room.

"Hey, Jazz, listen to this one. 'Dear diary, Edward is soooo dreamy. I'm so lucky to have him. But it is annoying how he never wants to touch, or be intimate. A girl has needs…'" he broke off laughing.

"Em, listen to this, 'it's cool how Edward wants to protect his chastity and all, but sometimes I just want him to be a bit more free, like Emmett…' Aha, Emmett, I think Bella has a crush on you!" I felt red rage colour my cheeks. I burst in the door. The boys were sitting cross-legged on Edwards bed, with my diary between them, and big grins on their faces.


Jasper flinched at my anger, and Emmett winked at me and shot up towards the window.

"Look at me Bella! I'm free!" he said as he smashed through the second story window, still with my diary in his hand. I was mortified. I turned to Jasper.

"See ya!" he said, sending a wave of lethargy towards me, and darting past me into the hallway.

I was so angry that I couldn't move. The rage had physically paralyzed me.

Only two more days of this. Only two more days.. I thought to myself, sinking into the foetal position. Two more days…

Haha, so watcha think?? Tell me, review, and if you have any suggestions, I will gladly take them:) What will they get up to next?? you decide!!

Stay cool xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx