the chest

"Hey Dean, what's in that old chest? I've never noticed it before."

"What chest? Oh, nothing, just stuff. Don't open it!"

Dean was too late, as Sam had already opened the chest.

"Oh", said Sam.

"Oh, that's all you have to say? Oh. Go ahead tease and torture. Big brother's secret book stash. Let me have it." Dean groaned.

"I wondered if you might be a closet bookworm after the Vonnegut comments to Chuck.
Why were you so worried about me seeing it?"

"Dunno, thought maybe you'd think I was some geek shapeshifter and shoot me."

"I'm not gonna shoot you for reading, Dean, you don't have to sneak around."

"No teasing either?"

"No teasing either."

"Hey Dean"

"Yeah Sam"

"Do you have a library card?"

"Get out of the car Sam."