Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, places, situations, ect. They all belong to the geniuses at Marvel Comics.

He was finally back at Charles Xavier's school for mutants. It had been two years since he left in search of his past. Two long and tumultuous years that turned up little. He was one of the few mutants that survived harsh government experimentation. He escaped, but not before they erased his memory. Now he was left with only terrible nightmares. All he wanted now was to grab a cold beer from the fridge at Xavier's place and collapse.

He parked his bike, well, Scott's bike, in the garage and slowly stood. He never had a home, at least one that he knew of, until Xavier and his band of mutants found him along with Marie. His Marie.

My Marie. What the hell?

Marie, or Rogue as most people at the school knew her as, was a young girl he found stowed away in his truck and was the reason he ran into so much trouble two year ago. The whole time Xavier thought Magneto was after him, but they couldn't have been more wrong. The brotherhood wanted Marie and her powers back. She sided with the sorry group of misfits for a short time, but then she went rogue. She was extremely valuable and the brotherhood feared she might join the other side. Logan found her that night, the night she decided to run away from Magneto. He didn't know it at the time, but she was being hunted. Maybe that's what drew him to her. She was a loner, just like him. Or maybe it was the way that sweet southern voice said his name. Whatever the reason, he was taken by her. And she was the one person he was dying to see.

"It's very good to see you again, Logan." He turned to see Professor Xavier at the front of the mansion. "I thought you might be arriving today."

"You thought?" Logan lifted an eyebrow. "You're powers getting worse with age, old man? You should have known I was coming back for days now."

"Well, I did of course." Xavier gave him a small smile. He enjoyed having Logan around. He was tough to manage, hated rules, but he was a good man. "I just thought a little small talk might be in order. We've all missed you."

"Don't go soft of me. You know I don't like it."

"Of course." Xavier moved his chair a little to allow Logan access in. "There's someone here who's been awaiting your arrival."

And then he saw her, his beautiful Marie.

I've really got to get this whole "my Marie" thing out of my head. She's too young and soft for me. It would be wrong.

Then he took in her appearance. Her wild red hair had grown out, falling down her back. It was summer and she was wearing nothing but a pair of cutoff shorts and an old t-shirt. That was it. Then she ran at him.

"I've missed you so much!" Marie hurled herself at Logan, wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing tight. He steadied himself, preparing to feel his life force drain from him, but nothing happened. He stood there, in her arms, completely confused.

"What happened to you?" That was all he could get out. Surely she hadn't gotten that god-forsaken cure that had recently come out.

"Oh, sorry." She giggled and pulled away from him. "I forgot you didn't know. I gained control of my powers while you were away. I've been working hard with Professor Xavier. I'm now touchable!" She beamed at him.

He didn't know if he liked that very much. She had gown up, now in her twenties, and her delicate body was open for every male to paw. No, he decided he didn't like it one bit, but when he took a better look at what she was wearing a smile crept across his face.

"I see you've taken to wearing my clothes." He couldn't hide his delight. He knew she had a few shirts of his, a couple seemed to disappear every now and then, but he had never seen her wearing them out in public.

Marie looked down at herself as a blush spread across her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry! I just don't own any clothes that don't cover me completely, and now that I can control myself I wanted to wear short sleeves. I'll return it, I promise!"

"Relax, kid. No big deal. Not like I was here to use it anyway." He wrapped his arm around Marie, pulling her into a side hug, and gave her a wink. "Looks better on you than on me anyway."

"Well thank you. But I do believe I have almost your entire wardrobe in my closet. You'll probably be needing some of it back."

Xavier piped up at this. "She has made it a habit of wear your clothes around the grounds recently. I assured her you wouldn't mind."

An image of Marie in nothing but one of his wore out shirts popped into his head. He wanted nothing more than to throw her over his shoulder, carry her up stares, and demand that she put on that very outfit so he could have the pleasure of shredding it to pieces.

"Well, I will be needing some of those back, but you could keep some of them." He liked the idea of Marie wearing his clothes. It marked her as his

"Aw, thank you Logan!" She stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. He wanted so badly to take those lips of hers and devour them. He could feel the animal inside trying to escape, to claim the one he wanted. Luckily Marie pulled him from his thoughts before he decided to act on those ideas. "Jubes and I are going shopping tomorrow before we go out for my birthday."

"I thought you're birthday wasn't until September."

"It's not, but we'll be training again. I may be done with high school, but I'll still be practicing in the danger room. I've got to get this whole flying thing down." With that she turned and hurried up towards her room.

"Flying thing?" Logan looked down at Xavier, raising one eyebrow in question.

"It's a long explanation, and one that should probably be told in private. Come with me."

Once the two were in the Professor's study with the door locked safely behind them, Xavier turned towards Logan and spoke. "We're all very happy to have you back at the institute. I take it you found something on your journey?"

"I guess you could say that." He would never admit it, but he felt more at home at Charles Xavier's school than anywhere else. He actually missed the place while he was away, and it felt good to be back. Of course, it might have been one particular person that made this place more alluring than any other reason.

"So Chuck, what happened to Rogue? She's…changed."

"Yes, she has, Logan." There was something in Professor Xavier's eyes that made Logan worry. "She's had a hard time this past year. Our school was attacked. Mystique was behind it, but she had a very powerful mutant by her side named Ms. Marvel. We split into teams. One group took on Mystique while the other went after Marvel. Rogue was in the latter group."

Xavier paused for a moment and placed his head in his hands. He had grown tired of the constant fighting. There were casualties on all sides, and watching Rogue suffer for something she was born with hurt him.

Logan places a hand on his shoulder, sensing his distress. "What happened?"

"Unfortunately her feelings got the best of her. She ended up killing Marvel, absorbing her powers completely. Rogue now has the ability to fly and possesses superhuman strength along with her absorption ability."

Rogue, his Rogue, had actually killed someone. Logan couldn't wrap his head around the concept. She was so young and innocent. "Why did she do it?"

"You have to understand, Logan. Rogue has had a terrible past. She was born with her powers and was abandoned as an infant by her family. People were terrified of her, even her own mother. This school is more than a school for her. It's her family. This is the only place where she felt normal and safe, and someone was threatening to take that away from her. What would you do to protect the ones you loved the most?"

"I never realized how much this place meant to her." Logan looked out the window towards the courtyard and watched the younger students. He understood where Rogue was coming from, he would kill anyone if it meant saving the institute. "How is she holding up?"

"Better. She nearly killed herself trying to hold her newly gained powers in. She refused to use them because it reminded her of what she had done. But through training and therapy she was able to embrace them. This accident was one of the reasons she gained control on her power. I guess you could call it a blessing in disguise. It started by exercising control over her emotions, but we soon found she could control her skin. It was as if she could pull her power back. It was remarkable really."

"Well, I'm glad. She looks happier now then she ever has." He smiled as he remember Marie running up to him. She was so content. So perfect.

"She's happy because you're here, Logan. She was miserable the day you left. It was as if a part of her was gone."

He couldn't deny the satisfaction he felt when he heard professor Xavier say that. He wanted so badly to be the one to make Marie, his Marie, happy. Of course, that would never happen. He was too rugged for Marie. Plus she had Bobby. He would have to settle with staying back, forever watching over her in the shadows.

"She'll need you. When she becomes emotional she tends to lose focus. And when Rogue loses focus it can be dangerous. We've all seen that."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"That, Logan, is something you'll have to find out on your own. I don't interfere in personal matters unless the situation becomes unsafe. I'm sure Rogue will fill you in on everything that has been going on in the institute since you've been gone. For now, I think I'll go visit Doctor McCoy. He's been working on new uniforms for the X-men, and I'd like to check on his progress."

Logan was left alone in the professor's study wondering what Professor Xavier was trying to tell him. There was only one way to figure out exactly what happened. He needed to find Marie.