Heyyyy there! As always, I own nothing, J.K. Rowling is wonderful, and i hope she does not see fit to sue me as of I have put up the disclaimer ;) Jessica is my own character... You may see her in other one-shots that will be posted on here. This is for the challenge of 178 Moods by sick-atxxheart. So dig in, have fun. And this will be a long series of one-shots for the challenge, if you do not like Charlie/Mione, don't read these shots, because that is the pairing they are centered on.


A red-headed man ran through St. Mungo's straight to where he knew his wife would be. When he got to her room, he surveyed the hospital room, Charlie Weasley's green eyes fell on the person he treasured most; his wife.

"Sweet, what's wrong?" He asked as he sat on the bed she was occupying and began to stroke her hands with his considerably larger ones, "What happened?"

His eyes met her gentle brown ones as she admitted, "I've been throwing up lately babe, and I tried a few spells, and even muggle medicines, but it wasn't going away. So I came to Mungo's to see what was up, if it had to do with my work and if it could be fixed."

His eyes were pooling with concern, he knew his wife's jobs in experimental charms was dangerous, but never thought it would physically harm her, "And they said?"

"I- I know we never planned for this, and I took every precaution, I assure you, but…" Charlie now knew that his wife had been hurt; his wife never stuttered unless it was something serious, or something naughty he said, "I'm pregnant. About two months. We're going to have a child." She said, happiness shone through her eyes, even though he could see a hint of doubt lurking there.

He knew that doubt was about his willingness to have a child, and he couldn't help it, he smiled uncontrollably and said, "I have never felt so happy Hermione, I could never have asked for anything more. When I married you, I had doubts of having children, I wasn't sure I was responsible enough, but you showed me that I could be serious and a delicious hunk of man at the same time," At this Hermione laughed a little and playfully shoved him, but he snatched her hand and brought her closer to him, "I have never been happier."

Charlie ran his thumb over her bottom lip gently and then pressed a chaste kiss on her lips. He hear her sigh as he pulled back and looked into her purely happy eyes and said, "I have never felt so happy, thank you for giving me that. Thank you for bearing our child."

Hermione beamed at him and responded the only way she thought appropriate, she kissed him fiercely, pulled away, and said, "You are most indubitably welcome."

Roughly seven months later found Charlie and Hermione in the same hospital room, Charlie sat on his wife's bed, while his wife lay resting. Charlie was holding the newest addition to the Weasley family, Jessica Weasley, and to her father's relief she had a head of auburn hair that was more brown than red. She looked up at him, her green eyes sparkling in the light of the morning and he had never felt more accomplished.