She is thirty minutes late. Dear God. She promised me at school that she will not be late this time but no, she is still late. Here I am, stuck at a party that I am not supposed to be at!

That girl will taste hell, not only that I will lecture her. Stupid, stupid Aoi. I sit down in an empty sofa and sip my drink- nothing alcohol although there is some in the back room.

A guy from a distance catches my eye. He is stunning; but I would not say it aloud. He has green eyes and silky blond hair- he knows how to dress himself, too. He left the first few buttons of his casual white dress shirt unbuttoned. He walks up to me and looks at me. I look back- suddenly nervous.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Misaki, right?"


"I was wondering if you fell from heaven."

You better get here fast, Aoi, because I think I just got sent to hell.

Listening: nothing.

Subject: Restaurant City loveeeeee.

Crappy one shot. D: but more to come since I absolutely adore this pairing. I'm happy that they finally made a slot for kaichou!