SORRY for taking so long but two words:


(if I were you I would stay away from the online kisses) I got it one week after I wrote comeback Chapter 3 and the only thing I could do is sleep and after that the only thing I could do was study and I missed a lot of school so…..Study (Thank god I can actually go to my third year so WOOT WOOT) and when school was over the only think I did was catching up my sleep. Conclusion: I HATE HIGH SCHOOL


Emmet: this morning I saw a puppy and he was Brown like chocolate and he was soo cute so I wanted to pet it, but he was scarred of me and ran away (dry sobs)

Alice: EMMET! Just get it over with!

Emmet: Damn! I was getting to that! Anyway, before it left he said to me in dog language: YOU ALL DON'T OWN TWILIGHT. And that made me sááád.

Previously… summary: Bella left

"Bye" I said to Alice and walked away.

When I finally came home, it hit me.

Oh MY God! I finally stood up to Edward and I kicked him in his… private spot.

With a smile I went to bed and had for the first time in 4 years no nightmare.

Chapter 4- The reason why

BPOV- 4 years later

Paris Fashion week, my favorite week ever!

Of course I have front row seats with my two best friends, backstage passes and am V.I.P. in EVERY after party. But what would you excepted from a singer, actress and model who has more awards then the guy who makes them.

As you can see I changed a lot in the last 4 years.

When I came to live in Hollywood, the first thing my mother did was giving me a makeover that includes: changing my glasses for contacts, personal trainer, yoga (it worked!! No more klutz), every anti-acme product that excise, a new heir cut (well, it's still curly and brown, but less…wild and dry-looking), mommy dear threw all my clothes away (even my underwear and socks) saying it's not 'sexy' enough that I don't need 'granny panties' but 'lingerie'! and THAT is not even the worst of the makeover; she also forced me to go to a beauty salon and wax!! And not just a normal wax, noooo a Brazilian wax! I was thirteen at the time!

Anyway, my friends of forks, well I never saw them again after that weekend. We did stayed in touch though; we called each other every week, but when i started to make friends here if became once a month and when i got my first job we well, only send happy birthday postcards once a year.

And my best friend Rosalie was now again bitching about the models, she actually was supposed to stand there, but because of a ugly giant bruise she got from her last movie they wouldn´t let her.

This is actually a good example for how fame works, if they need you they will be so nice and act like your BFF, but when they don´t need you they sometimes even forget your name they will just drop you.

Thank god I have two best friends who would never drop me: Jasper and Rosalie. We were in this from the start together, promising that we will always be there for each other. You know; one for all, all for one. That's kind of our friendships motto.

The next show would start in 5 minutes, I was walking to my seat when my phone started vibrating. I looked at the I.D. it said mom.

Why would mom call me on this phone? She only calls on my other cell, this is my fame phone(idea of rose) the other phone is for my family and personal friends. This phone is for my job, my fake friends and stuff like that. But she knows that I only have this phone with me when I am at shows. So this must be really important!

"What happened? Is somebody hurt? What is it?" I asked unsure, scared and panicked. I also have this feeling that it is bad, there is constantly a voice in my head screaming: Not good! Not good! Not Good!....

I still got no answer. "Mom, please tell me what is going on! Is everyone okay?" I asked very panicked and freaked out when I got no answer to my first question.

"I-It's Charlie" she finally said. Charlie?! Oh God what's wrong, please let him be okay, please, just please let him be okay!

"He-He had a heart attack, he's of the intensive care but he needs to stay their for three weeks he is to weak to be on his own. Bella I am scared, I will take him three weeks to recover! I don´t know much about heart attacks, but it's not supposed to take this long" mother said. I almost dropped the phone. Dad! Daddy! He is to young for this he is just 36! Why him?

I felt a singly tear fall down my cheek.

"Oh, o-o-oke uhm… I-I'll go on the next plain to forks, bye" I dropped the phone in my bag and left. Rose and Jasper walked behind me, following me out, but confused about what´s going on.

Right now, I didn't really care if they were confused, I'll explain in the cab. More tears were flowing down my cheek. I should have known something like this would happened to Charlie and it´s all my fault!

We went into a cab and I told the driver the address of our hotel in an empty voice.

IT is all my fault! If I did not left Charlie behind in Forks because of a few mean words I would be making dinner and he would not have to go to the dinner. Then he wouldn't be eating a greasy steak EVERY day! It's all my fault. If I stayed…

By the end of that thought I broke down and was crying. I wrapped my arms around my torso, to afraid that if I let go I would fall in pieces. I felt two other pairs of arms hugging me. I looked to my left and right and saw Jasper and Rosalie.

How did I deserve friends like this, they didn't know what is going on but still know when I need a hug, when I am falling, when I have a break down. I need to explain to them what happened, they deserve to know what is going on but I'm scared that if I say it out loud it would become more realistic. How do they call this? Right, denial.

"I-I need to go to Forks, I-I have to go to Forks" I said while running my hands through my hair.

"What happened honey?" Rose asked with concern in her voice while putting a comforting hand on my back.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself when I replied. "My dad had a heart attack" I said looking hopeless at her with tears in my eyes.

"I-I am going to get my bags, buy the stuff I need in Seattle and I am going to live with my Dad, I need to take care of him. It will mean no private tutor anymore, so I also need to join High School, I think that I will have to take a break of Fame and I won't see you guys anymore-" I was rambling in myself until Jasper quitted me off.

"Wow, wait. We are going with you! Bella you are our best friend! How could you possibly think that we would let you handle this all on your own? So what if we need to put our jobs on hold? Family comes first. One for all, All for one right?" Jasper said.

Rosalie agreed "and weren't you bullied there? On that high school? Honey, you need your best friends for the revenge" she said like it was obvious.

"Fine, but where are you going to stay? And I will need to stay there until at least I finished high school so how about you?" I asked.

"Well, we will stay in your house, you bought a new house for your father with three rooms which means that we will share a room! OMG Bella! We will be roommates! We will go to school to then, we will stay as long as you stay there." Rosalie answered.

"Aw, you would all seriously do that for me guys?" i asked, seriously touched.

"Has she not been listening?" Rosalie asked with sarcasm to Jasper.


"Let's go darlings, I think we have a plane to catch" Jasper said with his Texan voice while putting a arm around my shoulders.

Jasper and Rosalie are my best friends and twins. When you see them standing next to each other, you'll understand that, though you wouldn't say that when you hear them speak; Jasper speaks with a Texan accent what makes a lot of girls drool (I won't say it out loud but his looks definitely helped with his carrier) and Rosalie doesn't have an accent (she knows it too: her looks didn't help, they did all the work) That was because she was raped at the age of thirteen, she was in a hospital for a year and after that they moved to Hollywood, trying to put it all behind them.

Rosalie now takes material arts for her anger issues and to defend herself.

"Alright guys, but there is one little problem: they don't know who I am and at this moment I seriously don´t care if they find out but they do know who my mom is and that already got him in sooo much trouble, can you possibly think how much worse it would get when they all find out who I am? Sooo I kept it quiet and I as I said I don´t really care anymore at this moment but they don´t know we are coming and when they do find out-" I shuddered.

If it isn´t bad enough already? I on purposely kept quiet about me after the accident of telling Edward about mom but now they won´t only find out that I am HER, they will also meet her in real person! And they will meet Rosalie and Jasper! Oh God! They will always be in a two feet radius from us, three if we are lucky.

Conclusion: I HATE MY LIFE

"I don't care and Rosalie will love the attention, though I am not sure if Forks has enough mirrors and windows for Rosalie" Jasper said to annoy Rosalie

"And I don't think there is enough room for Jaspers dolls" Rosalie said as comeback.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! ACTION FIGURES! And besides they fought in the civilian war!" Jasper said angry, those doll- Action figures are his weak spot.

"I say potato, you say peteto. In the end they are ALL the same" You've got to love them, very, very much if you also were by the other 167 fights about the figures, let alone all the other fights!

"Alright guys, time to go. The privet plane will on the airport in 30 minutes" I said when the cab stopped in front of our hotel. We graphed all our stuff in those 30 minutes and were just in time to see that the plane was ready to leave again.

We went right away to the small airport of Forks and landed there. To be honest it looks like this was the first time the tiny airport was used.

We quickly went to the house to drop our stuff and raced to the hospital. Here comes one of the worst parts.

"In which room is Charlie Swan?!" I asked a little bit hysterical because after a halve day in a plane you start thinking about the worst case scenarios.

"I am sorry, family only mi-" at that moment she looked up. Her eyes became huge when she saw who I was, her mouth started to hang open in a painful way.

"Izzy?" She asked still in shock.

"I am so sorry miss Izzy but only family can come at the moment. Visiting hours will start in 2 hours if you would like to wait and-" I cut her off.

I said 4 words that will crush my dad's quiet live here, though at this moment I didn't really care about that, the only thing I could think of was if he was health.

"I am his daughter"


P.s. which ff should I also put on fan fiction? REVIEW!

Silent secret: Bella Is deaf, no one knows except her best friends Jasper and Rosalie. They share a apartment together in college and guess who comes to life as their next door neighbours? AH BxE JxA RxEM

Metal, Lipstick and High Heels: Xover with Terminator Bella is a robot from the future, the only robot with emotions (she was made to look more human and to spy for sky net, but because of her emotions she went to the good side) and is one of the leaders of the resistance. She goes back to the past with Angela to protect Forks of Sky net. Vamps are Vamps BxE JxA RxEm

Thing Change: after New Moon, Edward cheated on Bella, Bella ran away and became bad-ass. It is ….Years later and she now lives in San Francisco, what would happened if she meets Jasper again? BxJ Ex… Ax… RxEm Bella as vamp or human? You chose!

Repeat/a mothers guide: how to go back to the future: After Breaking Dawn, Bella can copy powers and is the strongest vamp on the world, so of course someone will send her as human to the past, to the day she first met Edward. What would momma B do to go back to the future? TITLE MIGHT CHANGE