Disclaimer: I own nothing apart from the band name. All characters belong to the holy Stephenie Meyer and her Twilight saga. The songs written in this story are owned by their various artists.

Please read and review. I want to know if people will like this story or not, otherwise I will not be writing it. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me. I don't bite. The band name belongs to me, and I really hope that nobody steals it. My friend and I worked hard to find a suitable name. Thanks.


I looked up at the flight timetables, searching for mine. It was due in an hour at Gate 6. I smiled breezily and turned to my best friend and band mate, Alice. She was talking animatedly with her boyfriend Jasper, but she turned to me at almost the same time. A huge grin lit up her face; when didn't it?

"I still can't believe you got us our first gig, Bells! But why won't you tell us where we're going?" she whined. I laughed and shook my head.

"It's a surprise, Ali. If I told you, it wouldn't be as exciting, and you wouldn't give me a huge hug when we get there." I told her. She pouted at me, but, seeing that I wasn't going to budge, she gave up and turned back to Jasper. Smiling knowingly, I turned to my left to look at Emmett and his girlfriend Rosalie. Emmett had a grin on that looked just like Alice's, and Rose was trying to suppress one. She looked at me, as though she sensed me looking.

"Coming, guys?" I called. They bent down to pick up their bags and walked over to stand with us. Picking up my own, I led them through customs and into the departure lounge of our gate. I put my bag in our pile and attempted to sit down, but of course Alice had to go in and check out every store in the airport. Typical Alice.

She dragged me through store after store, trying on clothing, gossiping about magazine celebrities, chattering her head away. I do believe she never shut up the whole time we were there. I blocked every single item she wanted to buy me, until she finally wore me down.

Forty-five minutes later, I stumbled out of the last shop carrying a large bag with both hands. Alice was running circles around me, buzzing with excitement. Where did she get all that energy from? I swear, she doesn't drink any coffee, yet she is hyper all day. I shook my head as I returned to the group and dumped my bag unceremoniously on the ground. Rose glanced at my face and laughed.

"You look like you went through hell, Bella." She commented, trying to suppress the giggles that kept erupting from her.

"Actually, I have been. Except, it was Alice's heaven. God, how can shopping bring her so much joy?" I exclaimed as I picked up the carry-on and the one shopping bag I had let Alice buy. I made my way over to the queue and handed in my ticket. The attendant checked it and waved me through. I waited for my friends and, together, we walked onto the plane.

It was first class, of course. All of our parents had pitched in. We took our seats. I was to the right of Alice and Jasper, who was sitting next to the window. I was next to the aisle. In front of me, Emmett stretched out over two seats while Rose leaned against the cold glass window to try and relax.

Alice tapped my shoulder. I turned to look at her. "Yes, Ali?" I said.

"I promise I won't tell." She muttered at me. I laughed and pushed her shoulder gently, shaking my head.

"No, Alice. Absolutely not. We both know how big a mouth you have." I pointed out, raising an eyebrow. She sighed and shook her head in disbelief, turning back to the blonde on her other side.

I rummaged through my carry-on, pulling out my iPod when I found it. I switched it on and put the earphones in my ears, ready to block out the droning of the air hostesses. My music blasted loud enough that it was almost comic to see their arms waving in all directions while their mouths opened and closed, without a sound to be heard to me.

I looked around me to see if anybody had noticed how loud my music was, but everyone was oblivious and, even in Emmett's case, focused on something else entirely.

The hostesses sat down and I felt the plane beginning to move. I closed my eyes and mouth and tried to focus on the music. Not too bad, yet, I thought. The music calmed me and stopped me from getting sick.

Alice seemed to sense my unease, because I felt something fall into my lap. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed back to say thank you. I let go of her hand, and my stomach settled back down into its original position. I picked up the packet in my lap, opening it like I did routinely whenever I got on a plane.

I popped one of the tablets in my mouth and swallowed it down with a sip from the water bottle Alice shoved into my hand. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Everything was fine, now. I turned to Alice, who was looking at me expectantly.

"You are a lifesaver!" I told her. She shrugged and turned to look at the front, leaning back in her seat. I could see Jasper on his laptop, probably talking to his mother or younger brother in New York. Little did he know that I had organized for him to stay with Carlisle and Esme, who had constant contact with his family.

I changed the song on my iPod again. I closed my eyes slowly, ready to get some sleep before we landed. I drifted off, darkness swallowing me up.

"Please buckle your seatbelts. We are due to land in Seattle in two minutes. Thank you for your cooperation." The voice was robotic sounding, but definitely female. Was this my dream? Wait, who was shaking me? I groaned.

"Come on, Bells. You have to wake up. We're about to land." Wait, I knew that voice. Okay, now I knew I wasn't dreaming. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, fumbling with my belt to do it up. I looked over at Alice.

"Thanks, Ali. Again." I smiled at her. She nodded and did my belt up for me, while I stretched and yawned.

The plane shook a bit as the landing gear was released. We were going down now. The plane jolted as it hit the ground, and I could see the airport stretching out beside us. We coasted to a stop, and I undid my belt.

Grabbing my bags, I shuffled into the aisle. Alice and Jasper slipped out behind me. A little way ahead, stepping off the plane already, Emmett and Rosalie. As I got off the plane, I grinned. The airport didn't look at all suspicious. Nothing here could tell them that they were in Seattle.

I went to the carousel and stood beside Rose. Grabbing my bag, I walked outside to wait for my friends, away from the crowds. I could already see our designated carpool, a taxi I had ordered to pick us up, a few metres away. I could tell because the driver was holding up a sign that said 'Swan'.

I walked over to him and I saw my friends following behind, looking for me. I waved to them as the driver put my suitcase in the back of the car. Soon, we were all piled in and we were driving down the road to Forks.

"Nobody is allowed to look out the windows. I want it all to be a big surprise when we get there. No, Emmett, you aren't allowed to peek at all." I reprimanded. He rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat.

The drive went smoothly, or so I thought. No mishaps, no accidents, just a plain drive with a bunch of friends. We pulled up to a white house with large glass windows. I smiled and stepped out of the car, ordering my friends to stay inside for just a few minutes longer.

The driver unloaded all the bags except mine and put them down in the driveway. I knocked on the front door and it opened. Esme was smiling excitedly and she gave me a gentle hug. Carlisle was behind her. I received a hug from him too.

I led them over to the taxi and opened the door. Breathing with relief, my friends stepped out and stretched their legs. Upon seeing Carlisle and Esme, Alice screamed. She raced over to give her parents huge hugs. When I laughed, she turned to me with a glare on her face.

"Why didn't you tell us, Bella? That was so unfair!" she cried, before grabbing me by the shoulders and hugging me, too. I smiled and gently pushed her away.

"I rather liked it." I replied. Emmett, Rose and Jasper were talking with the two adults, looking simply amazed and excited. I waved to Alice and got back into the taxi. She frowned at me.

"Bella, what are you doing? Aren't you staying?" she asked me. I shook my head.

"I'll leave you and your family to it. I have my own family to see." I shrugged and closed the door. The driver went down the winding driveway and onto the long road into Forks' centre. A few minutes later, we pulled up to a house. There was a police cruiser out the front. I stepped out of the car.

Thanking the driver and picking up my bags, I went to the door, rapping my knuckles on it several times. I could hear the TV going, probably a baseball game or something. The door opened creakily.

"Hello?" came a deep voice. I looked up at my father, my eyes tearing up. "Bella? Bella!"

I ran over to him, wrapping my arms around him. "I missed you, Char- Dad." My voice was muffled. I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes, smiling brightly.

"Come in here, Bells. Here, I'll take your bags for you." I followed Charlie inside the house. In the living room, we both sat down. "Bella, what are you doing in Forks?"

I laughed. "Actually, Dad, I came to stay with you for a while. If you don't mind, that is." I added, seeing his confusion. He looked at me.

"Stay? With me? Of course you can, Bella! I'd love to have you. You can stay in your old room." He chattered. I smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Dad." I fell quiet for a moment, wondering if I should tell him. I should.


"Yes, Bells?"

"You know that police charity ball you hold every year?"

"Yeah. I have to organize it. Takes a hell of a long time. Why?"

"You wouldn't happen to know of any new bands that are playing there, would you?" I was nervous. I hoped he would recognize it. Actually, it would be better to just tell him.

"Actually, there is this one new band. Uh… 'E' something, I think. Female lead singer. It's their first performance at the ball. The lead organized it a few weeks ago. Why do you want to know?" his voice was confused, just like his expression.

"Oh. Um… well, I need to tell you something about that band. And the lead singer." I told him, looking up at his face. "That band is called Exhibition of Hearts, Dad."

"How did you know that? It's only their first performance. The lead said that nobody knew about them. That this was a way to get their name out, or something."

"Yeah, Dad. I did say that, didn't I?" I smirked as realization dawned on his face.

"That's… That's your band? You are the lead singer of Exhibition of Hearts? Wow. That's great, Bells. Why didn't you tell me before now?" he said, his voice telling me that he was hurt that I hadn't.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you. The Cullens and the Hales surprised Carlisle and Esme, too."

"Wow. Well, you can go to their place if you want. I just need to take this all in. I got you a new car. A truck. It's outside."

Wow. A new truck? Well, that was certainly something. I nodded and kissed his cheek. I walked outside and saw the fading orange painted on the truck. Smiling as I got in, I realized that I loved it. I started it up, backing down my driveway and beginning to drive to the Cullen's.

This was getting to be a very good day.


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