Her Life

By: Kandierain751

Summary: Bella is a Junior in high school. She goes to Forks High with her best friends Alice and Rosalie. When they get put in a class with Seniors because there isn't enough teachers, what will happen when the two most famous groups in school clash?



First day of eleventh grade and I haven't bolted for the doors yet. Now I would call that a miracle. Ok, here I am, in the front of the class with all the other eleventh graders being introduced to the seniors and of course, I'm probably the only scared one here. My best friend Alice is introducing herself to the class and my turns next.

"Hello people! I'm Mary Alice Brandon. But everyone calls me Alice and I'm probably the shortest and most energetic person you will ever meet! I'm so happy because I'm in the same class as my best friend Bella! She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet....Well you can hear about her from herself. She doesn't need me," she passed on the bean bag that Mr. Varner gave us and I blushed.

"Umm....Well my names Bella Swan. Me and Alice's group are probably one the most well known in the school. Our group basically includes Me, Alice, and Rosalie," people looked at me confused and I explained. "Rosalie is a senior. She's in the other class.....Umm... other than that....I'm a klutz and I'm not the brightest person but Alice is right. I try to be as nice as I can to people."

I then passed it to the person next to me where it kept going until finally all Juniors were introduced.

Mr. Varner motioned for us to sit down and I sat down at a table. Alice plopped down next to me. Then three girls I remembered from some classes last year sat down. Alice smiled and I smiled back. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

"Okay, this year is going to be soooo cool," Alice said to me when Mr. Varner started talking about math.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"Look at those guys over there," she pointed to a guy with blonde hair who looked like he could get along with everyone. "You know who that is?"

"No....." I said. "Why would I?"

"Because that's Jasper Whitlock. One of the hottest and most popular guys in this school," when she said this her face broke out into a smile.

I laughed quietly and waved my hand in her face. "Alice? Alice stop staring at him."

She blushed deep red and turned to me. "But he's so cute. And look how he's so nice to people." I noticed how he was helping a short girl with her work.

But then my eyes gravitated towards the boy at the table in front of him. He had dark brown hair with the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. Blushing I pulled my gaze from him. "Alice. Alice look at that guy over there." Now it was my turn to point towards someone.

"Where?" she looked to where I was pointing. "Oh. That's Edward Mason. Isn't he cute?"

"Yeah he is..." I breathed when my gaze gravitated towards him again.

Somehow he felt my gaze and looked back at me. Our gaze met and he smirked.

I growled and turned away from him. "Ooh! Can you believe him Alice!?" I looked at her. "Alice?" she was staring at the Jasper guy again.

"What Bella? Did you say something?" she was still looking at him. It was like she couldn't take her gaze off him.

"I was talking about the Edward guy. I looked at him and he stared back at me and smirked!" I screeched. Mr. Vanders looked at me and glared. "Sorry sir."

"Ms. Swan, please refrain from screaming in my class," he said calmly. Wow. Mean teacher.

"Yes sir. Sorry about that sir," I apologized, my face red.

The school day continued that way too. Somehow, my gaze or Alice's gaze would gravitate towards either Edward or Jasper. A teacher would yell at us and so on. Until lunch.....

"Alice! Bella!" Rosalie squealed, pulling us into a huge hug. "I'm so happy that you guys are with the seniors now!"

"Rose....Can't breathe.....Dying..." I choked out. I swear, that girl would kill us one day just trying to be nice.

"Oops! Sorry about that!" she quickly let go of us and finally, finally, I could breathe.

"Okay guys!" Alice clapped her hands together. "It's time for us to get some lunch!"

"Yay...." I waved my hands in the air unenthusiastically. "Can't wait to eat the school's amazing food."

Alice laughed and jumped on my back. "Carry me Bella!"

"Fine, "I fake pouted about having to carry her and acted like she was heavy. "Let's get to the cafeteria."

Rose linked arms with me and together we carried Alice to the Cafeteria.

"Omg Alice. Get the fuck down," I cussed at her. My back was starting to hurt. She gracefully slid down and smiled.

"Sorry Bella," she acted innocent but we all knew that inside she was an evil devil girl.

Once we got our disgusting food and sat down, Rose asked the one question I didn't want her to ask. "So.....See any hot guys in your class?"

"Dang it Rose. It's not fair that you can do that," I pouted and Alice and Rose laughed.

"Well Bella?" she asked prodding the question more. "I never got my answer!"

I blushed and flipped her off. "Yes I saw someone," I said. "His name's Edward Mason and I swear, he is the cutest guy ever!"

Alice was the one to smirk this time. "Told you that she liked him." This was directed at Rose.

"What?!" I screamed. "You two didn't seriously bet on whether or not I liked a guy did you?" When I saw their guilty looks I got even more shrill. "And how the hell did you contact each other?"

I saw their mouths open before shutting and then eyes widening at the same time I felt big arms wrap around me. "You should be more quieter Isabella Swan, " I heard the rough voice of Emmett from behind me.

"Emmett! Get off me!" I yelled shrugging him off.

He pouted and I rolled my eyes at him. "No fair Bella. I wanted to surprise you," he crossed his big arms and I couldn't help but laugh and hug him.

"It' s okay big bro," I said causing Rose and Alice to gape.

"What!? He's your brother Bella? When was this?" Rose screeched.

"Yeah....Well he's not really my brother but he's always been around me my whole life so now I just refer to him as big bro," I explained smiling sweetly to try and get out of being yelled at.

Hey Bells, my friend Edward piss you off?" he asked me laughing a bit.

"Yeah he did!" I almost screamed again until Emmett put his hand over my mouth. I licked him.

"Eww!" He yelled pulling his hand away!

"Hmmm....It tasted salty!" I laughed and Alice cut in.

"So you're Bella's brother practically and you're part of the most famous guy group in school?" she asked. "Wow Bella, you sure know how to pick people. I blushed.

"Shut up Alice," my face was burning and I didn't want to have Emmett notice because he would tease me about it...Awh crap. He smirked.

"Why is Isabella blushing?" I stared at the new voice talking to me.

"Wha?!" I looked to who said that to come face to face with Jasper Whitlock. Alice's new crush. Oh I could have fun with this.

I pulled Emmett away from the group. "Guess what?!" I whispered into his ear.

"What?" he fake whispered back to me.

"I know someone that likes Jasper a lot. And by a lot I mean a lot," I smiled evilly at him.

"Who?" he asked with a confused look on his face that only Emmett could have.

I sighed and shook my head. "You can be so blonde sometimes. It's Alice! She is like totally ga-ga for him."

He laughed and slapped my shoulder. "Good one Bella. That little one liking Jasper. Wow you suck at jokes."

"I'm not joking. She really really likes him," I said with my hands in the air.

His eyes widened and I laughed for a sec. "So you're saying the little one has seen him for half a day and she already likes him? Wow. Can I tell him?"

I smirked and nodded. "Oh yeah! This is revenge."

He backed away but then went faster when he heard the bell ring. "I'll tell him in Ms. Colline's class."

"Okay!" I yelled back at him and then ran to my locker to finish the day up.


First day of my last year at this horrible school I walk into the class room to see like ten Juniors standing up front. I rolled my eyes and took a seat.

"Hey Jazz, what's going on?" I whispered catching the attention of my blonde friend.

"The stupid teachers made us have some Juniors in our class," he responded making me frown. "Seems like we had too little teachers in this school."

I groaned and leaned back but the sound of one of the girls introducing themselves caught my attention. She had auburn hair and brown eyes. Her voice...

"Hey bro, why are you staring at Bella like a piece of meat?" Emmett whispered in my ear.

"I'm not.....Wait is that who that girl is?" I asked him turning around swiftly.

"Yeah bro. She's like my sister. We grew up together," he answered me laughing. "I've already told you about her."

"She's the girl that beat you in a skateboarding contest?" I exclaimed, my voice rising above a whisper.

"Yeah....Dude you don't seriously like my sister do you?" Emmett's face was scrunched up like he had smelled something bad.

"Sorry but she's so interesting seeming," I said trying to convince Emmett.

"Dude! My sister is not a specimen!" Emmett practically yelled.

"I never said she was, " I replied shocked that he thought that's what I meant. "I said she was interesting because I've only seen her and I like her a lot."

"Really?" Emmett asked, suspicion filling his rough voice.

I nodded furiously and he smiled. "Good. Bella's been through a lot and she need's someone in her life that's going to take care of her."

Class suddenly started and we stopped talking so Mr. Varner wouldn't yell at us.

It was lunch time and by that time I was feeling pretty good about myself. Bella Swan had not taken her eyes off of me the whole class.

Jasper, Emmett, and I all met up by the cafeteria. See I guess we were like girls in the factor that every day after lunch we would meet up and talk about the hot girls we had seen that morning..

"So....?" Jasper started the conversation that we had every day.

"Damn Edward here has a crush on my freakin' sister," Emmett grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest like a little kid.

Jasper's eyes widened and he looked to me before looking quickly to Emmett. "Okay, for one. You have a sister?!"

Emmett sighed and shook his head. "Yes for fucking pete's sake I have a sister. Now can we please get back to the fact he wants to bang my sister?"

"Sorry about that Emmett but I can't help it that I like her. And I like her. A lot," I said apologizing.

Emmett just rolled his eyes and quickly walked off towards the girls when Bella's scream was heard.

I turned to Jasper. "You have any idea what that was about?"

He shrugged. "Hell, I really had no idea he had a sister. Now I'm finding out you like that sister. Wow today is confusing."

I turned the topic off the new girl. "So Jasper, see any hot girls you like?" I asked him.

"Fuck yeah I did.," he said. "The know the really short girl in our class? The one that's a Junior and has the really short hair?"

"Yeah...?" I urged him to go on with what he was saying.

"Well she is really hot! I was trying to impress her by acting smart and kind because she was looking at me the whole time," Jasper said with a faraway look in his eyes.

"Come back to earth dude," a guy said when he told Jasper to move and heard what he said. "That's Alice Brandon. She's part of the most popular girl's group in this school. Her plus Bella Swan and Rosalie Hale.

I scowled at the younger boy in front of me. "And what kind of "group" are you referring to these girls as?"

He backed up slowly. "Dude chill out. They aren't like the Sluts of Senior Year. These girls are popular because of what they do."

"What do you mean?" I urged him on. If he said anything about Bella, Emmett would kill him.....and I'd help.

"Dude they help out on like the school's committee, helping with school dances, planting trees, saving the planet, stuff like that," the guy said when he saw the dark look on my face.

"Good," I said sighing and stopped giving him a dirty look. When he didn't leave I scowled. "Well you can leave. Now go."

He scurried off, probably scared me and Jasper were going to beat him up after school.

Jasper gave me an agitated look before sighing. "Edward I know you like this girl but you can't go around beating up kids who talk about her. Hell dude, you don't even know her."

I gave him a dirty look. "It's kind of like this connection I feel that I have with her. Jasper, I really can't help it."

He rolled his eyes at me and I glared at him. "Anyways, you know that chick Rosalie or whatever?" It was my turn to roll my eyes this time. "Yeah, of course I know every person that goes to this school," I said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up will you?" he said, his face tinting a light pink. "No but I heard from a little birdie named Emmett that he likes her."

I arched an eyebrow at that comment. "Isn't she also in that group with Alice and Bella?"

"Yeah. Matter of fact, I'm going over to where Emmett and their group is. Looks like they're having fun," Jasper pointed to where Emmett, Alice, Rosalie, and Bella were laughing like idiots. "Do you want to come with me?"

"No thanks," I shook my head no. I wasn't that brave. Jasper shrugged and walked away. I looked with envy as he talked to Bella.

Sighing I walked out of the cafeteria and towards my locker. Today was really starting to suck.

Over the next month it seemed like it was just Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Bella. Edward had strayed away from the newly formed group and was usually seen by himself.

"Edward?" Bella hesitantly walked over to where he was sitting by himself and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hmm?" Edward was out of it so he didn't notice it was Bella talking to him.

"Edward," Bella called his name again and this time she shook him.

"Wha?" He looked over to see her standing there with her hand on his shoulder. "Bella?! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be over there with the group?"

She shook her head no. "That's the reason I'm over here. You're all by yourself." she paused for a second before continuing. "Why don't you just come over here and sit with us?"

"I don't know. I mean, it's pretty nice over here," he said. Blushing when he realized how stupid that sounded.

"Okay then, if you like it so much over here I'll just call he group over here," she shrugged and waved her hand for the others to come over.

"Sup my brother!" Emmett slapped him on the back and smirked. "Finally decide to join the land of the living again?"

Glaring at Emmett, Edward gingerly rubbed his back. When he saw Bella smiling, he spoke. "Yeah....yeah I guess I really am back."

Ok, this is chapter one. My first twilight fic that isn't a one-shot. just please review review review. They are soooo sooo sooo much better than guessing what you guys think.... haha.
