Disclaimer: Don't own South Park =[

Rated: T

Summary: Just cute little Craig Tweek loviness.

Comments: Ugh finals. I was having some Craig/Tweek withdrawal so I whipped this up quick

Inspiration: My friend commented on how little my pinky was =]



When one person meets another the first thing they usually notice is their face. That is because one face is (usually) at eye level and it is the first thing you will see. Now, we are taught not to judge based on looks, "Don't judge a book by its cover." As they say, however many of us still do. The next thing we will notice is their eyes. Because, once again, they are right in our face.

When Craig Tucker arrived on the first day of school, he saw Tweek Tweak. He tried not to judge, but by the look of his face, he decided he didn't want to mix with him. Tweek, even as a small kindergartener drank a lot of coffee. Therefore he could not sleep. Ever. So on the first day of school, those long ten years ago, Tweek was pale, had dark marks under his eyes, was thin, but still rather cute. The next thing Craig noticed about the small child in the corner sipping out of a Starbucks cup, was his eyes. They were bright green. Almost radioactive looking, and they darted place to place, never really resting on anything in particular.

Craig tried not to judge, but he did. It was only in second grade when they really became friends. It was a cool spring morning, and Craig was alone in the school field. Clyde was sick and Token was in class studying for a test. Tweek was wandering around, like he did those days at recess, and bumped into Craig. Craig, who towered a full four inches above the small pale blond boy, pushed him down rather easily. Tweek sat on his bottom and rubbed his eyes, big fat tears flowing out. Craig had almost fallen over in shock. Most other kids would have gotten up and pushed him right back. Tweek was a scrawny little boy, he look so cute crying on the ground. Craig had kneeled down next to Tweek and mumbled an embarrassed, "Sorry."

Tweek had opened on eye and blinked at him confused. Offering his hand to the little boy, Craig helped Tweek up off the ground. That's when he noticed. He noticed the small little finger on the end of Tweek's hand. It was his pinky. It was tiny, a little bigger that a toddlers. And, well, it was pink. Craig had the urge to kiss it. He held it off for ten years until on day he could bear it no more. Tweek sat on the ground next to Craig on the cliff behind Stark's Pond, overlooking town. His arms were stretched behind his back, that little pinky sitting on the ground apart from the others. Craig stared at it for some time before acting upon his thoughts. He grabbed Tweek's hand and kissed his pinky gently.

Tweek was confused, but went along with it, fluttering his eyelashes like a princess. Craig grinned and bowed to Tweek. "May I have this dance?" He asked. Tweek giggled and replied, "Why of course my dear prince!" Craig lifted Tweek up and swayed him around in a sloppy ballroom dance. Holding out on arm and intertwining their fingers, Craig held on tightly to that little pinky.


Me: Wooo! Wasn't that a fun little ride?

Craig: You made me sound gay. Bitch.

Me: Well aren't you?

Craig: No comment

Tweek: I only drank coffee once in this! AUGH!

Me: Review??????