Note: This is the remake of the original (which is still active at the moment) since I wanted to start it afresh. I have used a few of the original Japanese words in this because as I wrote it, the English just didn't sound right. I can't claim to be an expert on these things, having not studied it formally but here's a little explanation, if I get anything wrong I'd be grateful if someone pointed it out to me:

-san suffix: A more respectful suffix. Think of it as 'Miss' in English.

-chan: Usually for gals, for more familiar people. It indicates closeness.

-kun: Usually for chaps, again for more familiar people.

Forename/Surname: The use of a Surname is more formal. Use of the forename is more informal (no matter the suffix, the suffixes do still show the status of relationship between people though).

Otou-san: Father.

Okaa-san: Mother.

Onii-chan: Brother (Big Brother in this case).

Itadakimasu: Some translate this as "I'll have some" but I prefer to think of it as when you say grace before eating a meal.


"Sakura-san, breakfast is ready!"

The gentle call drifted up the stairs, down the corridor and under a door into a girl's bedroom. There was a rustle as the duvet moved, an extraordinarily cute girl with brown hair sitting up, her eyes lidded with sleep. The girl rubs her eyes and looks around the room dreamily, then the call seems to register in her sleepy mind.

"Okay!" She yells back, swinging her legs off the side of the bed and sliding her bare feet into a pair of white bunny slippers. Out of the bottom drawer of her desk a creature resembling a plush toy pokes its head out.

"Good morning, Sakura." The creature murmured, rubbing a paw across its eyes, still dozy having just awoken.

"Morning, Kero-chan." Sakura mumbled back, stifling a yawn and changing out of her pyjamas into her school clothes.

"Come to think of it, you're in 8th grade now, right?" Keroberos asked. Sakura ran over to the mirror, picking a brush up from beside it and using it on her hair.

"Yeah. And we're in a new school now. It's just over the fence from the old one but it's going to be so confusing!" Sakura replied, putting the brush down and fitting two hair bands over her hair, one on either side. She checked her hair in the mirror before jumping over to her desk, opening the top drawer of the desk and taking a few things out of it before sliding it closed and putting the items into her bag.

"Ah, it's been two years since anythin' happened!" Keroberos sounded frustrated and bored. Sakura glanced down at him, frowning a little.

"Isn't that good? It means everything's the way it should be. Ahhh, I'm going to be late! See you later, Kero-chan!" The door slammed as Sakura rushed out the door, closing it behind her. The Guardian of the Seal floated over to the TV and turned it on, sighing as he descended down to the controller.

"I'm so bored." He sighed.

"Good morning!" Sakura exclaimed as she sped into the kitchen-dining room. A tall boy, older than her with brown hair looked up from the newspaper he was reading.

"Ah, the monster still wakes up late." He taunted, grinning.

"I'm not a monster!" Sakura yelled, frustrated at her brother, Toya.

"Good morning, Sakura-san." Sakura looked up to see her father walk out from the kitchen area of the room carrying plates.

"Good morning, Otou-san!"

"Here you go." He said, putting the plates down on the table. Sakura rushed around the table, passing by a portrait of her deceased mother.

"Good morning, Okaa-san." She said before sitting down, picking up the knife and fork on either side of her plate.

"Itadakimasu!" The family said before digging into their breakfasts. Toya stood up to go, grabbing his bag and walking towards the doorway.

"I'm off now." He said over his shoulder, walking through the doorway into the hall. After half a minute, his head poked around the doorway again, looking at Sakura.

"You're not going to hurry after me?" He inquired. Sakura looked up from her food, shaking her head.

"I'm going to school with Shaoran today." She replied, a spark of irritation flew across Toya's face, disappearing as soon as it appeared.

"Oh, that brat?" He said, smirking at Sakura who stood up, banging her hands on the table.

"He's not a brat! He's Shaoran!" She yelled. Toya laughed, his head disappearing around the corner leaving Sakura to fume at the empty doorway.

After finishing her food Sakura made her way to the front door, picking her bag up and slipping on her shoes. As she walked out of the door her father smiled at her.

"You're not skating today?" He asked. Sakura shook her head, smiling back.

"No, I'm walking to school with Shaoran today." Her father nodded, his smile never faltering.

"Have a safe trip then." He said, opening the gate. Sakura walked down the steps, turning and waving to her father as she walked away.

"See you later, Otou-san." She called.

Shaoran Li leaned against the wall, watching the sparse clouds drift across the blue sky. He had returned to Japan having finished school in Hong Kong and rather than transferring to an entirely new High School he had persuaded his mother to allow him to come to Tomoeda High. He had expected her to rebuke his request; but she had been impressed by his resoluteness and had sent him to Tomoeda with her blessing.

"Have you been waiting long?" A voice said, Shaoran was dragged from his thoughts, glancing towards the sound. He smiled as he saw Sakura walking down the street towards him. She was smiling back, her cheeks a little red.

"Not really." He replied, pushing away from the wall. Sakura stood less than a metre away from him, smiling shyly. They stood there for a while, then she walked into his arms, wrapping hers around him.

"I missed you." She whispered, snuggling against his chest.

"Me too." He said, closing his eyes, happy he had been able to come back.

On the opposite side of the road and with a wall separating it from the street there was a park. Near the wall a tall tree stood, the leaves still turning orange and falling from the branches. Amidst the foliage sat two children, a boy and a girl.

"They look happy." The boy said to the girl.

"Yeah, it'll be fun taking that away from them." The girl said, grinning wickedly.

"Yes, yes it will be."