Hey guys! I know, I know. I haven't updated in forever. Hope you'll forgive me though. This chapter is my longest one yet, coming in at about 3,640 words. It's also the last chapter, so I really hope you guys like it. This was a fun story to write, and I see on the main page that there are several more 'SWAC meets fanfiction' stories, which is pretty awesome, not even gonna lie [:

I love you all. hope you enjoy this.

Disclaimer: I don't own SWAC, or anything else mentioned in this chapter/story. The most I own is the plotline.

"We're so happy to be here!" Sonny puckered her lips. That didn't sound right. "We're so happy to be here!" She cringed. That sounded even worse. She put her script down and made a face at herself in the mirror in front of her.

Let's face it: I'm too distracted to do rehearsals today. Sonny had not talked to Chad since that 'incident' 3 days ago. Whenever she saw him in the cafeteria or randomly walking through the halls, he would glare at her and walk away. And she had no idea what was wrong! She didn't do anything.

And what's worse, this was bothering her so much that she couldn't concentrate on her fanfiction at all. She couldn't think of anything to write next, and she was starting to get worried that she wouldn't be inspired to write anytime soon.

She didn't know why she cared so much, any-

Sonny's inner monologue was interrupted by the sounds of mooing. She looked at her phone: Tawni? "Hello?"

"Sonny! Congratulations!"

There were sounds of muffled laughter in the background, but she was so confused that she didn't even notice. "Congratulations on what?"

"For getting married!"

"… Uhm. What?" Sonny rubbed her temples. I can already tell this is not going to be a pleasant conversation.

Sonny could hear the sounds of the phone being taken from Tawni, a stifled "hey!" and finally Nico's voice. "We're so proud of you, man! Except I can't believe you didn't invite us…"

Now Sonny was really confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Tell her I'm not getting her a gift!" She heard Zora call out in the background, before Grady shushed her and took the phone.

"I have to say, the place you chose? It sounds beautiful. Like a fairy tale, or something."

Sonny rolled her eyes and hung up the phone. She wasn't in the mood. She laid her head on the table for a few minutes, when she heard mooing again. Not even bothering to check the caller ID, she answered. "Hello?"

"Oh my gosh, Sonny! Are you okay?" Tawni said, and there was more laughter in the background.

Sonny, however, was not amused. "Other than the fact that I'm a bit annoyed-"

"I can't believe that stupid nurse would do that to you!" Zora called out, but rather than sounding angry, she sounded like she was bursting with amusement.

"What nurse? Do what?"

"The one that saved your life!"

"No nurse ever saved my life, Grady. What are you talking about?"

"I mean, I could understand wanting revenge, but this is just crazy-"

"Nico, what are you talking about?"

But rather than answering, all four of them cracked up laughing. Sonny huffed and hung up, picking up a hairbrush and running it through her hair furiously.

What are they talking about? Nurse? Wedding? Revenge?


Sonny paused, her eyes widening.

An overly dramatic revenge scheme carried out by a nurse during my fictional wedding in a fairy-tale like setting? And my castmates weren't invited?

So much drama can only be connected to one person.

"Chad!" She called out, and Chad looked at her, got up from his table, and walked the other way.

Sonny rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Chad, where exactly are you planning on going? There's only one entrance to this cafeteria and I'm standing in it."

Chad gave a dramatic sigh and walked closer to her. "What do you want, Monroe? I'm doing some serious business right now."

Sonny glanced at the table he just got up from. "You mean, serious business like eating stuffed crab?"

"Yes!" Chad said indignantly. "It takes quite a bit of effort to cut it and… stuff."

"Whatever. Chad, have you been writing another fanfiction about me again?"

"What makes you think that?"

"The fact that Tawni, Nico, Grady, and Zora just called me and regaled me with the tale of a wonderful wedding I apparently had and an intricate revenge scheme carried out by a nurse that is, apparently, in love with my fictional groom."

Chad scoffed. "And what makes you think that I wrote it?"

"Chad, up 'til now, you were the only one in this building who knew what fanfiction was."

Chad opened his mouth to attempt to fight back, but then realized it didn't really matter either way. "Yes, I am writing more fanfiction."

"About me."

"About you and several people, actually."

"I thought you said you were done writing."

"Well, that was before I realized you were out to ruin me!"

Sonny stared at him for a second. "What are you talking about?!"

"Your fanfiction! That has over 200 reviews! Sonny, I can't believe you would stab me in the back like that. I mean, I know we're supposed to hate each other and everything, but-"

A look of understanding dawned on Sonny's face. "Chad, you think I was trying to get more reviews than you?"

"I don't think, I know."

Sonny laughed. "Chad, I wasn't. I was just interested in-"

"Well it doesn't matter anyway! Because I posted a sequel about our future in which I miraculously get risen up from the dead and we get married but then the nurse that I fell in love with in the first story sets out for revenge because she believed that you had taken the best thing that had ever happened to her and so she uses witchcraft that she learned from a questionable fortune teller at a fair a few blocks away from her house to make it so that every time I say your name I fall more and more out of love with you. It's so much better than the first story, and I posted it 4 hours ago and I've already gotten 128 reviews on it! So in your face, I'm getting more reviews than you and you can't beat me. Now you know what happens when you mess with Chad Dylan Cooper!"

Chad stomped off, leaving a very disgruntled Sonny standing alone and pondering her next move.

One week later and Chad is basking in his epic prowess. He's only posted 3 chapters of his story and he's already got close to 900 reviews. Serves Sonny right, trying to show me up…

Chad glanced at his watch. About 10 minutes before he was due to start filming again.

Just enough time to rub it in Sonny's face, grab a chicken leg from the cafeteria, and be back in time to accuse his first girlfriend of robbing the local Mackenzie Falls Grocery Store.

He sauntered over to Sonny's dressing room, knocked, and without waiting for an answer, opened the door.

"Hey, hey Son- Blondie?"

Blondie glared at him. "What do you want, you jerk?"

"Where's your annoying ball of fluff?"

Tawni gasped, picked up a stuffed animal from the couch, and clutched it close to her chest. "How dare you insult my Smooshiekins!"

"Your- what?"

"Marshall bought it for me to replace-"

"Yeah, don't bother finishing. I don't even care." Tawni huffed and sat down on her couch. "By 'annoying ball of fluff,' I meant Sonny. Where is she?"

"Why do you care?"

"Listen Blondie, I have about 7.5 minutes left to find her, make fun of her, and get something to eat. Now, I'm on a tight schedule so if you would just-"

"Why are you calling me Blondie? I have a name, and besides, have you looked in a mirror lately?"

Chad scoffed. "No need for a mirror. Chad Dylan Cooper always looks good. And now to more pressing matters-"

"On the contrary, Chad, you have an Alfalfa."

"A what?"

"An Alfalfa? It's a hair lick, smart one."

Chad gasped and looked in the mirror, running his hands through his hair. "Wait, you're lying. My hair looks perfect." He winked at himself, checked his watch and groaned. "Great, I only have 5 minutes to find Sonny, and if I don't find her, then I'm not going to be able to get my chicken leg. Where is she?"

Tawni sniffed. "And why should I tell you?"

"Because… because Sonny told me you read my fanfiction, and if you tell me where she is, I'll let you read the latest chapter before I put it online."

Tawni's eyes lit up, and she looked as if she was having an inner struggle. "I…" Tawni sighed. "I can't. She told me not to tell you."

"What? Why?"

"'Cause she's ignoring you, duh!"


"You ask too many questions."

"Listen, Blondie-"

"If you call me Blondie one more time-"

"Okay, fine, Tawni. I now have 3.5 minutes. Start talking."

Tawni sighed. "Normally I don't do this, but…" Tawni grabbed Chad's hand and pulled him into the bathroom.

"Tawni, what-"

"Look, sorry, but Zora's in the vent right now and I don't want her to know." Tawni took a deep breath and said, "Sonny's mad that you've made this into a competition. Well, more sad than mad but-"

"Well she deserved it! I mean, how dare she try and upstage me?"

"She wasn't trying to upstage you! Have you even read her story?"

"Well- no, but-"

"Well you should. You might find out a few things. Or maybe not. Judging by all the questions you ask, you're a typical blonde-"

"Look who's talking, Blondie."

Tawni glared at him, closed the door, and picked up her stuffed animal and a stick of lip stick.

"What are you – agh!"

When Chad returned to the set of Mackenzie Falls 5 minutes late, he was covered in fur and strange red marks and had an irritated look on his face.

Portlyn laughed out loud when she saw him. "What happened to you?"

Chad glared at her and held up a hand, indicating that she should shut up.

Sonny entered her dressing room the next morning and found Chad sitting on the couch with a stack of papers in his hands.

Chad looked up. "'Sup."


"So, I read your fanfiction."

Sonny blinked. "Okay."

"I… don't get it."

"Well… there's not really anything to, y'know, get."

"No, I mean I get the story just fine. But I don't get why it got so many reviews. And why it's still getting reviews, especially since you haven't updated it in so long."

Sonny glared. "Look, Chad, if you're just going to insult me-"

"Fact is, Monroe, this story? It's not interesting. I mean, it doesn't even have any cops or-"

"Newsflash, Chad! You write too many crack!fics!"

"I write what?"

Sonny crossed her arms. "I thought you were the king of fanfiction. A crack!fic is a story where the characters are put into random situations that couldn't possibly take place in real life."

"My stories can be true!"

"Really, Chad? Really? Because last time I checked, people can't be risen from the dead. Or have magical powers obtained from questionable fortune tellers."

Chad took a deep breath. "Look, this isn't what I wanted to talk about. I want to know why your story has so many reviews."

"… Because people like it?"

"Yeah, I get that. I just… don't understand why they like it."

"Like I said, Chad, you don't have to be such a jerk about it-"

"I'm honestly not trying to be one. It's just… the story…"

"What about it?"

Chad flipped through the papers in his hands with confusion. "It's just. It's a narrative. Of basically everything that's been going on since I started writing fanfiction."

Sonny blushed. "Well, yeah."

"Well, why are people so interested in it? Why did you even make it into a fanfiction?"

Sonny blushed harder. "It doesn't matter."

"It does matter! If it's so popular there must be something special about it, and I want to know! I mean, it's not even that interesting. It's just… days in the life of Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny Monroe. Is it just because it's IC?"


"In Character, smartypants. I thought you were the queen of fanfiction," he said, echoing her previous statement.

"I never claimed to be."

"Yeah, well, with the reviews you get, you must be. So what's so special about this story, huh? I don't get-"

"It's just..." Sonny sighed. "Look, if I tell you, promise not to freak, okay? It's super embarrassing to admit, but since you trusted me so much to help you with your first fanfiction, I'll trust you enough to give you my reasons for starting my own."

"Whatever, Monroe."

"No, it's not whatever, okay? Just promise."

"Fine. I promise. But this had better be interesting."

Sonny blushed even harder. "I, uhm. I read… I read the last chapter of your fanfiction."

Chad blinked and his mouth dropped open. Finally, he managed to croak out, "You. Oh. Uhm."


"You read the, uh. You read… the-"

"Yeah, I read the lemon."

There was silence for a few moments as each stared at the other, both turning red.

Finally, Chad broke the silence. "So. Uhm. Okay. This is… this is awkward."

"… Yeah."

"But, uh. But that still doesn't explain the inspiration for your story."

"It's just… it's just, when I read the lemon… I had… well, I thought…"

"You thought what?"

If it was at all possible, Sonny blushed even more. "I just… I mean, you're a 16 year old guy, okay? So I just figured-"

"You thought it meant that… I… liked you in that way?"

"Well… yeah."

"Huh. Oh. I see."

Another awkward silence.

This time, Sonny broke it. "And well, I couldn't be sure, and I didn't want to ask Tawni because I didn't want to embarrass you or me with that, but I needed someone's opinion, so I posted everything that's been going on with us online, to see what the reviewers think. I mean, if they said 'oh, how cute' I assumed it meant that all of your actions toward me implied feelings, and especially with the OTP thing, y'know? And also, I wanted to read everything from an objective point of view. I figured that if I was sifting through everything in my head, my own feelings would come into play and distort everything I was seeing, and… well, you know."

Chad took a few moments to process everything she just said. Finally, he gulped and asked, "So why haven't you updated about our review competition? Or anything else that's been going on in the past week between us?"

"Well… I just figured… I thought that, with the review competition, and the way you would glare at me when you saw me, and the way that you came looking for me to rub it in my face… all of that, I just figured that that was the answer to my question."

Sonny watched Chad closely, wondering if her words were bothering him. However, being the excellent actor he was, Chad maintained a passive expression on his face.

Chad didn't really know what to say. But she was staring at him, so he had to say something. But what? Up until now, he hadn't really thought of her that way. He opened his mouth to say something – anything that came to mind – when he was spared by the loudspeaker overhead.

"Sonny Monroe, please report to the set of So Random!. You're 10 minutes late for shooting."

Sonny looked at Chad, and in that moment he felt… well, he felt something.

But after a minute she turned around and walked away, and Chad was left wondering whether or not what he thought he felt was real.

Sonny didn't see him all day. She told herself it was just because he was busy over at Mackenzie Falls.

She didn't want to believe that he was ignoring her.

Meanwhile, Chad was pacing his room. After his conversation with Sonny, he pretended to throw up in the bathroom so that he could be sent home sick.

He didn't realize that something so fun as fanfiction could turn into something so confusing. He really had never thought of Sonny that way until today. If he flirted with her, it was totally on accident. He flirted with everyone and everything; that's just the way he was.

But then…

He did choose to make her his love interest in the fanfiction. And (he blushed just remembering) he did write a lemon with her.

And they're an OTP for other people.

The fans were crazy about them together. There were countless stories of them together. So if the fans believed something could happen, that they had this undeniable chemistry (or 'sexy tension,' as some of them called it), then that must mean something, right? That people from all over the country can see something that he couldn't?

Maybe all of this was just his subconscious's way of telling him that maybe they're a real life OTP. Maybe they're supposed to be together.

Now that he thought about it, she believed in him when no one else would. When he told Portlyn about the fanfiction, she laughed in his face. When he told Marshall, Marshall seemed to like it as he asked Chad to put him in the story, but Chad could tell that he was just humoring him.

And it all came back to Sonny. Sonny, who spent almost 3 hours proofreading his rough drafts. Sonny, who answered all of his questions with sincere honesty with just a hint of annoyance. Sonny, who had to go to the internet because she didn't know what was going on in Chad's mind.

It all came back to her.

Sonny sat in the cafeteria the next day, eating her fro-yo with a glum expression on her face. Another day, another – wait. There's a shadow on this table that's not mine.

Sonny looked up to see Chad looking down at her with a curious expression on his face.

"Chad." She said politely, trying not to look overjoyed at the fact that he was there in front of her.

"Sonny, I need your help with this fanfiction."

Sonny's shoulders slumped. Of course. "What is it?"

"Well," he said, taking the seat next to her, "I just need to know one more thing for the last chapter of this story."

Sonny stared at her fro-yo as she concentrated on keeping her face blank. "Ask away."

"Well… it's not really a question."

Sonny's blank expression turned to one of confusion as she turned to look at Chad – but wait, were those lips on hers?

Chad's kissing me! Chad's kissing me! For some reason, her brain was shouting this as her body recovered from the shock of it all. Finally, after a few moments, she moved closer, eagerly pushing her lips against his. She felt him smile, and she ran his fingers through his – oh my god, so soft – hair.

When they pulled away, Chad brushed a stray piece of hair away from her face. They stared into each other's eyes for one second before Chad pulled away and whipped out a notebook.

Sonny stared. "Chad, what-"

"All… true… and… more," He said as he wrote it down.

Sonny rolled her eyes. "Way to kill the mood, Chad. What does that even mean?"

Chad smiled at her and placed his hand on her cheek. Her heartbeat sped up considerably. "In the last chapter of my story, I needed to know if my description of 'bells go off, time stops, and butterflies started to explode out of my stomach' adequately described what it would feel like to kiss you."

Sonny smiled, but inside she was swooning. "OTP," she whispered.

"OTP," he replied back, before leaning in again.


Sonny smiled as she clicked 'publish story' on her laptop.

"Hey, buttercup. What are you up to?"

Sonny looked around and smiled wide when she saw Chad. "Finally updated my story with the last chapter."

"Oh, sweet! I can't wait to read it!"

Sonny laughed. "You already know what it is, though! I'm just updating the story about us."

Chad shrugged. "Doesn't matter. We're a good love story."

"Did I hear correctly?" Zora called from the vents. "Sonny has a fanfiction?"

"Sonny has a fanfiction?" Tawni asked, walking into the room at that moment.

"Yes, Sonny as a fanfiction, Blond – haha, I mean, Tawni." Chad grinned at her sheepishly.

"Why didn't you tell us? I want to read it!" Zora said.

"Oh, me first!" Tawni said, running over to the laptop.

Sonny laughed. "Okay, okay. Go ahead. I need to get changed for my date tonight anyway."

"Just go in what you're wearing, you look beautiful regardless." Chad said. Sonny rolled her eyes at how cheesy he was being, but smiled anyway. He grabbed her hand and they walked out of the dressing room.

"Wait!" Tawni cried.

Sonny popped her head back in the doorway. "What?"

"Which one is your fanfiction?"

Sonny smiled. "The title is 'But You're Just Writing Fiction.'"

I hope it didn't get too confusing toward the end. I tried to make it all come together, but if you're still confused just tell me and i'll try to explain it. I feel like it might've gotten a bit too "deep" for fanfiction. I don't know. Once again, I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you had just as much fun reading it.

Review please?