Chapter Six, Six, Six: Rosalie Acts

A/N: This is not a continuation! This is an alternate ending to the story in place of chapter 5, Do not read, unless you want a nightmare!

We pulled out of the scenic view area and were on the road for about an hour, I fell asleep. I awoke in a daze when we the car rolled to a stop. I looked at Rosalie "Are we there yet? Why are we stopping?"

Rosalie replied "Bella, this is where you get out." My door opened and I spun around to look at who opened my door and stared right into the blood red eyes of Victoria! I screamed as I was pulled from the car and dragged off into the woods, as Rosalie's car pulled back onto the road and tore off down the road. Victoria Breaking my legs as she ran with me screaming.........

AP Seattle Washington

The remains of Forks Washington resident 18 year old Isabella Swan were found in the Great Rocks National Park. She died of wounds suffered during an apparent ritualistic torture. Fish and Wildlife spokesman Gary Wilson released a statement claiming there was no evidence to support any type of animal attack. There were no tracks close to the scene of where she was discovered. Her death was caused by multiple fractures and exposure. The Seattle Coroners office released detailed autopsy reports today. It is difficult to identify the cause of death. Almost every bone in her body was broken and she was burned over 80% of her body. We are trying to piece together the time line, and are afraid there may be a serial killer out there, Her remains have wounds similar to some victims found in Seattle area. This defiantly looks like someone had been practicing inflicting pain and prolonging the agony of their victim, as some of the fractures appeared to be days old. Our findings show that her first fracture was in her lower legs but those fractures show signs of healing while other fractures appear to be fresh. Some of the burns had also started to heal at the time of her death. Due to strange cryptic messages scrawled at the scene "mate for a mate" Local Police have called in the FBI to assist in this investigation dubbed the Mate For A Mate Killer.

A/N: for those of you who chose this ending, I hope it doesn't cost you sleep..... I like shiny happy endings myself, but sometimes, I wonder...... Get the impulse to write something "real horrorshow"

Please review, if you like I may write some more horror involving the Cullens.