

Ryan was pissed. His car had decided to die on his way home last night and the shop that looked at it this morning said it would cost about $1500.00 to get it fixed. He didn't have that kind of money on hand so he would have to once again use his charge card to pay for the repairs. He felt like he was never going to get out of debt if things like this kept happening to him.

Luckily he was able to get a ride to work but when he asked if anyone could drive him home later he found out his luck had run out. They either said they were going the other way or that they didn't have time to drop him off. He would have to take the city bus home and he hated taking the bus. It was so full of germs. But he didn't really want to walk home so the bus would have to do.

After work he waited at the bus stop. He had been waiting for about 30 minutes before his bus finally pulled up to the curb. He had figure he would get off at the stop on Lexington and then be able to hop another bus that would take him close to his condo. He never could understand how they chose the bus routes, but he was grateful he only had to two buses to ride. He knew of one of his co-workers who said it took 6 buses to get home.

As soon as Ryan entered the bus he saw that it was only half full. He was grateful for this since it meant he could have a seat all to himself. He chose a seat closer to the back door so he could slip out easily when his next stop came up; but he had to endure at least 10 stops before his came up.

At about stop number 5 he noticed two men who had just come aboard. He thought it was odd that these men were both wearing long coats. The day had been a hot one and the night was still just as hot so long coats were the last thing anyone would be wearing.

He did not have a good feeling about them so he decided to keep an eye on them. They sat a few seats behind the driver. The seat between them and the driver was occupied with a young man and woman who appeared to be a couple.

Ryan could not help but notice that the 2 men were leaning heavily in the direction of the young woman. He wondered if they were giving her a hard time. It didn't take long to for their activity to anger the man sitting with the woman. He turned around in his seat and said something to one of the men. From Ryan's point of view whatever was said didn't seem to go over well.

The man sitting directly behind the young woman's companion gave a back handed swipe to the young man's head. This only angered the young man even more; enough for him to stand up and confront the men sitting in the seat directly behind him and his girlfriend. He started yelling at the two men in coats, which caused them both to stand up from their seats and move into the isle of the bus.

Ryan didn't really want to interfere with their argument, but the two men in coats seemed like the kind who enjoyed making trouble and were good at it. Ryan didn't want this to escalate to anything further so he decided to stand up "Hey, Why don't the 3 of you take your seat and at the next stop two of you should leave the bus".

One of the men in coats turned and looked directly at Ryan "Hey, why don't you mind your own business". The man then turned his attention back to the young couple.

By now the young woman had also stood up to help defend her boyfriend, but she found herself staring mostly at the back of her boyfriend.

There was a lot of shouting going on and Ryan thought he better go over and flash his badge and make them break it up. He couldn't believe the bus driver had not done anything to stop this, but he figured the driver was probably used to upsets on his bus and had learned to tune them out.

Ryan started making his way up toward the front of the bus when the taller of the two men in coats suddenly whipped out a gun from his side. He pointed it directly at the young man's chest. Ryan's years of training took over as he whipped his own gun out and shouted "Miami Dade Police, put your gun down".

As the man with the gun started looking back toward Ryan's voice the young man directly in front of him reached for the gun. As the man holding the gun felt this he instinctively pulled the trigger, only it did not hit its intended target. Instead it struck the bus driver in the back causing him to fall forward on the steering wheel.

Before anyone of the bus could do anything about the driver the bus ran over into the other lane and into the direct path of a rather large semi truck.

Ryan never had a chance to react. He was thrown around in the bus along with the other people as the bus made contact with the front of the semi truck. After the two collided the bus was smashed in the front and flipped over a few times tossing everyone inside.



Horatio and Calleigh were still on duty when they got a call about a 2 vehicle collision involving a bus and semi truck. They were told that there were casualties and that the cause of the accident was yet to be determined.

Horatio knew that Eric and Ryan were already off duty so he called in part of the second shift team to handle the situation. Since he was still at work he decided to go and help with the scene. Any collision involving a bus was never good, especially if it was full of people.

As he was walking out to his hummer he ran into Calleigh. She said that she getting off work in a few minutes but didn't mind helping out.

It didn't take long for the Horatio and Calleigh to arrive at the scene. The traffic was heavy, but they knew to get out of the way of a hummer with its sirens going.

The scene that awaited them was horrific. The bus was completely smashed up. It looked like the semi truck only suffered minor damage and Horatio could see that the driver of the truck was being attended to. He walked over to one of the officers who was at the site, "Do you know how many people were on the bus?"

The officer turned around at Horatio's question "From what we could tell there were about 12 people on the bus. They were able to get 8 of them out of the bus, but I think they are working on getting the other people out. They are in a pretty mangled part of the bus". The officer pointed to the area of the bus where a large group of people were gathered.

"Thanks, I think I will see if I can offer any help". Horatio saw that Calleigh was already making her way over and went to join her.

Calleigh looked over at Horatio. "I can't believe anyone could survive this crash. This bus looks like one of those crushed soda cans on the side of the road".

"I agree. From what the officer told me they think there were at least 12 people on the bus and they were working on getting the last 4 out of the most damaged part". Horatio pointed to the area of the bus where people were working on cutting someone out.

Horatio went over to talk to man in charge."Hey, do you need any help?"

The fire and rescue chief looked up from his position to acknowledge Horatio's presence. "Yes we could actually use all the help we could get. We have almost reached the section of the bus that took the hardest hit. I don't know exactly how many people are in there, but it looks like there are at least 4 people. We pulled out 8 so far with only one casualty; the bus driver".

Horatio thought they were lucky to have only had one death so far, but from the looks of this section he wasn't so sure there would only be one death tonight.

After helping to clear out some debris from the area one of the rescuer's shouted "Were through, I can see at least 4 people inside. Were gonna need some help over here".

Horatio and Calleigh both went over and waited for them to bring out the first victim. It seems to take forever, but finally they saw two of the men bring out a man on a back board. Horatio assisted one of the EMT with the stretcher and moved it closer to the injured man.

As Horatio grabbed one end of the back board to get it on the stretcher he saw Calleigh come up and heard her say "Oh my god, it's Ryan".

Horatio looked down at the person on the stretcher and saw Ryan lying there looked bloody, bruised and battered.

The thought of providing assistance at the crash site instantly disappeared from Horatio and Calleigh's minds once they found out one of the victims of the crash was one of their own. They both helped get the stretcher over to the awaiting ambulance where a couple of EMT starting checking Ryan over.

Calleigh couldn't help but notice how awful Ryan looked. They had him strapped to the board with a neck brace on, but his face was all bloody and his arm looked like it was sitting at an odd angle. She wondered why he was on the bus, but quickly remembered him asking her for a ride saying his car was in the shop. She had told him she wouldn't be able to, but now she wished she could go back in time and change that. She hoped he would be alright.

After the EMT were finished they had Ryan hooked up to an IV bag and had placed a breathing mask on his face. Horatio walked over to Calleigh as they were loading Ryan into the ambulance "I'm going to ride with Ryan to the hospital. I think the other team can handle processing the site if you would like to take the hummer and follow us".

Calleigh looked relieved at the thought of going to the hospital with Horatio. She wanted to make sure Ryan was going to be ok. "Sure, I'll meet you there right after I go and check with the others to let them know we are leaving".

Calleigh watched as the ambulance sped off with their lights blaring. She hoped Ryan was going to ok.



As Horatio was watching Ryan lying in the back of the ambulance he had to wonder why Ryan was on the bus. He never took the bus since he preferred to drive his own car to work. But it didn't really matter why he was on the bus; the only thing that mattered was getting Ryan to the hospital.

As Horatio was deep in thought, he was suddenly brought back to the present situation by the sound of someone coughing. His eyes immediately focused on Ryan; he notice the breathing mask was off his face. Ryan must have used his good arm to take it off his face. "Ryan, can you hear me, are you all right?"

Ryan looked in the direction of the voice and weakly said "Do I know you?"



Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed this. I actually had another story in mind to post as my third story, but this came to me the other morning and I felt like I needed to write this one first. I can't say this story will be very long, but I have thought that before with my first story. Please let me know what you think.