Mucho Thanks to Kelly, ally0212,dhequeenbee, & Stephanie Salvation for reviewing my last chapter! Thanks to everyone who's reviewed through this entire long drawn out dramatical story. This is the LAST chapter of this story, and it was accidentally deleted off my harddrive, it took quite a bit of hacking and piecing together to get it back, but here it is. ENJOY. REVIEW please. :)

Last we left the crew, the Cullen's(plus lexi, sunshine and Spencer) were paired up to do some patrolling. Rosalie was busy trying to throw the Volturi off by leading them to La Push with the idea that the wolves would get them. Patrick & Midnight left with Cullen to keep him safe and Lexi has decided she doesn't want neither Jacob nor Emmett… will she change her mind.. you know she will… but who will she choose?

Let us see what happens…..

Edward's POV

We weren't too far from the house when Bella started asking questions, questions that had answers that I didn't know.

"What's going on Edward?" She asked as we walked through the forest. "I need to know."

At first I thought she was referring to Cullen and the Volturi, but I should have known better.

"What did she do to him? Has she changed her mind? Is she thinking of returning to Emmett?" Her voice sounded strange, high pitched, and angry.

"Uh…" I wasn't sure how to answer as I really didn't know.

"Don't even try to deny it Edward, I know you know. She's your best friend, unless that was just a cover?"

Shit…she was extremely hostile today…. But I suppose I couldn't much blame her.

"She's considering her options."

"She would hurt Jacob after all he's done for her? All his forgiveness, his loyalty to her? She'd do that to him?" She shook her head and laughed slightly. "Of course she would, I forgot who I was talking about."

"She's lost Bella, she doesn't know what to do. She had no idea Emmett's feelings were so strong and in reality she's loved him back all these years but she's never been able to do anything about it. Now… well…"

"Now Rose is gone and he's there for the taking." She snapped. "I can't believe you are defending her." She laughed again. "Never mind, of course I wouldn't expect anything less from you." I decided that moment not to say any more. This conversation could easily end badly. Though Bella was hell bent on getting answers. "Has she been using Jacob all this time?" She asked glancing at me as she kept walking, careful not to trip over anything like usual. "Tell me the truth."

"I have no doubts that Drea truly loves Jacob."

"Obviously not enough if she's even considering Emmett." She took a deep breath and sighed. "I knew this would happen. I warned Jacob in the beginning, I knew she was too good to be true and I was right obviously… look at all the damage she's done. To Rose, to us…"

I chose to keep my mouth shut, knowing if I even tried to defend Drea now, I would regret it. But she kept at it, calling her names and degrading her, assuming things she had no right to assume and I just couldn't take it anymore.

"Damn it Bella stop it!" I yelled. "You have no right to accuse her of things you know nothing about. Just fucking stop it." I immediately regretted it as she stopped in her tracks and swung around to face me, arms crossed, eyes narrowed. I lowered my voice forcing myself to calm down. "She's still my friend, no matter what she's done… no matter what happens… I thought you've accepted that…" Her eyes lowered and she dropped her arms.

"I see." She said softly.

Oh fuck… I'm in trouble.

"Well, in that case, I assumed you accepted Jacob as my friend. Do I not have the right to be concerned about him?"

All right I'm an asshole…

"Bella…" I wasn't even sure what I was going to say.

"He's hurting because of her…." She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I said such awful things about Drea…I truly am... but you have to understand how I feel about this."

"I do." I said nodding. "I'm sorry Bella. There's nothing I can do to change this. It's Drea's decision. I can't sway her…"

"And if you could?" She snapped. "Obviously Jacob isn't in the lead in your opinion, since he never has been."

"It's not my place, Bella. Or yours to choose for someone else."

"Answer the question Edward." She prompted.

Really? Uh…

"Well I suppose… if it were up to me…" I had to be honest. "I would say neither of them." And it was the wrong move.

"Oh really?" She yelled, crossing her arms again. "And just who would you choose as a mate for your precious Drea?"

"I don't know… no one comes to mind, really…" I stuttered the entire sentence.

"Uh huh." She scoffed and turned away.

"Bella…" I gritted my teeth and walked up behind her, placing my hands on her shoulders. She jerked away from my touch. "Look, I'm just saying… well… I mean they are both acting immature about the whole thing and that's not something Drea is fond of, neither does she like jealous nor insensitive men. I think they both proved to be just that. I just don't know if either of them can make up for it."

"Immature, jealous, insensitive." She muttered and finally turned around to look at me. "Well that about sums you up." She smiled weakly. "If that's the case, I really don't have anything to worry about." I laughed, slightly amused.

"Never." I said cupping her face in my hands. "I'm yours for the rest of your life."

Jacob's POV

Phase back. I gave the command as we neared the border. I could see Sam standing near the house that would soon be Lexi's. My heart sank as I thought of her, but I quickly recovered. The Volturi were there, Rosalie standing in the midst of them. There were nine all together, there was no way we could take them out on our own, even if Rosalie helped. Sam was explaining the treaty to them, the reason why The Cullen's could not be found within the borders of La Push. I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

"Wouldn't you think they'd smell us?" Embry whispered as I watched the dark haired leech turn on Rosalie, grabbing her arms and bringing her close to his face.

"What is that ungodly smell?" A blond haired bloodsucker asked.

"Well that's my cue. Stay here." I ordered and stepped out from behind the trees. "I highly suggest you let her go." I tried to sound intimidating, but it was hard to defend Rose.

"Jacob." Sam uttered my name like he wasn't aware that I was here.

"Wow he does have your hair." Seth snickered as he followed behind me.

What part of stay here did that kid not understand?

"Who are you boy?" The dark haired leech asked, still holding Rosalie. I assumed this man was Aro, he looked to be the leader.

"Your worst nightmare." Again I tried to sound threatening, but it seemed not to be working as Aro eyed me, a smirk crossing his lips. Then he started laughing, dropping Rosalie to the ground in the process as his minions laughed along in amusement.

"Who is she to you?" He finally asked, nodding towards Rosalie who had gotten to her feet... I had no clue how to answer that. "Marcus?" He turned to the leech at his side.

"As far as I can tell, nothing." Marcus replied. "In fact, I don't feel as though he even likes her." I felt a smirk cross my face, but I kept silent. Rosalie eyed me evilly from where she stood.

"Interesting." Aro mused. "Come to me boy." His hand reached out. My eyebrows raised. Yeah like that was going to happen. He nodded towards another bloodsucker, who looked to be built in the same annoyingly large size as Emmett. The big one moved towards me.

"No!" Rosalie screamed suddenly jumping in front of him.

Was she trying to protect me?

"I lied, I did, I'm sorry…" She said quickly turning to Aro. "Please... you can read my thoughts… you can see the truth…"

Of course. She assumed I knew where Cullen was. She was protecting him.

"Very well." Aro said smiling approvingly as she approached him. His placed his hands on her face and she closed her eyes as his own narrowed and watched. "Your mate has been unfaithful?" He asked immediately. Of course that was her first thought. "Oh I see… quite... understandable on his part." He smirked and I knew he could see Lexi. His head tilted as he watched. "The child." His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched before he threw her to the ground. "The girl… in your mind, the one who held him? Who is she?"

"Adryen." Rosalie stuttered. "A friend of his mother's." Aro nodded.

"And she attended Edward Cullen's wedding? Correct?" Rosalie nodded. "That's the last time you saw the child, with this… Adryen?" She nodded again. He seemed to be debating as he looked at her and towards his group of followers. "You." He said suddenly pointing to Seth. "What can you tell me about this Adryen?" He looked at me quickly and I just nodded.

"She's… she's Jake's sister." He stuttered. "Jake." Aro said turning his gaze on me.

"Twins?" His smirk was annoying.

"Not quite." I answered unamused.

"Where is your sister now?" Before I could say a fucking word Adryen appeared beside me.

"I'm here." She said her head held high. "I can show you where I left Cullen."

Seriously? What the fuck is she doing?

Rosalie was on her feet again staring at Adryen in disbelief.

"She is friends with Miss Hale." Marcus announced.


"Felix." Aro called to the big one. Without being told he grabbed Rosalie by the arm. "If you are lying to me wench." He pointed at Adryen. "I will kill her."

Emmett's POV

As if today wasn't bad enough, I was forced to "Buddy" up with Spencer, that fucking prick. The thought of how he used Drea made me want to strangle him. I actually had half a mind to do it, I didn't think anyone would miss him.

"She's quite a beauty isn't she?" He asked breaking my thoughts. I ignored him as I walked on into the darkness, but he kept at it. "I remember the first time I met her." He mused. "Obviously gorgeous, one I will never forget." And he kept on and on and on. "You seem distracted, are you?" He asked when I never responded. "Thinking of Drea? Obsessed with her, you are?" Finally I had enough and turned on him.

"Who are you, fucking Yoda?" I snapped.

"Ah, tense are we?" He smirked, quite amused.

"Well yeah, there's kinda shit going down if you haven't noticed."

Fucking asshole.

"Oh yes quite." He mused. "You and Jake seem to be preparing to have a go at each other, for her affection, I presume?"

Preparing to have a go?

"You know I heard he once killed a man with his bare hands."

"Yeah?" I laughed. "And who told you that?"

"Bella Swan." He smiled. "Or Cullen rather."

"Yeah well, Jake doesn't concern me."

"So you are going to fight for her?"

"I didn't say that."

"Well, I suppose you really don't have-"

"If you fucking finish that sentence, I will kill you where you stand." I snapped. He chuckled.

"Fine." He put his hands up in surrender, which was seriously irritating. "Go ahead, your turn."


"Ask me something."

"Why?" I looked at him oddly.

"Well obviously I'm going to be a part of this inner circle, I figure we should get to know each other."

This dude was fucking delusional.

"If I ask you a question will you leave me alone?" I asked and he nodded. "Um… okay… so you and Leah huh?" I couldn't think of anything else since I really didn't care anyway.

"Yes sweet Leah, so precious, so beautiful." He cooed. "It is obvious I never knew love before I found her."

"That's nice." I said turning and walking away.

"Want to know anything else?" He asked.


"Not even going to reprimand me for scarring Drea's pretty little neck?" That made me stop walking, also made me wish I had strangled him earlier. I turned around slowly and looked at him, he was grinning proudly. "It pisses you off doesn't it?" He asked. "To think of me… with her…."

"Are you trying to make me hit you?" I asked cocking my head to the side. He chuckled. "I have no problem taking you out right here, no one will notice."

"Ah but my dear Leah will notice."

"Your dear Leah can kiss it."

"Now now, perhaps you are the one asking to be hit?" He asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Bring it." I said, palms out fingers waving. Spencer took a step towards me but was knocked back as two blurs passed between us.

"Emmett!" Alice screamed as Jasper pulled Spencer to his feet. "The Volturi are on their way here. They have Rose, they know she was lying."

"Is… is she okay?" I asked not really knowing what to do with this information.

"She looks okay…." Alice said. "Just… scared."

Rose, scared? I wanted to laugh at the thought.

"What about Jake and the others?" I asked. "Weren't they supposed to go…."

"I can't see them…" She reminded me.

"Well come on then." I told her. "We need to find the others."

Zoee's POV

I was Frantic. Panicked. Distressed. Depressed. Afraid. Dismayed. Furious. Curious. Hopeless. Clueless. Energetic. Sympathetic. Jittery. Skittery….okay that's not a word.

Basically I was a walking ball of nerves. And it didn't help matters that Drexi wasn't talking. We'd been walking for what seemed like forever, which in my world was about ten, fifteen minutes, give or a take a few seconds.

It wasn't like I didn't try to make conversation. I tried to talk about the weather and various random things, trying to steer clear of anything that would remind her of Jacob or Emmett or whomever it was she was thinking about. She just seemed so sad and serious and annoying and I was going mad! I needed her to talk to me, to help me stay calm, to keep me sane... that was her job!

"Drexi!" I finally screamed and she stopped walking, turning to face me.

"What is it Sunshine?" She asked all concerned.

"You have to stop ignoring me."

"I'm not trying to ignore you…honestly."

"Every time I ask you something you just say yeah or nod, it's like you don't even care."

"I do care Sunshine… I'm sorry... it's just… I have a lot on my mind."

"Do you think I don't?" I snapped. "My son is gone. There are vicious vamps coming after him, and we have to stop them. People could die."

"Nobody's going to die, Sunshine."

"You don't know that!" I screamed and looked away. "Look I'm sorry... I just... I need you to help keep me occupied… talk to me… like we used too, ya know when it was just me and you?" She smiled and her eyes glistened.

"All right Sunshine. Ask me anything, we'll talk this out."

Anything... huh…. Okay then... let's see…

"Who bite you?" It just came out. She looked shocked.

"That's the first question you ask?"

"I'm sorry, it's just been bugging me all day, I've been dying to know. I just didn't want to ask around Jake…ee." I tried stop myself from saying his name, but it didn't happen. Her expression changed and she turned away.

"It was Spencer. I was trying to occupy him while Patrick and Bella made the antidote to return my scent."

"Hmm… well obviously that worked out well." I said nodding and she laughed.

"I'm glad I can make you laugh." I said smiling. "I know you must be feeling sad…." Her smiled faded then. "I'm sorry, I know you don't want to talk about it. Forget I said anything."

"No, Sunshine, it's okay." She said shaking her head. "Maybe I need to talk about it."

"Did you really mean it?" I asked. "You don't want either of them?"

"Yes." She answered without hesitation. "I meant it."

"Why?" I asked. "What happened?"

"Jacob gave me the ultimatum when we went out earlier. Told me I needed to figure out what I wanted. I love him but I wasn't sure how I felt about Emmett… after what Rose said. He left and later I came across him provoking Emmett, in which he responded to with what he'd do if I chose him."

"Which was?" I asked curious. She shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't want them to fight." She sighed. "And they did and they continued to do so when it was Cullen we should have all been focusing on and I can't forgive them for that."

"Cullen's safe now." I told her.

"Yeah well…" She shook her head and sighed again.

"You still love him don't you?"

"Yes." She answered without even asking who I was talking about.

"Emmett or Jacob?" Hell I didn't even know who I was talking about.

"I love them both for different reasons. That's why it's so complicated."

"So you choose to lose them both?" I asked, wondering how that was going to help anyone.

"It's better that way. For me. For them. I don't have to feel guilty and they can't get jealous."

"I suppose that's a way to look at it…." I said shaking my head. "But it just means you'll all be miserable."

"Yeah well…what else can I do?"

"Choose Jakey so he, Embry, Cullen and the two of us can live happily ever after in the wicked house by the border." I smiled, hoping she'd laugh.

"I'm sorry Sunshine." She said sadly. "I don't see that happening right now."

"Well, maybe not now, but things change." I said grinning. "I think we can both agree on that." She smiled then and put her arm around me.

"I love you Sunshine." She said happily.

"Me too. I'm so fucking awesome." It made her laugh.

Vampire senses tingling.

"Intruder alert, intruder alert!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as a flurry of blurred images headed for us. Drexi kept her hold on me as they came to a stop in front of us. "My fault… tis only our peeps."

"Alice had a vision. They're coming. They've taken Rose prisoner, it seems." Jasper was the only one to speak.

"Rose let someone take her prisoner, really?" I asked quite shocked. It made Uncle Emmett smile.

"Come on we have to get back to the house." Drexi squealed and we all followed after her.

Embry's POV

The moment Jacob and the others were out of view, Quil, Leah and I took the time to approach Sam and explain what was going down. He wasn't the least bit surprised.

"I can see how they would be concerned. A vampire human child could receive speculation from onlookers, and could contribute to human knowledge of their kind."

"What are you saying?" I snapped. "You agree? That Cullen should not live?"

"I didn't say that Embry." He assured me. "I would never wish an innocent child to be harmed."

"Yeah well… Cullen has gone into hiding, but we still have to make sure the Volturi can't get to him. We'll be at the Cullen's if you need us."

"I haven't called an order." He said cocking his head to the side.

"We aren't following your orders on this one." I said daring him to challenge it.

"And you speak for everyone?" He asked looking at Leah and Quil.

"He speaks for me." Leah said giving him a look.

"Me too." Quil nodded. "Cullen is connected to Adryen, they're family, it's our job to protect our family, isn't that what you always say?" Sam looked defeated but said nothing. So I didn't care to say anything further as I turned and headed out into the woods. Leah and Quil following behind me.

We chose to phase in order to get there faster, hoping we could beat the Volturi to the house. They're close. Quil thought. I could smell them too. We can out run them. Leah thought as her speed picked up. The three of us ran as fast as we could, making sure to stay out of sight until we came into the clearing before the Cullen's house. Upon entering the yard, it was apparent that no one was there. Where are they? Quil asked. Suppose something's happened? Leah thought and images of Spencer popped into her head. Soon the smell hit me as I turned to see Carlisle and Esme swoop into the yard.

"What's happened?" Carlisle asked staring at us. We all looked at each other unable to communicate. "Of course Edward wouldn't be here when you needed him."

"Here he comes." Esme whispered as we all looked up. Everyone was coming, a giant blur of light moved across the distance, I could hear someone crying out.

"The Volturi are coming! The Volturi are coming!" It was so obviously Sunshine. The blur stopped in the yard and I was able to make every one out. Jacob, Adryen and Seth are with the Volturi. I thought towards Edward.


I thought back, letting the images come to me, showing him how Aro had wanted to see into Jacob's mind but Rosalie stopped him. How I assumed he concluded that Cullen was here, Adryen stepping up, the one called Marcus somehow knowing that she felt Rosalie to be her friend and Aro threatening to take her life if she was lying.

"Kill her?" He asked, his eyes soft.

"Kill who?" Emmett asked. It was then Edward turned and explained everything I had showed him, everyone seemed shaken. "He'll have to kill me first." Emmett concluded. Everyone looked at him. "Don't look at me like that. I'd protect her, the same as you." Lexi looked at him sweetly and he smiled slightly. I wanted to hit him. Edward laughed.

"No time for that." He mused. " I think it's time we take our places."

"Yes!" Sunshine squealed, quite ready for battle. "Where's our victims?" She looked around and Lexi came up to her.

"Right, they'll need to be up front." Edward nodded. "Embry, Leah, Quil, you should stay out of sight for now." I nodded. "Leah?" Spencer asked staring at us.

"Duh big furry werewolf." Sunshine laughed.

"The rest of us need to stand back." Edward called. "Bella I want you in the house."

"Of course." She said rolling her eyes.

"You have the most important job." He said smiling sweetly. "Patrick will call when they make it out of town. Only you will know his whereabouts." She smiled delighted that she actually had a job to do.

"Now listen everyone, this is important." Carlisle said calling everyone to attention. "Aro has a shield. Her name is Renata. You'll know her when you see her, she's practically attached to him. She's the first one to take out. We have no means of getting to him as long as she lives." Everyone nodded in understanding. "There's two young ones, Jane and Alec. They both have exceedingly strong powers, I'm certain they've come along. Jane can cause excruciating pain with her mind, while Alec can kill you without you even noticing the torture. Stear clear of them both."

"I think there may have been nine of them all together." Alice said. "I'm pretty sure of it." Carlisle nodded.

"Yes well, I won't know until I see them what we are up against. Follow any order I give." Everyone nodded and immediately looked to the trees. They were getting closer. Edward sent Bella into the house, as he and the others, aside from Emmett scattered onto the porch. Lexi looked confused as he held out his hand to her, asking her to join him on the ground. She nodded but didn't take his hand, jumping off the porch unassisted. I nodded to Leah and Quil and we quickly disappeared in the darkness of the forest.

Drea's POV

Here it was only minutes til the final showdown and suddenly I started to panic. Seriously? I'm doing this? Me…. weakass little Drea…I'm standing up to a bunch of vampires? Well I suppose I had done it before, but it was different, they were already here, I didn't feel the panic rise as I waited and besides I was certain The Volturi, the World's most notorious coven was gonna be a bit harder to deal with.

"It's not too late to back out of this whole victim thing is it?" I asked not even looking at anyone.

"They would catch you before you left the yard." Alice told me.

"They can't read my thoughts, so what?"

"They'd kill you."

"Point taken, focus maintained." I said nodding.

Within seconds a man appeared, long dark hair hanging over his shoulders, his smile was pleasant. Aro. I knew him the minute I saw him. The hair…. Jacob's hair…. A convoy of others followed. I could pick out Jane and Alec as Carlisle described being the youngest looking of the group and of course Renata as she was standing so close to Aro it appeared she was attached to his shoulder. A tall wavy dark haired man stood staring at each of us, while another dark haired man eyed us, seeming to hover on each of us for a time before moving on.

"That's Marcus and Demetri." Carlisle whispered as I looked. "Demetri, the wavy haired one, is a highly skilled tracker, while Marcus's talent is Relationship Empathy."

"That means he can see the ties that bind people to each other." Edward said before I had the chance to ask. Carlisle nodded and looked to the others of Aro's group.

"The man with the long blond hair, is Caius, he's subservient to Aro and has no real talent. Ive heard rumors he's terrified of werewolves." Carlisle chuckled under his breath. Cauis looked at each of us formidably, as another who seemed much larger than any other man aside from Emmett, scowled, holding Rosalie in his huge arms. "That's Felix with Rose, although he has no talent, he is highly skilled in battle and of great strength."

"I bet I can take him." Emmett said smirking as a tall leggy dark haired blond woman stood proudly looking at each of us with a devious smile.

"That's Chelsea. She has the power to manipulate bonds. She has trouble breaking romantic pairings or strong friendships, but can turn acquaintances against each other quite easily." Aro walked briskly towards us, the others standing back, in the yard awaiting their orders. I noticed Jacob, nudge Adryen's shoulder, and after catching Seth's attention, the three of them disappeared into the trees.

" nice to see you again." Aro smiled delighted as he stood before us, Renata right on his heels.

"As with you Aro. What brings you here?" Carlisle said faking a smile. Aro glanced for a second at Alice.

"I believe you already know the answer to that question."

"As that may be, I would like to hear the nature of your visit from your own words, not hers." Carlisle replied.

"You see that I am accompanied by one of your own." As the words left Aro's mouth, Felix pushed Rosalie forward. She looked fit to be tied.

"I see." Carlisle said not breaking down. "May I ask why?"

"It seems she has chosen to lie to us…as to discourage our knowledge of the whereabouts of a child we seek."

"A child you seek? Carlisle asked, looking unintimidated.

"A child you allowed into your home, a hybrid, something that should not be."

"Should not be?" Zoee exclaimed. "He's not at fault for what he was born into."

"You must be the mother?" Aro said eyeing her. "Come to me."

"No." I said taking a step forward. Aro turned his gaze on me, his eyes twinkling. "You." He oozed, looking at Rosalie and then at Emmett. "You are the one to immobilize the relationship of Miss Hale and her mate?"

I was too stunned to answer. Emmett made a coughing sound before looking off to the side.

"Come to me." He asked so sweetly, yet I wasn't willing. Emmett pushed me forward. I moved slowly towards him, not knowing exactly what was to happen. The moment I stood before him, his hands clasped my forehead. Within seconds he threw me to the ground. "You dare block me?" He screamed outraged.

"She's not like us." Emmett protested. His gaze turned on him.

"What is she?" He asked. "You, who obviously knows her well." He smirked.

"She's an Asrai." Emmett told him, not intimidated in the least.

"Asrai?" Aro asked. "A fairy?" He pondered it for a moment.

"He loves her." Marcus said. "More than his own life." Aro's eyes moved between me and Emmett then, his smile widened

"I've learned that much from Miss Hale's thoughts." Aro said eying Emmett. "You've chosen another?" Emmett just stared at him. "Answer me."

"Rosalie is my family." Emmett muttered not looking at her. "I will defend her at any cost."

"And her?" Aro said grabbing a hold of my arm and yanking me towards him. I gasped in surprise. "You won't mind sacrificing her?" He turned to Jane and nodded. I fell to my knees before him, awaiting the excruciating pain that I knew Jane could do.

"Nooooooo!" Emmett screamed, stepping forward. I could feel Jane's gaze on me, but nothing else….no pain…no torture.

"Wait, Emmett!" I screamed towards him but it was already too late.

Emmett charged towards Aro, only to be knocked back by Renata's invisible shield. He lay on the ground at my feet a look of pure confusion crossing his face.

"Idiot." I muttered as Zoee jumped from the porch, heading towards Aro. "Sunshine!" I screamed trying to scramble between her and Aro. He shoved me roughly and I stumbled over Emmett landing hard on the ground. Zoee didn't stop in her progress as Aro motioned towards Renata who took a step back. This allowed Zoee to collide right into him, his hands, shooting out to grab her roughly by the neck, lifting her off the ground. Edward started to move but Renata resumed her position and he was only knocked backwards.

"Let me go!" Zoee screamed and twisted in his grasp.

"You will show me your son's whereabouts." Aro demanded.

"I'd rather die!" She hissed spitting into his face. This momentarily stunned him and he released her. Rosalie chose that time to start kicking and screaming, trying to free herself from Felix.

"Emmett." I whispered, turning to where I thought he lay beside me. When he wasn't there, I jumped to my feet only to see him charging, head down for Felix. His head hit Felix on the shoulder, making a loud crunch, causing Rosalie to scream as she hit the ground. As Felix rounded on Emmett, she jumped to her feet and moved towards Zoee. Aro caught hold of Zoee's hair yanking her to him as Renata began to circle him again, causing Rosalie to stop in her tracks.

"Let me go! I won't show you nothing!" Zoee screamed as a thundering sound was heard, the ground shaking around us.

The Pack. Their massive wolf forms treaded roughly from the darkness of the trees. Six huge and extremely angry wolves stood intimidating us all. Caius's eyes widened and I thought I heard him whimper as he scrambled to Aro's side, hoping to be shielded by Renata. Aro's colleagues stood motionless, eyes wide as a sleek black spotted grey wolf rushed towards Aro and I knew it must be Embry.

"The shield!" I squealed and in a flash Rosalie was upon Renata, jumping onto her back and flailing wildly. The action of Renata hitting the ground as Rosalie continued her rapacious attacks, must have broken the shield, for Embry was soaring through the air towards Aro. He let out a scream, dropping his hold on Zoee as Embry descended upon him. Cauis, eyes wide, took cover behind Jane, as Zoee resumed her footing.

"That's it baby, show Fakey Jakey, who's boss!" She shrieked as Embry attempted to tear into Aro. I couldn't help but giggle at the Fakey Jakey comment.

Within seconds, Jane turned her gaze on Embry, her expression revealing nothing, as Embry fell back onto the ground, yelping from the excruciating pain of her power. I imagined it to be similar to the to the Crucio curse as described in those Harry Potter books, as a matter of fact now that I thought about it, wizards and vampire powers were somewhat similar. Though that was neither here nor there at this point.

Emmett fell into me, knocking the thoughts from my head as Felix came at him. He moved quickly with his attack, only knocking him back as their brutal force matched quite perfectly. Rosalie was more successful with her attacks on Renata, tearing into her arm and stripping it from her body.

Woo hoo, go Rose! I wanted to say it out loud but I didn't…. Zoee screamed in terror as Embry's wolf form seizured on the ground, letting out a mixture of howls and growls. Before she could move towards him, a flash of reddish-brown fur leapt though the air, landing squarely on Jane. I knew for a fact that one was Jacob.

Chaos ensued as the others began to join in on the battle. I watched as Jane got quickly to her feet, turning her gaze on Jacob, his wolf form hitting the ground beside Embry, who was twitching madly. Before I could make a move, not knowing what kind of help I'd be anyway, I heard Zoee's startled scream, behind me. Turning around, I saw that Demetri must have grabbed her and now the two of them fought, baring their teeth with fists flying. Her painful screams echoed in my ears as Demetri slashed violently at her chest and she fell to the ground at his feet. What to do what to do… I looked between her and Jacob who still howled in pain at Jane's hands.

"Help Sunshine." Emmett's voice roared over a sickening sound. The sound of flesh being ripped apart. I swung around, stunned to see him, Felix's leg in his hand, his head on the ground at Emmett's feet. Jasper lunged towards Demetri as he tried to flee and another wolf, closely resembling Jacob jumped in to help. Chelsea hovered around them and suddenly Jasper turned on the wolf whom I realized must be Adryen. "Go." Emmett screamed, looking towards Zoee, who lay on the ground, moaning in agony.

"But…Jacob…." I stuttered, turning to see that Jane was still torturing him.

"I won't let him die." He told me. I gasped in surprise, my eyes narrowing, mouth open slightly, unable to believe his words. I shook my head frantically and started moving towards Jacob, but Emmett grabbed me. I immediately jerked away, cursing him.

"You expect me to believe you don't wish him dead?" I snapped.

"You expect he'd be alive now, if I wanted that?" He came back at me, eyes blazing. "Besides there is no way in hell, I'll let him win by dying in your honor." He smirked slightly before taking off towards Jane. My mouth hung open, a bit taken aback by his words. I shook my head trying to recover and focus by searching the yard taking in the chaos that was drastically escalating.

Alice had swooped in to prevent Jasper and Adryen from killing each other and now stood between them blocking their attacks. Edward had taken over with Demetri, throwing attacks at him and seemed to be doing pretty well. Aro having his bearings back started in Zoee's direction and I found myself running towards her. To do what I honestly didn't know, but thankfully I didn't need to think about it as Spencer came to my aide, plowing into Aro as I ducked and landed on the ground by Zoee.

"Sunshine!" I shrieked, shaking her wildly.

"I'm obviously not cut out for this battle shit." She moaned as I pulled her to her feet.

Suddenly I saw Chelsea hovering again, as a chocolate colored wolf flew by me heading in the direction of Jacob, who was now struggling to his feet. Spencer swung around and knocked that wolf to the ground.

"Fuck." Zoee muttered as Chelsea smirked and ran off to cause more trouble. "Spencer just kicked Quil's ass."

Across the yard Jane was tiring of Emmett as he continuously tried to distract her from Jacob who was now nudging Embry's still wolf form with his nose.

"Embry!" Zoee squealed darting off towards him and I screamed as Marcus knocked her backwards, causing her to land at Aro's feet. A sandy colored blur leapt past me hitting Aro square in the chest, barring it's large teeth as another wolf with grey fur bounded in the direction of Embry. Esme flew towards Emmett who was now being tortured by Jane as Jacob attempted to deflect her attention. Alec stood a few feet from them, motionless, his eyes transfixed on Embry who had yet to move. Esme, eyes wide, flew at Alec but was stopped as Jacob pounced on her. Chelsea let out a high pitched laugh as she floated by them.

Carlisle headed towards them immediately to prevent further damage on our side from our own teammates. The grey wolf lunged at Jane, who fell to the ground with a crunching sound. Suddenly Edward was beside me, sideswiping Marcus before he could jump us from behind.

"Get Sunshine inside." He demanded as Marcus crushed against him. Obviously he agreed with Zoee on her not being cut out for this. I nodded quickly and ran towards Zoee, bringing her to her feet once more.

"Come on, we're going inside."

"I have to fight." She mumbled, trying to pull away from me.

"You are going to get yourself killed." I snapped and pulled her towards the house. Only inches from the porch, Chelsea stood blocking our path, staring at me. Her menacing gaze turned to confusion as her manipulation didn't provoke me to turn on Zoee. I wanted to do something, to hurt her to keep her from using her powers on the others but nothing came to mind and she soon disappeared as quickly as she arrived.

I looked at the yard once more at the battles, some against those on the same side. Emmett was on his feet again, as he attempted to help Esme by sparring with Jacob himself. I was certain he was enjoying it. Rosalie jumped on Marcus as he prepared to swing at Edward and the two of them took him down. Alec was still standing idly and there no sign of Embry in the midst of it all.

"We have too…" Zoee stuttered. "…Bella…" She pointed towards the house as a wave of long blond hair disappeared through the front door.

Caius, that coward!

I took off running, Zoee limping slightly as she struggled beside me. As we entered the house, I saw Caius moving swiftly up the stairs. I held back, trying to be quiet, not wanting Caius to know we had entered the house after him.

"Oh who the fuck am I kidding?" I said out loud. "He knows we're here." With that I pulled Zoee with me and we took the steps two at time, hoping to find Caius before he found Bella.

All hope was lost as we topped the stairs and heard Bella scream from Edward's bedroom. Zoee moved faster than I ever could, darting into the bedroom at lightning speed. I followed, finding it hard to breathe once I stopped running. Caius stood, his hand over Bella's mouth,out of the view of the window. Zoee stood on alert, looking like she was going to attack.

"You near me, I will kill her." Caius threatened.

"Go ahead, I can change her." Zoee snapped as she pressed forward.

"Sunshine!" I said moving in front of her. "You don't even know how… I mean... you've never seen it done…"

"Yeah but he didn't know that, thanks Drexi." She shook her head at me.

I just stared at her, unable to reply as Caius laughed slightly.

"Leave her alone." Zoee told him. "She doesn't know anything."

"Yeah you fucking coward." I said nodding towards the window. "One of those wolves out there is her best friend and he'd be very upset to find out you wished to harm her." Caius eyes widened, and the fear was obvious on his face at the mere mention of the wolves.

"Back off!" he screamed as Zoee started to near him again. Within an instant he had pulled a shiny silver knife from his pocket, thrusting it out, placing the tip at Bella's throat.

I had no idea vampire's carried knives.

"Why is she in here alone?" He snapped. Zoee and I both looked at each other. "Answer." He pushed the knife harder against Bella and she struggled in his grasp.

"She's human, she can't fight." I answered nodding, praising myself for such a quick answer.

"Plus she's really clumsy, she'd probably end up killing herself." Zoee added absentmindedly.

"Or perhaps, she's in hiding because she knows where the child is." Caius asked, eyeing us both watching for our reactions.

"You think you're so smart don't you?" I asked trying to sound threatening. "If that's the case, why don't you ask her?"

"It's not necessary." Caius mused. "I presume she's the only one who knows the child's whereabouts?" Again he watched our reactions. I tried to keep my face straight. It was true, Bella was the one who Patrick was to contact. "Meaning if she dies." He pushed the knife against her neck again, causing Bella to make a painful sound.

"Stop you can't!" I screamed but it was too late. His hand moved quickly, running the knife blade across her throat, slicing all the way. Blood went everywhere.

I groaned, throwing my hands over my mouth at the sight of it. Bella's eyes rolled back into her head and her movement ceased. Caius let out a cackle as he released her lifeless body and she tumbled to the floor. My feet were planted on the floor, my hands glued to my mouth, I couldn't even breathe. This can't be happening! Bella can't be dead!

Suddenly Zoee screamed and lunged at Caius, he was off his guard and she was able to knock the knife from his hand before tackling him to the ground. They fought, hissing and punching, Zoee digging her nails into his face, clawing and biting at his shoulder.

I just stood there motionless watching as she tried with everything in her power to avenge Bella's death. I looked again at Bella's lifeless body, a crumpled heap on the floor and my thoughts turned immediately to Edward. He didn't deserve this. It's not fair! Tears began to fill my eyes as I stared at her still not able to believe it to be true. I started shaking my head trying to deny my own eyes, when I noticed Caius reach out for his knife. I couldn't move fast enough, as he grabbed it and plunged it into Zoee's side, causing her to scream out in pain.

I didn't know what to do, I knew I was no match for him, I couldn't take him, but I'll be damned if takes Zoee as well. I moved backwards, nearly falling on my ass as I stumbled through the doorway, turning only as I neared the stairs. Flying down the stairs, tripping as I hit the last step, I screamed as my head hit the floor. Sitting up, slightly dizzy, I heard Zoee's distressing screams from upstairs and jumped to my feet and rushed out the front door. The sight before me was unnerving The wolves were limping around, tossing varies body parts into piles as the Cullen's, who's clothing was ripped and their body's scarred, moved from pile to pile igniting them, flames shooting up all over the yard.

"Help." I managed to say. I couldn't catch my breath to speak any louder but they heard, they all heard me. Edward looked up first and was running towards me before the others could even move. He didn't ask any questions just started running towards the house. The other Cullen's followed as I took off after Edward, hoping to keep him from entering the room. The moment I topped the steps Edward was about to go inside but I lunged at him, grabbing his shoulders, as the others flew passed us into Edward's bedroom. I clung to him momentarily before he reached back to remove my hands and turning around to look at me. Our eyes met and I made myself hold back the emotions I was feeling. Now was certainly not the time for my powers to come into play. He started shaking his head, knowing what my silence meant.

"I'm so sorry…." I cried throwing my arms around him, trying to comfort him. He grabbed my wrists roughly, pushing me away before running into the bedroom himself. I followed without wanting to see his reaction, but I knew I had to be there. Emmett and Jasper had taken care of Caius, his body in pieces across the floor. Carlisle was looking at Zoee's wounds, as she shrieked at his touch. I watched Edward from the doorway, everyone watched as he stared at Bella's body in his bedroom floor. His eyes swept over her, his head still shaking, as he moved towards her, kneeling down beside her body.

"Bella." He whispered, turning her head where her lifeless eyes stared up at him. His face contorted into a grimace, his eyes glazing over as his teeth clenched. He caressed her hair and ran his fingers over her face, closing her eyes before leaning down and kissing her lips for the last time.

"I tried Daddy…." Zoee whispered, her face sullen. "I did…" Edward nodded in her direction and then looked at me. I started shaking my head again, not believing that this was in fact happening and I practically ran to him, my arms reaching out to hold him, as he clutched me against him. His chin rested on my shoulder as I held him, caressing his hair with my fingers. He pushed me away within seconds, obviously trying not to succumb to my emotional state. He covered his face with his hands and stood there silently, as everyone watched him. He looked up suddenly and spun me around to see that Seth was entering the room. He looked lost, saddened, but how could he know?

"What's happened?" I asked realizing he couldn't have known, something else put that look on his face.

"It's Embry." Edward whispered, close to my ear. I spun around to face him, glancing at Zoee who's head leaned back as Carlisle doctored up her wounds.

"What?" I could barely force the word out. "He's…what..."

"He's gone." Edward whispered, barely audible to me. I started shaking my head, my hand going over my mouth.

"No…" I whimpered. "No." The tears returned to my eyes as I looked at Zoee. "She…we…" I couldn't even make myself think. "… tell her…"

"Sunshine." Seth said softly and she looked towards him, smiling slightly. "We lost Embry." He nearly choked on the words, as his eyes glistened.

"No." Zoee said shaking her head just as I had. "I want to see him." She whispered, attempting to get to her feet. Emmett moved towards her, letting her lean on him as she got to her feet.

Emmett, Zoee, Seth, Edward and I moved slowly down the stairs, as the others stayed behind to take care of Caius's body, to make sure he remained dead. I moved around Zoee and slid my arm around her waist helping Emmett to keep her steady, even though I knew my help wasn't needed. I just wanted her to know I was there. As we stepped onto the porch, the pack and Spencer watched us. Jacob was kneeling on the ground, he hadn't glanced up, just stared at the fallen body on the ground. They had covered Embry from the waist down with a sheet. Obviously as he passed, his body phased back. Jacob finally looked up as we approached him, the hurt in his eyes was evident. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, his expression solemn.

Zoee released her hold on me and dropped to the ground beside him, reaching out instantly to touch Embry's face. Jacob bowed his head as Zoee pressed her forehead against Embry's, her face contorting into the most sorrowful look. She put her arms around his neck and held him, whispered sweet words, that I couldn't make out. I started crying again, and Emmett's arm came around my shoulder. I was hurting too much to even care, to worry about touching him. I turned to him and let him hold me as I cried, burying my head into his chest as the tears fell. I could feel his body tense but he made no move to let go.

"Jake." I heard Edward say and heard his footsteps as he moved closer to him. Without hesitation, Jacob asked the inevitable question.

"Where's Bella?" The words came out in a mumble. Edward was silent for a moment and I turned away from Emmett to look at Jacob, who stood fists clenched, head tilted.

"She's gone Jake." Edward finally answered. "Caius…" He voice broke and he turned away from him. Jacob nodded, his jaw tightening as he looked to ground.

Adryen's POV

Once Caius' body was removed from upstairs and taken care of like the others, Emmett carefully carried Bella outside and lay her beside Embry. Zoee and Edward sat on the porch, Drea between them, her arms around them both, as they leaned on her shoulders. It was heartbreaking. The losses we received today. Jacob stood to side, watching as Emmett and Jasper covered the body's of our loved ones. I knew he was hurting most of all, for he had lost his two best friends today.

I moved towards him, seating myself on the porch and looking up at him, taking his hand in mine. He acknowledged me with a quick squeeze to my hand. His eyes wandered carefully towards Drea watching as she caressed Edward's hair and kissed the top of Zoee's head. She had yet to say anything to Jacob, hadn't even given him a second look. He fuckin needs her. More now than he ever has. I hadn't meant to direct it to Edward, but he looked up at me and glanced at Jacob briefly before burying his face into Drea's neck. Obviously he had whispered to her, as she looked in my direction. Jacob, still holding my hand turned from her gaze and took a deep breath.

She removed her arms from them and stood up. Edward pushed his arm around Zoee as he watched Drea move cautiously towards us. She met my eyes as she approached us, I couldn't quite read her expression, but she looked longingly at Jacob who finally turned, noticing her presence. He dropped my hand as she moved towards him, throwing her arms around his neck, her fingers moving up his neck, holding his face lovingly. Their eyes met and Jacob slid his arms around her waist, his eyes filling with tears as she gripped him tightly. Squeezing his eyes shut, he buried his face in her neck and I could hear his sobbing as he finally let his feelings out.

Across the yard I caught Emmett watching them, a look of sincere regret on his face. Jasper put his hand on Emmett's shoulder and stared blindly at Jacob and Drea.

"Well looks like we have a winner." Jasper said nodding towards Jacob. "You played well brother, but you are no match for a crying man." Emmett's expression never changed as he watched her, holding Jacob, comforting him as he cried.

"I disagree." Emmett said, his jaws clenched and his eyes narrowed. Jasper looked at him for a moment and then looked at Drea.

"Seriously?" He asked, shaking his head. Emmett turned and looked at him, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Seriously….it's far from over."


Or is It?

Author's Note: Well now…. Hmmmmmm. What do you think bout that? Crazy aint it? *sigh* Again I would like to thank everyone who's followed my story and left wonderful reviews. I hope to see everyone's opinions on the last chapter and it's true…. Seriously, it's far from over.