A/N- Technically, this is the 3rd story in my Going Modern series. (Yes, number one is still on hiatus. But I will finish it eventually. At least, I have plans to do so.) This one is a completely modern take on Disney's Sleeping Beauty with a lot of interesting elements thrown in. The main storyline is basically the same, but there will be some key differences which will add to the overall affect of my version. I am really looking forward to the reader responses on this one, so if you read it make sure to comment. If you've never read my stuff before now, welcome to my written world. And to those of you following me here from my Little Mermaid Gone Modern fanfic, welcome back. Biggest things to note are that even though the story is in our own reality, the Disney movie does not exist in the context of my story, and that Aurora is not called Briar Rose. Personally, I think that learning the women you thought were your relatives are not your relatives, and that the name you grew up with is not your real name is an identity crisis waiting to happen so I left it out of my version on purpose. Aurora has enough to deal with already without throwing that into the mix. Trust me. As always, the rating is M. Read, Review, and Enjoy- Jas

If Not For A Dream: Disney's Sleeping Beauty, Gone Modern

Chapter 1-

(Summer of 2005)

"I can't believe I let you drag me here." Phillip Prince commented as his friend Connor Thomas ushered him through the back door of what looked like a back-alley strip club. He shook his head, his slicked-back brown hair barely shifting, and studied the badly laid wooden flooring.

Connor sighed, pushing his way through to an empty table. "You needed to get out. Get some life back into you. Karaoke is a good start."

"Except for the fact that I…" Phillip stopped mid-retort and turned toward the front of the bar. A tall, somewhat scared looking, blond stood on shaky legs on the stage. She looked completely terrified and he could imagine how her heart was going ninety-to-nothing as she stared out into a room of strangers ready to judge her singing prowess.

"I take it your interest in singing has suddenly multiplied." Connor joked, poking his friend in the ribs.

Phillip snapped his head around. "Shut up."

On stage, Aurora McKenzie bit her lip and stared at the television monitor as her song choice loaded into the machine. She clutched the cordless microphone in her left hand, bringing it up to her lips just as the words on the small screen began to change color. Taking a deep breath, she began her own rendition of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" and tried to forget she was on display for a bunch of drunk, or nearly drunk, judgmental louts and their girlfriends.

"She's really good." Connor stated as the blond on stage got to the middle of her song. "And cute. You should go talk to her. Get back in the dating game."

Phillip nodded. Truth was he had been thinking the same thing since the second she had appeared on stage looking like a deer in headlights, but Connor did not need to know that. "I might." He watched the girl leave the stage and head over to a booth full of girls and guys her own age, which he thought was about sixteen same as him.

"That was better than I expected." Gina Warren said as Aurora slid back into the booth. "Congrats."

"Yeah, so good, it seems you've picked up a fan." Tony Carter supplied as he pointed toward the opposite side of the room where a brunette boy was making his way to their booth fairly obviously.

Aurora glanced up, curious and cautious, and followed Tony's pointing finger. The boy was older than her, much taller, and had a strong build for his lanky stature. She decided it wouldn't hurt to converse with him, provided her chaperons allowed it that was.

Phillip reached the other side of the room and stood in front of the booth where the blond girl had retreated after her solo performance. "I just wanted to say that I think you are a very good singer." He smiled, watching for her reaction and noting how incredibly young she looked when flustered.

"I…uh..umm…" All thoughts left her mind as Aurora stared at that smile.

"Why don't you two go get your own table." Tony said, pushing Gina forward so that Aurora could exit the corner of the booth.

Phillip studied the group carefully. The rest were silent. Apparently the black haired guy was the leader. "I'd like that. If she is interested…" He held the blond girl's gaze. "Are you?"

"…I…y…yes." Aurora smiled, nodding her consent as she slid out of the booth.

"I'm glad." Phillip offered her his hand, relishing the feel of her smooth skin. "It looks like there's an empty booth over there. I'm Phillip."

Charmed by the gentle display of chivalry, Aurora took the offered hand and smiled. "Aurora. Nice to meet you, Phillip."

They turned to go when Tony caught Phillip's arm. "This is just permission to spend time together in here. Got it? No taking her in the back, and no driving her elsewhere."

Surprised, Phillip just nodded his understanding. "Okay." Then, he led Aurora away from her group, taking her arm to guide her through the maze of tables. After they were seated, he raised the subject. "Is that guy your brother?"

Aurora blinked. "Tony? No. I'm an only child. Tony's just…well…Tony. He looks out for me." She paused, looking at the table. "I'm surprised he let me walk away from him to be honest. Especially when it's with an older guy."

Phillip studied her delicate hands, so petite and with perfectly manicured but unpolished nails. "I'm only sixteen. Same as you."

She smiled, her eyes lighting up. "I'm only fourteen, Phillip. I have always looked older than my age. It's part of the reason my friends are so protective. I get eighteen year old guys asking me out all the time at school. It terrifies my aunts."

"Aunts?" He titled his head. "Like lesbians living together as aunt and uncle, only it's aunt and aunt?"

"Goodness no." Aurora chuckled, her laugh igniting his in return. "I live with my mother's sister and her two roommates. One is my aunt by blood, the other two just want me to call them Aunt so-and-so. They're really kind ladies, if a bit…bumbling…."

He nodded. "So where are your parents then?"

She glanced down, her hair falling into her vision. "They're…gone. My mother died in childbirth and my father was plowed into by some teenage degenerate a couple years later."

Phillip sat up straighter, his hand slowly sliding over the table top toward her before he even realized it. "I'm really sorry."

Aurora lifted her head, her dark brown eyes set against showing any form of emotion. "I've learned to let them go."

"Can I have your cell number?" He asked, setting his cell phone on the table.

"I don't have one." She slumped her shoulders in an apologetic gesture. "My aunts don't believe in technology that much. But we do have a phone. You can have that number if you like."

He smiled. "Something tells me I am going to really have an interesting time meeting your aunts."

She grinned. "I'd imagine so. They are very…unique…women."

"Sorry to bust up your little pow-wow here, but I just got a call from Mom. She needs the car back pronto, so we have to get gone." Connor Thomas interjected as he appeared at Phillip's elbow. He studied the small blond with a quizzical gaze. "Besides, I think her entourage is ready to go too."

Phillip glanced backward toward the booth and saw that Connor's information was accurate. The group was piling out of their seats and putting on coats. He hated to let Aurora go, but he did not want a black eye from Tony either- a likely result of asking to drive her home. He sighed and turned his attention back to the naturally beautiful blond sitting across from him. "I'll call you soon."

Aurora smiled. "I do hope that is true. You are the most interesting person I've had the pleasure of meeting in a very long time."

Phillip stood and offered her his hand for the second time that night. "I could say the same, Miss Aurora." He pulled her to her feet and gently kissed her hand in a truly cheesy manner. "Till we meet again."

"Good bye, Phillip." Aurora stepped up onto her tiptoes and lightly pressed her rose-red lips against his clean-shaven cheek. "I look forward to our next encounter." And with that, she left him alone with his friend.

Connor watched her go before saying anything else. "Mom didn't really call. I just found out your love interest was fourteen and had to curb your intentions before you got yourself into some major trouble."

"That so?" Phillip smiled. "I appreciate the efforts, but I already knew how old she was."

"And you're still interested?" Connor shook his head.

"I'd say more so, actually." Phillip absently rubbed his cheek thinking about her innocent kiss. "Let's go ahead and go though. I'm hungry."

Connor laughed, nodding his agreement. "Yeah, me too."

Piled into the back seat of Tony's car, Aurora stared out the window lost in thought. She had surprised herself by kissing a perfect stranger, and yet it had felt rather right. In fact, all she could currently think about was what a real kiss from Phillip would feel like. There was just something about that boy. She really hoped he would keep his word and call her soon.

A few days later, Merryweather Williams set about the house with a ragged-looking feather duster, swiping it across every wooden surface she could reach with her four foot five height. She hummed as she worked, her soft tone dancing on the wind generated by the ceiling fan above her scarf-protected brunette hair. "Oh my. My. My." She clicked her tongue and attacked a very dusty trinket of her roommate Fauna's, picking the little crystal piano up with a careful air and lightly dusting it off. "So much dust. Such a small house."

The phone rang and she nearly dropped the crystal piano. She set the trinket back on its shelf and picked up the receiver. "McKenzie Residence. Williams Residence. And Roth Residence. With whom do you wish to converse?"

A young boy's low voice came over the line, startling her. "Is Aurora there, please?"

Merryweather sucked in her breath. She had always known something like this would happen eventually, but she had never liked the action she was told to take. She considered the young girl's feelings a long time before sighing and shaking her head. She could not go against Fauna's orders. "I'm sorry, young man, but you have the wrong number. There is no Aurora in residence here. Perhaps you mis-dialed?"

There was pause on the other end of the line, then an audible sigh. "Yeah. Maybe. Thanks anyway."

"My pleasure. Have a chipper day, now!" She countered and quickly hung up before he could reply.

"Aunt Merryweather?" Aurora called out cheerfully as she took the stairs two at a time. "Is the phone for me?"

Merryweather straightened up. It was fairly difficult to lie to a stranger, but it was absolutely almost impossible to lie to sweet Aurora. She composed her expression and turned to face the bright-eyed girl. "Sorry, Dear. It was just a wrong number. Were you expecting a call?"

Dejected, Aurora leaned against the stair-rail. "Oh…alright." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I really thought he meant what he said. I guess I was wrong."

Merryweather bit her tongue and went back to her dusting unable to watch the tears that began to fall onto her little 'niece's' rosy cheeks. She felt awful, just positively horrid. But she had her orders and the girl's safety was far more important at present than lying to her about a phone call.

In his bedroom, Phillip stared at the number in his cell phone address book. He knew it was correct. He just could not understand why the woman had lied to him. Why were her aunts keeping Aurora from people? Acting like she did not exist? It was really weird, and seriously annoying. That was the third time he had called in the last few days and each time he was told he had the wrong number and that a girl named Aurora did not live there. These women were covering up for something. But what, and why? Just exactly who was Aurora to warrant such obsessive protection? These questions were going to plague him night and day until he got some real answers- preferably from the women themselves.