Here is my latest story! Strangely enough, this started out as a silly idea for a fluffy one-shot, but somehow my twisted mind turned it into a dark little number, as I often have a tendency to do. The whole story should pan between 4-8 chapters. I hope you enjoy it.

I've messed with the canon timeline a little, setting this shortly before Misa is captured and Light voluntarily gets himself taken in. Light is still fine-tuning the plan for his memory gambit.

Thanks to snow-fish who gave me the first spark of inspiration for this idea.

Just so you know: Ju-on 2 is the Japanese original version of The Grudge 2, and it came out in 2003, so it is the right time. I've never actually seen the Japanese or English versions of those movies – I just picked one with the right release date. I have seen a whole variety of other Japanese horror movies, though, and I took some inspiration from those.

When he was a child, Light had once spent the night at a friend's house watching horror films that the pair were most certainly too young to be seeing. He had been absolutely terrified, clutching the arms of his chair far too tight every time a ghost or malevolent spirit would appear on the screen. He had been so scared that one of the ghosts would come and kill him that he didn't sleep for four days, causing his parents much concern and very nearly getting him sent to counselling. He calmed down, though, the rational part of him finally convincing him that there is no such thing as ghosts and nothing will hurt you in your own home.

He never watched another horror movie again.


Years later, Light is certain he is no longer scared of ghosts. Not when there are people, evil people, with no undead revenge or ancient curses to explain their wholly abhorrent actions. And when he finds a way to punish such people, he gladly seizes it, becoming like a vengeful spirit himself, taking the lives of those who do not deserve them and using fear of death to stop others from stepping off the path of righteousness.

But when the shinigami appears, all of Light's phobias return, even if only for a second.

oh god it's here my punishment my death oh god oh god please don't hurt me

Light manages to compose himself, if a little shakily, and asks the shinigami if he has come to take his soul. He is certain that this is the end for him. He is glad, at least, that he accomplished as much as he has before this point.

The shinigami's answer surprises him.

"I won't do anything to you."

Light stares for a while, struck dumb, as he processes this information. The shinigami will not hurt him, will not seek vengeance upon the human who dares to use his tool. Even better, the Death Note is Light's own property now, his to use as he sees fit. He laughs quietly at his childish fears. The shinigami is no threat, and Light has the greatest weapon of all.

He still jumps, though, whenever he wakes to see Ryuk's leering face hanging over him.


Matsuda is usually clumsy and a little scatterbrained, but it does not escape the team's notice that he is exceptionally skittish this morning. Light, who is trying to simultaneously convince L of his innocence and conjure a plan to find the man's true name, does not pay very much attention. That is, until Aizawa snaps at Matsuda for jerking away when he tried to hand the younger officer a file.

"Matsuda, seriously, what is your problem?"

Matsuda looks over, seeming to have only just noticed he had scattered papers all over the floor. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Aizawa! I've been a bit edgy all day because I watched the second Ju-on at the cinema last night. It was really scary!"

Aizawa gives Matsuda a condescending look and opens his mouth, probably to make a sarcastic comment, before L cuts him off.

"Was it a good film, Matsuda? I have always had a penchant for the horror genre."

"Oh yes, it was really exciting. I just got a bit scared."

Light turns to the genius detective sat across the room from him. "You like horror films? Really?"

L regards him inquisitively. "Can I presume that Light does not?"

Despite everything he's seen, despite everything he's done, Light still cannot suppress a slight shiver at the idea. "Most certainly not. I think they're just an excuse for movie writers to enact needless violence against undeserving innocent people. I mean, even Kira only punishes criminals. Why would anyone want to see good people die for no reason?"

Light doesn't miss the spark of amusement in L's eyes. "Is Light afraid of ghosts?"

Light is glad that he has spent so much time perfecting his outward persona, because it means it is easy for him to chuckle gently at the idea. He is not scared of ghosts, not at all.

"Don't be ridiculous, Ryuzaki. I just don't like horror films, that's all. I can't be scared of something that isn't real."

L leans back, idly tapping a spoon against his lip. "People are quite often scared of things that aren't real, Light. And in a world where a person can kill without ever encountering his victims, who is to say that ghosts do not exist?"

Light frowns, the ever-present shinigami at his shoulder reminding him that there are certainly some creatures that aren't entirely mythological.

The detective continues his postulation. "I would have to say that, were ghosts to exist, Kira would be scared of them. One can only imagine the wrath he has incurred from his actions. It is certain that he would have many vengeful spirits after him."

"Oh, come on!" Light snaps. "Even for you, Ryuzaki, that's ridiculous. Are you saying that my being scared of ghosts makes it more likely that I'm Kira?"

Turning to face him, L raises an eyebrow. "So you are afraid of ghosts, Light?"

Horrified at his inadvertent admission, Light opens his mouth to make a retort but manages only to produce an indignant squeak.

"I'm sorry, Light," L says, not looking in the least bit sorry. "I did not realise you were embarrassed about it. Phobias are nothing to be ashamed of. Nearly all people have at least one."

Light merely glares in response and L turns away, dropping the subject, but Light does not miss corners of the detective's lips twitching up slightly as he resumes typing on his laptop.


Two weeks later, Light is sat at his desk, thinking. Despite Ryuk's assurances that there are no cameras or other observational equipment in his room, he cannot shake off the feeling that he is being watched somehow, his every move being analysed. Just in case, he takes a few loose pages of the Death Note and tucks them into his bag, planning to go outside and use them when he can be sure nobody will notice.

scritch scritch scritch

Light frowns. Was that in the attic?

scritch scritch

A rat? He grimaces slightly at the thought. What if it got into the kitchen?

scritch scritch, scritch scritch, THUNK

That was most certainly not a rat. Grabbing a torch from his bedside table, Light heads into the hallway and examines the attic hatch. It doesn't look like it's been opened for a while. Still, it is possible that someone had broken in through the window, so Light pulls the ladder down and heads up to investigate. Ryuk floats up after him, his usual manic grin stretched across his face.

It is dusk, and the light coming in from the attic window casts a grey pallor over everything in the room. There is a small pile of boxes in one corner, covered with a sheet, various old toys of Sayu's, and Light's first bike. Light shines the torch over each of these in turn, checking to see if they have been disturbed at all. A kokeshi that Sayu was given a few birthdays ago has fallen over, lying face-down on the floor. Light surmises that this is probably what caused the bang, knocked over by whatever had been scrabbling around up here. He briefly wonders if the Note works on animals, thinking it would be much more effective than rat pellets, but quickly dismisses the notion when he realises how ridiculous that would be. Replacing the wooden doll, Light heads back to the ladder.

The scratching starts again. But this time, it sounds like it is coming from the roof. Ryuk is studying the ceiling, his smile growing even wider.

Light looks up, as if expecting to see the cause of the noise staring back at him.

Could it be a bird? No, it sounds too big to be a bird.

The more Light listens, the more it sounds like there is some creature on the roof, scrabbling, tearing at the tiles, trying to get in.

Unnerved, Light calls out, "Hello?"

At the sound of his voice, the scratching stops. Light sighs, hoping he scared away whatever it was. But then it starts again, with increasing fervour, and Light swears he actually hears a snarl as the creature tries to get inside.

It isn't just trying to get inside. It's trying to get to me.

Not allowing himself to panic, Light slowly heads back down the ladder, trying to make as little noise as possible. He slides the ladder back up and closes the hatch, going back into his room and hastily sitting down as if nothing had happened.

Ryuk bobs back down through the ceiling, somewhat amused. "Hoho, Light, how come you're bein' so twitchy?"

Light turns his fiercest gaze on the shinigami. "I am not twitchy, Ryuk. It's just an animal on the roof. It will probably go away soon."

Ryuk laughs even harder at this. "But Light, it isn't an animal! That's the best part!"

Light does not hear Ryuk's raucous laughter, going cold at the shinigami's words.

Not an animal? But if it isn't an animal…what is it?

His mind reels with a thousand unspoken thoughts, tiny voices silently screaming at him, clamouring to escape his subconscious and break out into reality.

And then his mind stops.

He hears it. It sounds close, so close now.

scritch scritch, scritch scritch…

Thoughts are greatly appreciated.