Lvmj: Mumbles to himself. "I can't believe I let you talked me into this."

Stranger: "Come on, it'd be fun! Just let me write some stuff!"

Lvmj: sighs. "Fellow Readers, meet my friend who shall be called DarkLvmj. She will be helping me write and also do her own work on here 'cause apparently I don't write enough." Glares at DarkLvmj

DarkLvmj: "Shush! Hello Readers! I am a friend of Lvmj. I will be writing stuff on his account now since he hasn't been updating for a bit. And why haven't you, huh!? I love Swords of Power you know!"

Lvmj: Currently at the table neck deep in books. "Well, if you haven't noticed, college has been kicking my ass along with the condition of my hands, can't type well."

DarkLvmj: "Ah, that's right, well that sucks! Hurry up and get better so we can enjoy your stories!"

Lvmj: "Yes, yes, whatever. Oh, why did you choose 'DarkLvmj'? That's like a total ripoff of my name! Besides, I am a guy! Shouldn't a "DarkLvmj" be a dark persona of me?"

DarkLvmj: "Don't know, don't care, your name is unique and I can't come up with good names. Oh, and what does 'Lvmj' stand for? Hmmm?!"

Lvmj: Slaps head. "Not answering that, no matter how many times you ask! Just get on with your story and leave me to work on my stuff."

DarkLvmj: Hmphs and waves. "Alright folks! Hope you can all stand me! Oh, and try to guess what Lvmj's name stands for! I wanna hear what you all think!"

Lvmj: "You are a caniving person, you know that?"

DarkLvmj: "I know, learned from the best!"

Lvmj: " don't mean me, right?"

DarkLvmj: "Of course not you silly goose! I taught myself!"

Lvmj: "....and why did I agree to this again?"

DarkLvmj: "Because you love me! Now shush! We gotta do the disclaimer!"

Disclamer- "We don't own ANYTHING!"

Seeing the World Blindfolded

Chapter One: Losing something precious and gaining something else


A word that, for most, defines the glorious defeat of the Kyuubi no Kitsune by the hands of the Fourth Hokage of Konoha. There were many people scattered about on the day the terrible beast 'fell', October Tenth. Children skipped happily with their mothers and father, Shinobi veterans tell the onslaught of that day seven years ago, and stands are open hours upon hours, making their money and selling their items.

But, not all people see this day as a day of Celebration.

Tragic. Death. Mourning. Hate. Despise. Anger.

These were the words that people described or were in the mood of on October Tenth. Fathers go to bars, grieving over their lost sons and daughters. Mothers go to their family's grave and cry out in anguish. Sons and daughters curse the day the terrible beast ever came to Konoha.

But, there was on person who likes to think of all these words, celebration along with tragic and the rest. Uzumaki Naruto, the village pariah and scapegoat. The poor boy who holds up his Happy Mask to show all the cruel bastards out there that they can't get to him.

The thing is, today, that Mask will be cracked, and soon wear away down the years.

"Get the Demon!" a drunken villager shouted out, carrying a discarded kunia found at one of the many training fields.

"Come on, he came this way!" another villager said, this time a female one.

The 'Demon' they were currently talking about was running as fast as his short legs could carry him.

'Crap, crap, crap!' he thought to himself. Naruto thought he go get something to eat, this meant stealing mind you, during the celebration. He figured that no one will notice him stealing bread.

He figured wrong as he took a left turn down an ally way.

"Time to dump this for later," he said to himself as he threw the bread upwards onto a roof of a home. He took down a mental note of the place and jumped over a trash can.

A few seconds after, he heard his pursuers crash into said trash can.

"Ha! That's what you get!" Naruto said with a laugh while still running. His laugh was halted when a kunia flew right by his head, cutting the left side of his forehead and taking a few strands of his bright blond hair.

"About time you two came!" Two chunin jumped down from the roofs on each side of Naruto.

"Crap," Naruto mumbled to himself. "Come on guys, we go through this every year! Can't you just stop?"

He was answered with a fist in the face, sending him down against the brick wall of the ally way.

"Time for some retribution," a villager with an eye patch says as he took a kunia. "An eye for an eye they always say. Let's make it two in your case Demon." With that said the villager drew back the kunia.

Naruto's bright blue eyes widened at the kunia. "Please, don't! Just tell me what I did wrong! I'll be good!"

The people around him sneered. "Just die already!"

The kunia drew close. On impulse, Naruto shut his eyes. Then....

....all he knew was blinding pain as the kunia dug straight into his left eye socket.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!" Naruto cried over and over, thrashing around as the villager twisted the kunia. Blood and flesh splattered around them and the walls as one of the two ninja slammed his hand over Naruto's mouth to shut him up.

The villager withdrew the kunia, flinging off whatever was left of Naruto's eye onto the ground.

"Now, for the other one."

---Close by---

A young black haired boy walked down the street, holding a bag of groceries in his tiny arms. People greeted him with smiles and small bows.

"Hello Lord Uchiha."

"Good afternoon Lord Uchiha."

"Need anything, Lord Uchiha?"

These were the usual greetings Sasuke Uchiha had to go through, every single day since his brother Itachi decimated the rest of the Uchiha clan.

To put it frankly, Sasuke was getting sick of everyone calling him Lord Uchiha.

"Doesn't anybody know my name?" he questioned himself. And this DOESN'T include his personal fangirls that follow him often.

He shivered at the thought of them.

'Now that I think about it,' he thought, 'no one really knows me or excepts me for who I am.' Something clicked in his mind after he thought that. Something that actually happened yesterday at the pier.


It was a few weeks after the death of the clan. Sasuke sat at the edge of the pier. He was sick and tired of everyone trying to comfort him and smoother him. All he got were sad frowns or angry frowns where ever he went.

"Stupid villagers," he silently said to himself.

"Crazy ass villagers!" a voice came from above him. Sasuke looked back to see Naruto, walking away with a frown on his face.

Naruto stopped and turned his head to see the curious gaze of Sasuke. At first, they frowned at each other as Naruto turned to leave, walking away a few steps.

But, for some reason, he had the urge to turn back with a small smile. Seeing this, Sasuke grinned himself.

Naruto walked away, content on making the boy smile.


"I wonder what ever happened to Naruto," Sasuke mused. He had known him from the Ninja school but never quite talked to him.

Just then a large object was thrown his way. Sasuke ducked out of reflex, seeing the blond mass topple over him.

"Wait...blond?" he thought to himself as he turned around to see Naruto, holding his eyes in a fetal position.

"Naruto! Are you okay?" Sasuke ran to him, dropping his groceries.

"Sasuke? Is that you? Please, help me, don't let them hurt me anymore!" Naruto said, scooting away from where he thought the ally was.

"Naruto what God," Sasuke said as he knelt down to him. He saw both eyes gorged out, strips of cord were hanging out of the left eye socket.

"Come on, lets finish the demon off," the Villager said as the men came out, only to see the back of an enraged Uchiha.

"Lord Uchiha! Get away from him, now!" one of the chunin said as they saw Sasuke's form shake.

Sasuke went through seals while his back was to them. "Katon...." he then turned around, his eyes surprisingly holding the first stage of the famous dojusto of the Uchiha clan, the Sharingan! "... Goukakyuu no Jutsu!"

It was then that all hell broke loose on that section of Konoha.


DarkLvmj: "How'd you like it? Good? Bad? Tell me!"

Lvmj: "For the love of all that is holy, please tell her to shut her up."

DarkLvmj: "Shush! Anyway, sorry if this was short!"

Lvmj: "On another note, we seriosly got to get you a new name."

DarkLvmj: Slammed a frying pan on Lvmj's head.

Lvmj: "......ouch."

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu : Grand Fireball