okay, this is my first attempt at a "mating season" fanfic, or what ever you wanna call it, I got the idea for it while reading some fanfics so I hope you enjoy it, even if it sucks....

The journey for Naraku is becoming a huge pain in the ass for Inuyasha and his friends. There was no telling what could happen. Many things could happen. Sure, they fought demons on a daily bases. There was nothing that could stop them. Not even the demon lord, Sesshumaru. Inuyasha had endured many battles, like the battle with the Band Of Seven. The many fights with Naraku and his incarnations. And of course the many 'sit' commands of Kagome's. But there was one thing that Inuyasha never knew that he would have to face would be the most toughest thing he had ever to face.

Mating Season.

Yup, it was the worst thing that the half demon could face. Of course, that season didn't start for another two days. But, the affects were starting to get to him. There was no telling what could happen, what damage he could do. Or, what he may lose in the end. (sorry, I like to be dramatic, anyway)

Now, we see the Inuyasha group walking down the road.

There was a girl with long black hair, brown eyes, wearing a short green skirt, a long sleeved white shirt with green around the ends of the sleeves and around her neck with a red bow. Her name is Kagome.

A girl with long brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a pink and green kimono and has a huge boomerang on her back, Her name is Sango.

A boy with short black hair, blue eyes, wearing a purple and black monk robes, holding a golden staff in his left hand and a cloth covering his right. His name is Miroku

And finally, a boy with long silver hair, golden eyes, a red hakama and haori. And atop his head were two silver dog ears. His name, is Inuyasha.

(Shippo is in a village cause he has a cold)

Everyone was starting to get tired, they wanted to take a break. But not Inuyasha. He only wanted to kill the demon that they were hunting down for Kaede. Besides, it wasn't that far. But than again, everyone else were human. As for Inuyasha, he was a half demon. So he wouldn't get tired as quickly. But there was another reason why he just wanted to kill this demon. All he wanted was to get it done and over with, cause of what was coming closer.

He was regretting that very season. Inuyasha normally didn't fear anything, but when it comes to Kagome's safety, than he should be afraid. With his feelings, or the way he feels for Kagome, he couldn't help but worry. There was no telling what could happen. So for the past week, he's been keeping his distance from her.

But as the season got closer, the harder it got for the half demon. There was no telling what could happen. But he knew this, he feared for Kagome's very innocence.

There was a sound, it sounded like a roar of a lion. Was it a lion? Or was it something else? Then, out of the trees was a huge demon. And, funny enough, it was a lion demon. (lol) Inuyasha grabbed his sword, and watched as it transformed into the mighty fang of destruction. Kagome, readied her bow and arrow, Miroku got his staff ready and Sango grabbed her bone boomerang. This was going to be a hard fight. It sure was...

(I'm to lazy to write the battle, so I'm just gonna skip it, sorry.)

The battle was over, Inuyasha and his friends were victorious. But, sadly they had to stay where they were for it was dark. They've been traveling for days and it would take them a few days to get back, even without setting up a camp for the night. Inuyasha went to a tree to watch over everyone for the night. Or, more to the point, to make sure that he didn't do something.

Kagome was making ramen for dinner, Miroku and Sango went to get some fire and water for the meal. So that only left the half demon and the miko from the future. Kagome stared up at Inuyasha, wondering why she's been keeping away from her the past week. It was really starting to bother her. So she calmly asked "is something bothering you Inuyasha?"

"No. Nothings bothering me. What gave you that idea wench?" Said a calm Inuyasha.

Kagome wasn't sure how to ask. It wasn't like she could just say 'well, it's just that you've distance yourself from me, so I was worried.' That would be very stupid. So, for now, she would leave it alone. After all there wasn't nothing that she could do at the moment. Then, Sango and Miroku came from the clearing of the forest and gave Kagome what she needed to make ramen.

After a while, the ramen was done, and she waited for Inuyasha to come out of the tree. And of course, he did, but didn't say anything as he took the ramen cup and just hoped back in the tree. Kagome sighed. Than Miroku calmly said "well, I guess Inuyasha is starting to feel the affects of what's going to happen."

"Huh?" Asked Kagome.

"It's Mating Season in two days, he's been feeling the affects for a week. He may think that we didn't know, but oh we do." Said Sango.

Kagome finally understood. Kaede had told her that when it was spring, demons would go crazy with lust and desire. Even half demons. But it might affect half demons more since they are also part human, and with the mixed desires of both human and demon, it would drive him crazy. And it also explains the whole, keeping to himself most of the time. But the only thing that she wanted to do was help him.

There was no telling what could happen. After all, Inuyasha was a strong willed guy, but... how strong was his self control over those type of things? That was the million dollar question. But there was nothing that could be done. Mating Season will happen, and Inuyasha will feel it's full affects. His self control will be tested with this season. But, is it the first time Mating Season bothered him? Or no? The only way to find out, is to ask, but it isn't any of their business to ask.

With that, they cleaned up, and went to sleep... Well, all but Inuyasha.

Inuyasha stared at the sky, he knew that Mating Season was getting closer. But he also knew that his feelings for Kagome will increase by... ten fold, maybe more. It would be really hard to say. Since it is the first time Mating Season took an affect on his body. There was no telling what could happen. Then, his gaze went to the black haired beauty that had captured his heart. His heart did belong with along, but that's just it... it did now it doesn't. For it now belongs to her, Kagome... the girl from 500 years into the future.

He couldn't bare it if he hurt her during Mating Season... Not just physically, but emotionally. Then, a new voice entered his head saying with lust 'soon, that girl will be ours.'

Inuyasha growled a bit, he's been hearing that voice, the voice of his inner demon for a week. Kept saying that Kagome will be theirs. But he wasn't going to take Kagome without her consult. There was just the fact that with her even near him, he could lose all of his self control and take her some where. He couldn't live with himself if that were to happen to her. And what would make it worse is that, he'd still remember it.

'I won't take her... I wouldn't just take her innocence away from her. I love her too much to do that... If you were my inner demon... than you would feel the same...'

'Well, too bad for you, I don't. The girl will be ours, and nothing will stop me. Once your guard is down, and she's close... She's mine.' Thought his inner demon.

Before Inuyasha could respond to it, it was gone... This wasn't good. Ever since Mating Season was getting closer, his inner demon had been getting stronger. There was no telling what it would do to Kagome. He didn't want to hurt her. If he did want to take her as a mate, he would have her permission, he wouldn't just take her.

Doing that, would harm her more than help her. Besides, it's not like she likes him that way anyway. So, he'll just have to stay away from her for about... a month maybe? Or a little over a month. It was hard to say... For there was only two ways for him to stop feeling the affects of Mating Season.

Option one:wait it out like a man

Option two:was to find a mate and go with the flow with what came...

He chose option one. There was no point in picking option two. Just no point... There wasn't a point at all... Sigh... It was going to be a long season... That much was for sure. Then, Inuyasha went to sleep. There were no demons in the area, but if there was, he would be fully aware of it. No matter what, he'd always protect his friends... Always...

Inuyasha was walking around in the dark. He wasn't sure where he was. It was cold, dark, and damp. Then, he felt that he was on top of something. It was soft, but cold and covered in blood. What was it? When his eyes adjusted to the light, he gasped in shock, and pure horror. the blood that covered his claws was the blood of the one person he loves the most.


He was on top of her, his clothes were gone and along with hers. Her clothes were on the floor in shreds. No, no, no! This couldn't be happening! Kagome stared at him with almost dull eyes. Her eyes looked like that lacked life, the light that she once had that always brought a smile to Inuyasha's face. It was gone... It wasn't there anymore...

Kagome weakly said "Inuyasha.... how... how... could.... you...?" With that, her eyes closed, and her head fell limply to the side. Inuyasha was in shock. He checked for a pulse. Her breathing, a heart beat, anything! Anything to show him that she was still alive! That was all he wanted! Was for Kagome to be alive! But... when he checked... there wasn't anything... No pulse, no breathing, and no heart beat... Her skin started to go cold.

Why... why was this happening? WHY?! He just raped and killed the one he loved! It was the curse of Mating Season! That's what it was! Mating Season isn't something that helps demons or half demons find their mate, it's a curse! They find some pour helpless woman and then, rape her... In the end, she dies! It isn't fair! It just isn't fair! Inuyasha screamed out "NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Inuyasha woke up screaming no. But when he opened his eyes, it was day light that met his vision. Panting heavily as he wipes the sweat from his brow. It was just a nightmare... Just a horrible, horrible nightmare. That's what it was... And that's all it'll ever be... But... that nightmare just gave him more to worry about. What if that did happen? What if he did rape Kagome to her very death?

It wouldn't be fair to her... It wouldn't be fair to him... He couldn ever kill someone he loves. But fate has many way to get back at you. Inuyasha couldn't bare it... If Kagome were to die, by his own hands... He wouldn't want to live.. Then, he heard a concered voice asking "Inuyasha, you okay?"

Inuyasha looked down at the source of the voice as he said "it's nothing Kagome..."

"You sure? You were screaming in your sleep... It must have been something bad for that to happen..."

"I told you, it's nothing! Just drop it wench!" Screamed Inuyasha. He didn't want to talk about it. It was bad enough that he had a nightmare about him harming Kagome. But, to have her so concerned about him, it just made him even more worried. What if he were to disappear and she were to follow out of concern? What then? Would he lose control and attack her out of lust?

He wasn't sure. But it gave him a new reason why he had to stay away from Kagome. It was the only way to protect her from the very thing that he fears the most. Her death... by his hands...