Masked-Writer-In-Disguise: 'Kay, guys. This is officially the last chapter of Stumble… well, more like an epilogue, really, in that it's so short, but all the same… I would like to thank each and every one of you for sticking it out with me through all the lateness and the lack of lemons and all of my stupid excuses and I'm sorry this chapter isn't very long, but I might write a sequel for y'all sometime, just 'cause y'all have been so patient with me… Maybe a lemon… Thank you!

Disclaimer: I do believe we went over this already, ya know, in Chapter 1…

Inspiration: Disney's Beauty and the Beast; no song for this'n.


Stumble: Chapter 13:


By: Masked-Writer-In-Disguise

Warm. That was the first thing that came into Iruka's head when he woke up. He was completely warm and comfortable and he felt absolutely wonderful; like floating would be quite nice right about now, really. Kakashi's body was comfortable, pressed up against the smaller one with a head of silver hair tucked neatly under Iruka's chin. Who knew Kakashi liked to cuddle after sex? Iruka doubted anyone would have had a chance to find out, and he rejoiced in that fact. Kakashi, the supposedly most eligible sex god of a bachelor, was Iruka's, a small Chunnin school teacher. Ha!

Iruka took this moment to bask in a triumphant glow before it was very rudely interrupted by a bright cheerful voice, also known as Naruto, invading the peace of the morning.

"Iruka-sensei!" Naruto called out, the voice slowly getting closer to the bedroom. "Iruka-sensei. Have you seen Kakashi?" There was a knock on the bedroom door before it was pushed open, revealing a head of golden hair to the suddenly very grumpy school teacher. "He's very, extremely, more so than usual- GYAAH!"

Iruka smirked at Naruto's reaction and Kakashi's head snapped up, eyes eerily sharp as he glanced around the room sleepily before landing on Naruto.

"Training's canceled. Go 'way, Naruto," Kakashi muttered and let his head fall back to Iruka's chest, his eyes immediately falling closed again.

But Naruto didn't go away. Instead he stood there and gaped like a fish pointing accusingly at Kakashi and occasionally letting out little clips of sentences like, "But, Iruka-" and "Kakashi, you deflowered-" but he never made it through any of them.

"Go away, Naruto. I'm fine, he's fine and your training's canceled. I'll call you when I feel like getting out of bed," Iruka finally put a stop to the stupidity that was ruining his morning.

Naruto looked at his big brother-like figure before nodding reluctantly and turning to leave. Just before he disappeared completely he muttered, "You're both gonna owe me a lot of ramen for this." Then he was gone.

The chocolate haired man listened for the front door to close before he let himself drop back to his pillow and close his eyes, his irritation at the blond quickly melting away as Kakashi's fingers trailed suggestively down his side and over his hip towards his inner thigh… Damn, he felt good.


Masked-Writer-In-Disguise: And there y'all have it: The Last Chapter of Stumble. Celebrate and mourn in equal measure with me alright? Celebrate because this is officially the first chaptered story I have ever completed and mourn because it's over… I had a hell of a time writing this, but I'm kinda glad I got this one off my chest and out of my workload. I have a lot of stuff I need to write. Thank you and good night!